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Prime example of how talented (((they))) are at propaganda.



2 VHS copies & the book.

Another DVD copy.

Spielberg's 7th or 8th best film

>What's funny is that the nazies fired the guy for stealing from the prisoners and not taking good care of them.

Best high fantasy novel since Lord of the Rings

Yeah and the movie never mentions either how Jews received wages for their work at camps and even had cinemas and brothels.

The Shoah was probably the first time in history Jews had to do physical labour to earn their money, and that's probably why they consider it the worst most horrendous thing to ever happen in human history.

I never thought it'd be a long list. Wouldn't it just say, throw jews in oven?

Anyway, Life is Beautiful is the best holocaust movie

Cinemas and brothers weren't for the Jews. Do you think only the Jews were inmates of the camps? Is this the famous American education? This film isn't even about Auschwitz, but about Plaszow concentration camp, which was a labor camp.

Killing your slave labor is not a good idea and stealing from the Reich was usually punished with death sentence. I don't think you know what the holocaust was about.

Son of Saul is the most accurate depiction of the holocaust.

>Cinemas and brothels weren't for the Jews.

Yes they were you dolt, look it up. They were there to encourage Jews to be happy so they'd work harder. Jews were able to use the wages they got paid for those things.

Germany had a massive labour shortage during the war compared to the USSR which had an army of gulag slaves; and with their young men in the Wehrmacht they had to create labour however they could. The Jews were there to work, not to be killed off. Why else would they have gotten paid.

Look what up?

>Germany had a massive labour shortage during the war
There were more than 3 million Jews living in Poland in 1939. Additionally some 2.8 and 2.4 million Poles and Ukrainians were forced to work for the Germans. That's more than the entirety of Gulag population in 1940s.
After the start of Barbarossa millions of Soviet POWs were also used for work, except the conditions were so terrible that some 3 million of them starved to death.

>Why else would they have gotten paid.
Who paid them and where? And why do you think only Jews were the prisoners of German camps? Millions of non-Jewish Poles were used as slave labor in German camps.

How does any of what you said,assuming it's correct, detract from the fact that Jews were there to work, received wages, and had brothels and cinemas?

Just fucking read a book for once in your life instead of spouting propaganda, this isn't even controversial claims.

>Quran sitting on top of Schindler's List

You clearly don't know what the holocaust was about. I'm asking you again, who paid the Jews and where? There were many camps (3 big camps in Auschwitz alone + 50 subcamps). And I hope you realize that the people who were gassed were UNABLE TO WORK. This is what the selection was about, that's why it was mostly children, the elderly and women who were killed.

>read a book for once
Said a guy who doesn't know what the holocaust was about.

Camp money, they could be used only inside the camp. They were not issued in death camps (Auschwitz was also a labor camp). You won't find money from Belzec, Treblinka or Sobibor.


I remember watching this shit senior year. All the bitches were crying and I sat there laughing my ass off. Fucking roasties.

They even had the nerve to call me out on it and get angry but those weak pansies were no match for me as I laughed harder.

"What's that? I can't hear you. You're talking too quietly. Wipe your tears and try again. Did you know Jews are responsible for all the greed and corruption in the world? Every one of those kikes deserved it. Even the Jewboys and girls. They would grow up to be even more corrupt having been raised with the mindset and allowed the time for greed and corruption to build even more. Every Jew dead is one step toward a just society you stupid sluts so shut the fuck up."

The teacher didn't know what to do. She just left the room. At last I had what I have always sought. To stand for truth and justice and have the world tremble before me. This was true power I remember thinking. Heh... This is what men die just to dream of.

The weak should fear the strong.


There's no evidence that that rusty old soviet tank was used to gas anybody let alone millions.

As for gassing via Zykkon B; hydrogen cyanide is still used as a pesticide. It requires a much higher concentration to kill people than to kill insects, it's still used in house bombs to kill ants. The residue left in chambers after years of segregation does not indicate it was used in sufficient huge concentrations to kill people, the Jews would have had to literally be eating the capsules for it to kill them. Modern fugu eaten by Japanese is more toxic.

At the time there was an epidemic of typhus spread by ticks; the zyklon gas was more than likely used to delouse prisoners and clothing to kill ticks.

For zyklon gas to kill hundreds of people in a room at a time, you'd need really high concentrations and it would take hours to work; even then you'd have neurological damage and seizures, it wouldn't kill you instantly, and many wouldn't even die they'd just be left with brain damage.

>people still don't know the difference between labor camps and extermination camps

So for a huge 100m*100m*2m room to reach 150 mg/m3 you'd need 3 000 grams of hydrogen cyanide in gaseous form in the air.

So a couple of canisters would suffice. Oy vey that's impossible and very impractical!

>It requires a much higher concentration to kill people than to kill insects

>Leuchter calculated that it required 3,200 parts per million (ppm) of Zyklon-B to kill a human being.[7] In reality, it requires only a maximum of 300 ppm.[8] However, to kill lice, beetles, etc. requires at least 16,600 ppm of HCN.

>Leuchter was questioned by the court about his credentials as an expert witness it was discovered that he wasn’t licensed as an engineer. Leuchter’s degree was in the humanities and he had no expertise in chemistry, toxicology or cremation—all subjects he had weighed in on in the Leuchter Report.