Movie Bloopers/Mistakes That Stay in the Film

ITT we discuss some of our favorite movie bloopers/mistakes that stay in the final cut. I always get a kick out of these.

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No user, you don't understand. That was intentional and had incredible deeper meaning because Kubrick was a genius and never makes mistakes.

In the final scene of Unbreakable where a newpaper on the wall says 'All Killed Expect Newborn', takes me right out of the scene and makes me laugh

At 0:28 when Meg Ryan laughs and look at the director

Smoke plume from behind the camera in Halloween. Gotta love John Carpenter.

I really do love these films and the fact that they fooled so many people with the heights is still impressive.

>doesnt say what the blooper is

OK... I'll bite.
What's the mistake?

hahaha im so fucking autistic. when they jump the handcuffs aren't connected. cant believe i caught it.

OK. Rewatched it.
Pretty funny how they grab each others' hand, too.

Gladiator has a bunch.

>film crew wearing jeans visible during the scenes in germania
>gas canister visible on a chariot that crashes in the colosseum scene
>film crew visible with camera in the audience during the "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED" scene
>rose petals in colosseum scene magically disappear once the praetorians form a square

I don't know if it's a blooper or not, but it sure as hell is acted like one.

If this was pure acting, then they all deserve Academy Awards...

God its annoying hearing that shit when anyone talks about Kubrick
>dude 200 shoots per scene XDDDD

I first watched Lord of the Rings at somebody's house having no idea what it was (I had never even heard of it) and I was provided no commentary or set-up. I spent about two-thirds of the movie with a really weird, nauseating feeling -- like you get when looking through a fish tank. Something just wasn't right about it. And then, finally, I realized the Hobbits were supposed to be smaller than everybody else. It was a trippy, uncomfortable experience. It also might be indicative of just how much the effects of LOTR depend on our desire to believe, because if you go into the movie not knowing what you're expected to believe, the effects can be completely lost on you.

When I first saw LOTR I thought they had actually cast small people (i.e. Frodo, Sam, and all of them...I thought they were all short people, all the time). Then Christmas comes along, I get the extended DVDs with the supplementary, was I wrong. But seriously....I'd never seen Elijah Wood, or any of the other Hobbit actors before, so I assumed they were all just short people cast for this movie.

Fucking amazing...

well the dopey sticker is accurate, Kubrick planned it


its "fog"

How stupid are you

The ghost in Three Men and a Baby


Yeah? Well "fog off", faggot!

At the time, I was engaged in non-stop work, and it was literally the first time I had watched television or movies in more than a year. I could just be stupid, but it really seems like your mind has to be conditioned for movies.

"No im not firing you, I'm firing you"
DeNiro in Casino

When Dixie's house blows up and Murtaugh uses his coat to put the fire out on Riggs, Riggs calls him a fag.

"My fucking wife has an ass in her cock in the driveway Kurt"
-William H Macy in Boogie Nights

it just sounded funnier that way, people do fuck up what they're saying when they're angry and upset

It definately wasn't written that way.
When Macy tells the story he says he thought he said it correctly buy everyone was telling him he said it wrong. But he swore he said it right so they didn't do another take

Based Macy. Best line in the film

Let's see it.

This kid pointing to his bwc during BTTF 3

The guy taking his dick out at the end of Teen Wolf

Majority of The Last Jedi.

He was signaling that he had to pee