Did you draw your own comics when you were a kid? Describe them

Did you draw your own comics when you were a kid? Describe them.

I drew comics with a friend of mine. They were rather crude and lacked anything resembling a coherent plot, but they were funny... if quite absurd.

All of the characters were stick figures and they barely evolved beyond that (e.g, drawing bumps on arms and legs to represent muscles). The protagonist was usually a superhero or a guy with a remarkable amount of luck. To distinguish him we usually gave him a hat.

I can't remember much of the storylines we came up with. Many were parodies of anime or kids' books. Even when we did something original we included cameos from characters like Sonic the Hedgehog (I was a Sonic fanboy back in the day).

I remember coming up with one that saw a guy accidentally transported through a wormhole into a land dominated by giant babies. It was quite a tale.

What were we smoking back then?

My friend and I used to draw shitty superhero comics that were retarded and basically looked like CWC-tier stuff. One day his dad bought us tracing paper and we'd trace Calvin and Hobbes and make our own retarded punchlines. Good times.

Hell yes I did. I'm an oldfag so I was 11 years old in 1992.
Most were sad sad rip offs of Image shit. Lots of spikes and pouches all over the place.
Some were just Marvel characters though.
A while back I used that hero maker to visualize them since I have no actual examples of my art from then.

This was Mud-Man. A park ranger who falls into toxic waste that had been dumped on the nature reserve. Merges with the radioactive mud. Basically a heroic Clayface.

Silver Condor. Native American guy finds a crashed UFO and uses the tech to build himself a flying super-suit.

The one character I used the most was the Black Spyder. Mainly because McFarlane had not long before done a run with Pete wearing the black suit to fight Morbius and I thought that was the single most bad ass two issues I had ever read at the time.

The Laugher was Joker-as-Punisher
I don't even think I even bothered with an origin for him. I just did a few strips of him showing up to a mugging or bank robbery and murdering the crooks with gags and tricks

I drew a comic of Wolverine, he used to be my favorite guy

The art was in crayon and the story was more or less "Wolverine fights the bad guy"

Tons, all up through college when the clinical depression manifested (long-ass family history of it) and I reached a point where I now can't even draw a stick figure without angrily erasing it in disgust.

Ah, this thread again.

>year 1998
>grade 8
>age 13

A comic series of a pair blue and red stick figures called Blueboy and Red Guy back when Disney Create first started.
In the first issue, Red Guy tries to find everyone who mysteriously goes missing. In issue two, Red Guy accidentally switches body with his cat named Meow. In issue three, Blueboy and Red Guy have to fill in for the Easter Bunny after he gets sick. And in the final issue they try to decide what to do during the summer.

Hey I remember that one!

Mister Monstrosity was my big bad. I liked the name Mr. Sinister and I remember seeing that cover where Darkseid had Orion in a cage made of Omega Effect and thought that was a need visual.

So I had Mister Monstrosity look like a shadowy, chaotic figure with eye beams that wrapped around him for some reason...

I had a superhero comic in elementary school called Chunky Sandwhich (yes I now know the spelling-error) about a sandwich that was infused with radiation before it could be eaten and came to life to fight crime. Every issue Chunky discovered a new power from heat-seeking missiles, to jetpack-flight and launching slime. It eventually got very cluttered because I meant it when I said "every issue". I made copies at school and most of the people in my class bought copies for a dollar apiece. Fun times.

Oh and I made an issue every week with pencil only so I ended up making a pretty penny off of it.

Dude, how do you even still have that?

I had Red-Death and Black-Death. Twin ninjas who were super-powered as long as they were within a certain proximity of each other.

i will forever regret throwing out all my childhood drawings when I was an insecure teenager and couldn't bare to look at them for insecure teenager reasons. when I become a parent I will make sure to keep and preserve all of my children's drawings so that they will never have to feel the same regret that I do now and always will. I feel that if I were able to get in touch with my younger self that would really help me figure out some things in my life right now, but alas hindsight is 20/20. I can only vaguely remember them now, and the full image will never be as clear as it could have been if I had just held onto them.
>tfw I killed what little remained of my inner child because I MIGHT have been embarrassed if someone had seen them.
jk it was just shitty sick figures and peepee jokes

I wrote these weird little comics when I was 7 about this cat creature that was like a secret agent or something that could shapeshift. His arch enemy was this lizard blob thing of radioactive goo who could also transform and melt shit. They ended up teaming up to fight some other bad guys and go on adventures and shit. I remember it got pretty autistic though once I got into sonic as a little kid and started giving all the characters "super forms" and dumb shit like that.

I will definitely re incorporate them in some way once I do a real comic, maybe just a little cameo no one but me will understand.

they were named billy and bob
>pic related was how I used to draw the little blob guy, pretty on model with my 7yr old talent

I feel that way about a novel I wrote when I was 16. I was so embarrassed by it in later years that I scrubbed all evidence of it ever existing. 12 years later I kind of regret that because I'd like to look back on it and see how much I have improved.

Oh I drew so many comics as a kid. I kept as much as I possibly could.

I wrote Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle before it was even a thing, but no one will ever believe me.

Inspiration was Beetleborgs and Guyver admittedly, the later of which I recall hearing somewhere inspired Jaime's design too, though I could be thinking Techjacket.

I also did Generator Rex before that was a thing, but there I have to give full credit to Max Steel. The original not the current, which is ironically enough exactly like the idea I had where the nanomachine concept is taken to its supehero suit extreme.

Drew a small series with a friend throughout 5th grade. They featured a giant rat and fish boxing each other out kaiju style. Occasionally other "-zilla" style animals would show up but mainly it was a lot of shouting and crudely drawn wrestling moves.
I think there were also mockup adverts and small comic strips at the ends of each of them. The only strip I can remember was a cast of punctuation marks with happy faces and stick limbs exchanging shitty puns with each other.

shit quality, but it's all Ive got left of it.
made it when I was 13 or so.





Seven year old me wrote a bunch of comics where my self insert and Clayface went on adventures
Why Clayface of all characters is a mystery, even to me

Nope, didn't start until I was an adult.

I had a 10 issue comic about a ninja that went through different worlds and timelines fighting off cyborgs, dinosaurs, and so on until he went into the future to fight off clone versions of himself and was killed by a rogue clone who took over for him in the end. The title of each was "Ninja vs. (whatever the enemy was for that strip)"
Needless to say it wasn't very original but it had no dialogue and was nonstop action the whole time

I wrote a comic about a morbidly obese superhero who had mass manipulating powers (He could bounce around and hit people really hard)

His rogues gallery were all based on fruits and vegetables. The only 3 I remember was his arch-villain Baron Broccoli and his henchman Killer Carrot. There was also Pearrorizor who was a parody of Rob Liefeld characters.

It was decently popular with my 3rd grade classmates.

I had a comic that was a mixup of The X-Files and Spawn.

>His rogues gallery were all based on fruits and vegetables

god damn it, that's too funny

This was when I was a teenage weeb (from about 13-15), but my friend and I would draw fujoshit comics of Naruto characters getting into gay shenanigans.

It would be a sort of episodic comedy instead of a continuous one. A lot of it was tiny dick jokes at Sasuke's expense because we fucking hated him, but it also revolved around her otp (Iruka and Kakashi) and my otp (Naruto and Jiraiya) saving the day. But we essentially made all the naruto dudes fuck each other and came up with paper thin excuses on why it would happen.

We did the same thing with Harry Potter characters too. The art was pretty horrible, I wish we kept them.

I actually really like this.

I was ten when Peter Jacksons King Kong was released, got pretty into gorillas, drawing them all the time and shit.

I wrote a comic with my friend called, I believe "Simian Evolution", which concerned a doctor who was transformed into an ape, but retained his mind for the most part, and had to go into hiding to look for a cure. He was usually beset by some kind of evil scientists looking to steal his monkey science, and I think he also had a sidekick who was a howler monkey with a sonic howl.

I'm 30 and I honestly can't remember if I cam up with any original characters. I mostly used to draw Power Rangers and Superman and other TV characters.

But holy shit is this thread full of imagination and I'm genuinely smiling at some of these cute ideas.

It's a little sad that kids these days with video games and iPhones won't be forced to use their imagination when bored like we did, as cliche as that sounds.

> He was usually beset by some kind of evil scientists looking to steal his monkey science
That's more or less the premise of Monkey Man.
>got pretty into gorillas
That's more or less the premise of Art Adams actually

It was a fun thread.

kids and teachers i didn't like as horrible monsters and me killing them

surprisingly i'm not a school shooter

Oh shit there was another character I wrote as a kid as well. Can't remember his name, Captain A-Bomb maybe?

He had a blue body, Shocker's mask and huge atoms for hands, and had radiation powers. I wrote massive stories with him, but can barely remember them. Electric villain causes a blackout while he's on a date, and his date was also a vigilante, so they keep it secret from each other while still trying to be on the date? Maybe??

A comic about a bunch of child superheroes who had terrible/mediocre powers. It was mostly just one shots about things that would happen while they were hanging out in their base or missions where things would go horribly wrong.

I was 9 and was seriously trying to draw a comic about knight versions of the original power rangers but with tons of dark and edge and they're enemies were custom versions of the mortal kombat ninjas. I was so edgy, i made 1 a cyborg and killed off the blue kinght at the end of the first chapter.

One comic I spent WAY too much time on was a "more cooler" version of Mario. Mario and Luigi looked more like a cross between Cable and Robocop. The Mushroom Kingdom looked like Universal Soldier landscape. Bowser was a giant cyborg dragon monster and all the other characters had similar aesthetics. I had a pages and pages of that shit.
Bare in mind this was SNES era

great ideas

I drew really bad Spongebob comics. Given the state of the show, maybe I should write for them.

I mostly drew Transformers comics, but also did some Misfits (from the Jem cartoon) comics. The TF stuff wouldn't really be recognizable to anyone outside my friends' circle though, as we came up with our own shitty mythos that was pretty different. They were almost OCs.

Not me, but back when i was in elementary school i knew this girl named angela. Kinda chubby and akward and she had a thing for one of my frineds. She used to draw this notebook comics called "Harry parakeet" Which was a kind of harry potter ripoff involving various birds. It was one of the most vulgar things i've ever read in my life. It was that idiot child humor of shit so inherently morally corrupt that only stupid kids with no grasp on reality would find it funny. It was some seriously fucked shit that involved things like inserting things in the rectums of various characters of questionable age, insulting various disabled people in increasingly mean ways, casual rape and murder. It was really fucking dumb, i kinda wish i could get in contact with her again.

I took a weekly cartooning class that some dude ran out of his house. I created this shitty comic that was a total rip-off of Earthworm Jim, called "Cricket Dude" which was about a cricket who had a robotic super-suit that made him a space hero. I also had a less-plagiaristic one about three sentient bombs named Boom, Shaka and Laka. Pretty sure the big folder full of all those comics is still in my mom's attic, she never throws anything out.

I also remember one night, the guy running the class got a call from my mom saying she would be late picking me up. He made some small talk with me and seemed really nice. Turns out it was because our dog got hit by a car and died. Fucking sucked.

>three sentient bombs named Boom, Shaka and Laka

That's cute.

In grades 5-6 I did a few comics about a sarcastic alien whose entire head was an eyeball. He was a villain who controlled a legion of minions grown from potatoes.