Could it work? I was playing the game the other day and it hust hit me that it could be really kino with it's interesting characters and settings. A dying world full of tragedy, misery and the small, often meaningless, victories.
Dark Souls KINO
A Netflix original series
Solaire is gay tho
>8 hours of the lead actor silently examining every weapon item and peice of armour so the story can vaguely make sense
The setting is cool, but I think there isn’t enough story which may work in its favor or it may not. The thing is that people love dark souls because of gameplay not entirely story.
The only way I could see getting it right is if you get someone who can keep the dialogue minimal and keep the entire movie extremely tense the entire time, but still have good action.
Basically if they could get Chris nolan and have him direct it similar to dunkirk where he focuses on tension and has almost no dialogue that would be perfect. If you could get someone who directs like Denis Villeneuve directed blade runner that could also really work I think.
I would love a show about Alva and Zullie travelling
Fuck off you bullied Sup Forums refugee
Here ya go
Btw I know the two I mentioned are pretty much meme directors, but they are popular and do have the right style for the world.
the struggle could be the linking of the first flame while battling hollowing. yes, the dialogue should be kept to the minimum, the way it is in the games.
Directed by Werner Herzog.
I mean I think the smart thing to do is treat the world like the game does. Only reveal what is absolutely necessary and even then try to keep it as minimal as possible. Probably a lot of it should be revealed more from world design and background activity than anything else.
No, it would be boring, and generic looking as fuck. Reddit would attach itself to it as nothing else and proclaim it the next GOT or whatever.
exactly. i think dark souls is very kino even as a video game. it uses the visual and motion language in a way that other games don't. even the gestures have the weariness of the world imprinted on them.
i couldn't even beat that fat guy with the huge ass, i gave up and uninstalled, games should be fun
entirely depends on the hands of the director and writer and wtf the fuck does reddit have to do with anyhting?
It depends on if the it’s actually about something or if it just references everything and feels about right and has enough anime girls denouncing god and praising bill bye.
Ya, take the Dystopian aesthetic and make it Medieval.
>a HBO original series
Fixed for you
Vordt? Smough? it's difficult to get into it because it needs dedication but it's one of the most fun games i've ever played. if you need jolly co op just say the word.
Yeah the hardest part would be getting a director who has passion for this game like who’s played it and actually wants to make this movie. That’s why blade runner was so good because Denis loved blade runner as a kid and why dark knight turned out well because nolan enjoyed it as a kid. You need someone who knows everything about the games like someone who has beaten everyone multiple times and thought deeply about the world and the purpose of everything in the game.
cast her Sup Forums
if ur talkin aboot the first boss ur supposed to run by him
But there is a fuckton of lore
They could literally do what Resident Evil did
Create a main character(as dark souls doesnt have a main character, unlike RE) and build a story around the lore and the characters in it, it could be just one of the cycles of the dying flame
Obviously Cristina Hendricks she even has the red hair.
>But there is a fuckton of lore
yup and the interesting thing is that because the lore is not very strictly defined you could have a lot of growing space as a director
Maybe but the resident evil movies aren’t that good. I think you need a nameless hero. The bigger problem is do you have the character constantly die and revive? It makes sense for the world but it removes all tension. Maybe what could happen is the goal is revealed early in the movie you know starting a new age of fire, but we don’t see the protagonists face he’s just a guy in armor then he dies at some point then a new one raises in different armor and dies and each gets a little further but the tension keeps rising because you put a clock on the the story.
Dark Souls is a pure video game dumb dumb.
The very best the medium has to offer.
It makes no sense to make a movie out of it.
Director: Hey I want to make a movie based on my favorite video ga-.
Studio: no.
Director: please I’ve made some huge blockbusters for you just hear me out!
Studio: *sigh alright what is it?
Director: so the game doesn’t have much of a direct story but a very interesting world and I had an interesting idea for a-
Studio: wait did you say there’s not much of a story?
Director: yeah.
Studio: so you can do anything?
Director: yeah
Studio: you also said it’s a successful franchise
Director: yeah
Studio: so what your saying is we can make a franchise with spin offs?
Director: well yeah but-
Studio: were in
And that studio was DISNEY!
I felt the same, but thinking about it the aesthetic would be perfect for a movie. Like if you really think about it it actually could be a great movie because there is no plot so you don’t have to worry about some stupid video games logic of “we have to get the crystal of glabgock because i am the chosen one and no one else can do it. Why? Because we told you so. Now watch as I kill everyone with ease.”
Fucking this. I got in a discussion on Sup Forums about how much the story is made just to justify the gameplay, and how it is pretty dumb if you take it out of context, and the lorefags got extremely triggered.
Medium diferences. A great story told on a beautiful music wouldn't make a great videogame, just like a great movie story has hardly ever made an even "passable" video game, and the other way around is also true. A good video game pays itself on gameplay, not in story. The enjoyment you fell when playing it are made from gameplay mechanics, not shitty vague dialogs or item descriptions. Nobody sat at a table and tought "holy fuck, what if there were lots of paralel worlds connecting phantoms, and they invaded you and shit", that is just a excuse to a gameplay mechanic. Every item, boss, or covenant was conceived trough a gameplay idea and after that was made a story to fit it in the context.
Dark Souls is a great video game because it was conceived as a video game, and not a shitty movie like the usual sony 3rd person shooter bullshit.
Great. Now everything that is missing is an actual good story with some actual good characters who just so happens to have a Dark Souls enviroment as a background.
I beat bloodborne recently and liked it a lot, so I bought darks souls 3 and I’m loving it even more. I think the dark souls aesthetic works better in a movie because if you do dark souls it’s just a fantasy movie about the apocolypse, but if you do bloodborne than you’re going to see these weird steam punk dudes fighting werewolves and squid with weapons that no person would use in they’re right mind. I for some reason just can’t see it working as a movie. Maybe it’s just my mind is being blocked by images of those edgy resident evil movies because I feel like if they made it it would just end up looking like that. Dark, over designed and ugly. If you could find someone who would be willing to do it right it definitely is possible, but I feel like it would be harder to convince people to find it, and convince people to watch it.
So this project needs me.
Yeah but what if you didn’t use all of the stuff just the basic idea of the world and through in some stuff to develop the world. I agree the story is really weird and probably wouldn’t work, but part of me thinks it could be interesting.
Dark Souls also has some amazing designs for armor, enemies, settings, weapons, etc
I will say though that I think Dark Souls is a game where the gameplay tells a good story, of sorts. The story in the background is sort of a global existential crisis and the gameplay, as you go through it, reinforces those themes. Maybe by accident, but it's still there.
there's already a Dark Souls film, it's called Valhalla Rising
Yeah i mean that shouldn’t be too bad for someone who’s talented at writing. If they get inspired enough by the universe and the basic story they should be able to come up with something really good.
Yeah exactly plus dark souls has 3 (or 4 I’m not into these games enough to know if demon souls counts) games worth of development and design whereas bloodborne just has one. Plus bloodborne was kind of small compared to the others wasn’t it?
Actually this I didn’t even think about it.
I forgot to mention you do a face reveal of the guy at the beginning and end where it turns out that even though you thought it was different guys pushing forward it was the same guy pushing forward and learning from his mistakes so that the audience feels tension during the movie, they get surprised at the end and you leave with something slightly more positive than you expected.
Or better yet to keep the interpretive part of dark souls you just hint that it’s the same guy somehow.
Honestly, the problem with making a movie about the Dark Souls game is how open ended it can be. There are so many ways to go about accomplishing the simple goal that it may as well just be a short story. However, there are a lot of things you could do with the Dark Souls setting, like Gwyn or the Ivory King or even Alva the Wayfarer
Hard to Be a God
Directors cut would be kino
>Protagonist (human) awakens in a cell, wearing a battered and extremely worn set of medieval armour.
>Shocked and terrified at the situation he finds himself in, he doesnt appear to have any recollection of the past.
>He timidly explores the extremely dark room when a trapdoor in the ceiling opens. The brief skylight that enters from said trapdoor illuminates the ground, revealing human remains scattered everywhere. The protagonist doesn't notice this, however. His eyes are blinded by the sudden intensity of light.
>Almost immediately, something heavy abruptly drops from a trapdoor in the ceiling.
>The trapdoor slams shut, but its worn frame prevents it from sealing fully.
>Faint light pours into the cell from a slit in the frame of the trapdoor, allowing the protagonist to look at the thing that dropped from the trapdoor.
>In horror and disgust, he discovers that it is a desiccated, disfigured corpselike body.
>While searching and inspecting the body in the light, his skin peeks through the chinks in his armour.
>He realises that underneath the armour he looks like the disgusting corpse that lays before him.
>An unspecified period of time passes, and the protagonist is wallowing in a corner of the cell.
>Suddenly, faint noises of crashing echo from somewhere outside the cell, far away.
>They turn into terrifying, demonic and unironically lovecraftian noises.
>Something happens but he can't make out what it is.
>He hears scrambling on the ceiling and shadows flitter across the slit in the trapdoor.
>Silence follows.
(idk how he escapes the cell)
Protagonist learning the game mechanics:
>He comes across a hollow and he tries to communciate with it
>It attacks him and he struggles to get away
>With great difficulty, he finally manages to smash its head in or whatever
>blablabla searching the dark hallways for a way out
>In one of the rooms he explores, a black knight (not in focus) stands dormant in a corner of the room but he doesn't notice it. The audience almost doesn't either
>Later, he meets some monster and fights desperately against it but it is ultimately futile because he doesn't know how to fight.
>It overpowers and kills(?) him.
(idk if he should die and respawn. if he is shown to respawn, it diminishes the sense of danger)
Bonfire scene:
>Protagonist crawls away from distant monster noises behind him and seeks refuge in a dark cave
>As darkness grows, he starts a fire in the cave (sword in bonfire? not sure how to justify having a sword there though)
>He is so tired and afraid
>He curls up against the wall of the cave and can't help but relive again and again the nightmare he's in
>He breaks down
>After a while he seems to calm down
>His eyes begin to fixate upon the dancing flames and he seems to be mesmerised by them
>He stares at the flames, the entire cave now completely silent except for the crackling fire
Literally Dark Souls: Isekai
dir. Denis Villameme
>Protagonist (human)
gradually over the course of a story he becomes more and more hollow unbeknownst to the viewer
starts killing friendly characters later
face reveal when Gwyn bitchslaps him and their faces are basically identical