Hey movie watchers and also white males, get with it, I just read vice and if you don't think the new starwars is the best then you can't understand complex notions. Got that bigots?

I love how the word "nazis" was just thrown in the first paragraph nonchalantly.
>Heh...everythings normal here guys not jewing for this movie for shekels or anything
>we must teach the stupid goyi- I mean people that the new star wars was really good

Do people actually read this shit and agree with it?

>if you don't like the last jedi it's probably because theres women and blacks in it

I wonder what these kids parents think of their (((writing jobs)))

How do cunts like this get jobs and manage to hold onto those jobs to write shit like this?

Seriously who actually reads this shit

I think in the age of consumer mentality people just read click bait trash on their way to work and dont even process it consciously. They're so used to it being fed to them, its just a thing to do, an itch to scratch.

No one. You just click on it and there's your online traffic money.

Well they named him "Brogan" so they must have hated him from the start

i work for Vice ama

>hey brogan we need a pic of you to attach to you're click-bait.
>sure, here use this one.

>white and male
>le Nazis
Gotta love weaponized Marxism.

But everyone already agrees that Kylo Ren is the most interesting star wars villain ever. That's why it's such a shame that he exists in this series of absolute shit movies.

These pure shilling articles seem so spontaneous... also following the same formula of

If fans don't like it, they are:

>not able to understand the complexity of the movie (LOL!)

Yeah, (((Disney))) damage control in full swing, gee I wonder if those 90% from reviewers on RT are really genuine opinions...

at least you can admit neo-nazis are self-hating white males

How much do they pay their (((writers and journalists)))? It can't be much im guessing.

Idk about that, he throws tissy fits for gods sake. I remember watching the first movie and seeing his first sperg out attack and turned to my friend and said, "autism...em I right". Was funny at the time trust me.

It's really sad that Sup Forumss worldview is so nonsensical at this point that people have to larp as SJWs so that there's someone to argue against. We should have purged the Sup Forums cancer before it was too late.

The women are either mouthpieces, in a coma, sent in stupid B-plots amounting to nothing, or tools to further develop the white male characters
The non-white characters are belittled by the white characters or are sent in stupid B-plots amounting to nothing.

How is this progressive?

I can kinda understand how they'd think this if they just saw the prequels as a kid and the OT in passing, Kylo Ren seems like a 10/10 character purely from how shit and undeveloped the rest of the characters are. He's pretty much Anakin 2.0 with a better actor in terms of quality.

That edge
>tips fedora

Soon the sith lords will be replaced by shit lords (Not the indian type).

What? Sup Forums didn't write that article

No l'm serious. Sup Forums was never too smart, but it wasn't this joylessly whiny before the nazis took over.

Kylo is unironically an incredible villain and if you don't like him it's because he reminds you of yourself. Vader has him beat in sheer presence and force of personality of course, but Kylo is a lot more complex.

I'm glad we got a thoughtful and nuanced bad guy instead of some generic stoic badass like Darth Maul that people pretend is a good villain because he has a cool lightsaber and does ebin flips

>Disney Is The Greatest Star Wars Villain of All Time

Him being a nuanced character doesn't make him a good villain. In a film where the supposed good guys lack most recognizable virtues and are poorly acted cardboard, his nuance makes him more an anti-hero.
Good Character =/= Good Villain.
He's the best thing about the films, but he's a shit villain.

>"given way to more complex notions."
There's got to be a point where this airy writing style loses its appeal, right? You've gotta realise that your writing voice has become indistinguishable from every other jack-ass with an article at some point.

How is it entertaining to present your every thought with round-a-bout profundity? As though you were delivering the freshly minted declaration of independence. Even worse when your opinions are trite and pointless.

And, for the record, everything is gray isn't more complex than good vs evil. You've gone from two perspectives to only one. A significantly less relatable one, at that.

So you think OP genuinely agrees with it?

>poo indian emerges from lukes masturbation cave
>spirit luke appears
>"use the force to poo in the loo"
>camera pans to a toilet in the middle of a clearing
>thousands of turds scattered all around toilet but not even one poo has made it inside the loo
>poo indian is sweating and distraught, dehydrated from all the pooing
>"master I can't, pooing in the loo is too hard!!"
>strong empowered poo indian womyn appears
>you can tell she dont need no man
>she teleports behind toilet
>jumps and does a 360 flip in air pooing directly into center of loo mid flight
>lands in front male poo indian with iconic one need and fist on ground landing
>poo female indian stands up, "we jedi womyns now, we don need no man"
>credits roll
>audience begins cheering and clapping hysterically, visible tears from 90% of the room
>instantaneous 10/10 ratings from vice, washington post, rotten tomatoes
>time magazine cover shows a stronk empowered womyn pooing in loo
>instantly sold out nation wide
>world peace commences

he's anakin with a better actor

EU Grevious my nigger.

Kylo is alright. They really haven't delved into his motivations nearly enough. He was turned by Snoke, but we don't know how or who the fuck Snoke is. He's definitely the thing I dislike least about the ST though. I get the feeling whenever I read anything positive about TLJ that the author doesn't know shit about Star Wars. Grey Jedi are not a new thing. The Jedi being flawed is not a new thing. That's kind of the whole fucking point of the prequels. The Last Jedi just does KotOR II's thing, but much, much worse.

Are you sure reddits not more your style with that sharp of an edge?

also there being force sensitive people other than the Skywalkers is not a new thing

Biggest problem with Kylo's character - he never should have lost the fight at the end of TFA. I don't give a fuck about the injury, being emotionally effected by killing his dad, etc. It's terrible plot writing for a character that's supposed to be the biggest, darkest cunt we've seen yet.

>They really haven't delved into his motivations nearly enough. He was turned by Snoke, but we don't know how or who the fuck Snoke is.
It's true we don't know who Snoke is but it seems really straight forward how
>Han and Leia have a shitty relationship and Ben's troubled, gets sent off to jedi school with uncle Luke
>Snoke force-communicates with him, including using images of Vader, to tell him why his family, the jedi, the light side etc. are shit and he'll acheive greatness in the dark side instead like Grandpa
>Ben wakes up to uncle Luke's lightsaber over his head one night and Snoke is proven right in his perspective
>turns, goes to the only person he has faith in

That too. Who the fuck do they think all the Jedi in the prequels were? Anakin's cousins? Were there no Jedi before Anakin's immaculate conception? The movies focus on the Skywalkers because it's the Skywalker saga. Not focusing on them isn't new. Countless books and games have done it. Rogue One did it, besides a dash of Vader, on the big screen just last year. Breaking away from the Skywalkers in movie 8 of 9 in the Skywalker Saga is idiotic. That's what the anthology films are for.

Yeah theres like shit tons of jedis that get massacred with order 66. Im sure lots of them survived. Instead of fucking with current jedis like luke they could have thought of something new with a jedi survivor or something along those lines.

That comment went way over your head.

Disney has joint ownership of Vice. This is definitely a shilled article.

No, morally grey characters doesn't automatically make them better or more interesting.

The irony is also that it's the white and male characters in the new trilogy who are the most complex. This might be because they aren't allowed to be 100% good, while all the female characters are cardboard cutouts.

>our first storm trooper with a conscious
>what is the 501st legion
Say what you will about anyone else, but you best not insult them.
Remember the 501st.

Above Darth Icky? Blasphemy

This isn’t a real blog is it? Please tell me this isn’t a real blog from a real news outlet?