National Treasure


>the thing in the place
>I'm in a place right now
>now has 3 letters
>Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president
>Jefferson has 9 letters
>There are 9 steps up to the history museum
>Abraham Lincolns cousin liked museums
>cousins sometimes fuck and have retarded babies
>That's it! The next clue is retarded!

I liked it, because it doesn't take itself seriously

i liked that hot german girl, helen of troy in it.
she is very easy on the eyes.

Movie was kind if fun overall just that impossible clue solving stuff really annoyed me.

It's comfy because it's literally the kind of treasure hunts you'd do as a kid but as a movie.
Everything is an asspull but it's fun and cool.
Stop overthinking it.

I didn't over think it
They over wrote it

National Treasure was better than TLJ

this movies no fun he didn't even have to get rid of them.

you're not supposed to pay attention to that. you have autism

>it's 2018 and we still haven't gotten a third movie to finish this kinology



it'd probably be about searching a Marx's or Lenin's manuscript to find instructions on how to save America and the Nicolas Cage character would come out as gay, given the current state of Disney, so maybe it's a good thing

He's already stolen the declaration of independence and kidnapped the president, the fuck else can he do?

Convince Trump not to nuke North Korea cuz the holy grail is there

Why can't Hollywood put out any decent adventure movies?

>hmmm holy grail
>grail rhymes with nail
>nails are hit by hammers
>Hammers are a useful tool
>kim jong is a tool
>That's it! The holy grail is in North Korea!

Free Strong Women from the cisgendered heteronormative patriarchical bindings of the constitution by stealing it, altering it subtly with mascara, and dying his hair purple while he escorts a poor African Muslim refugee hand in hand to suicide bomb the Lincoln Monument because he discovered ancient illuminati documents that reveal Lincoln to be an anti-semite opposed to the idea of the Jews being the chosen rulers of Amexica

Team up with agents mulder and scully and save the world from aliens

>turns out the blocks in the Egypt pyramids are solid gold

is this some kind of...
>ocular device?

I liked how at one point, Nicolas Cage just makes up a bullshit clue on the spot using the same line of logic he's used for all other clues in order to trick the evil British bad guy.

Fuck you it's a fun lighthearted movie.

So what exactly was the Founding Fathers' plan? Have this huge-ass templar treasure but then hide it instead of financing their war and their government?
How did they expect anyone to figure out that "The secret lies with Charlotte" was a reference to a fucking boat? And it was a pretty bad idea to make the clue be on the boat in the first place, since as we saw said boat ended up lost in the Arctic. If it had sunk or been lost forever, nobody would have ever found that pipe or the other clues.
And how did the Founders know that the Declaration of Independence would still be around later for people to find clues on it? Let's leave aside the fact that if there really were secret messages in invisible ink on the back of the declaration, they either would have been discovered long ago or would have faded away.
And why make the next clue be on some fucking letters Ben Frankling wrote to a newspaper?
And hos is it possible for the next clue to refer to the Liberty Bell being at Independence Hall when the Bell wasn't put there until years later?

Why didn't we get a third movie? The second movie ended with a sequel hook, and as far as I know it was a box office hit.