How do I become a filmmaker when I grow up?

How do I become a filmmaker when I grow up?

Be Jewish

Get involved in the business and make your interests and passion visible to your peers.

Leave Sup Forums now.

that hairstyle reminds me of a helicopter lol


>be Jewish
>have relatives that work in the industry

that's it

Maybe go to film school maybe not. If you do go though, then focus on learning everything, because that's what it takes to get your foot in the door. Learn everything from directing, cinematography, to editing and general post-production. I wouldn't focus too much on screenwriting unless you want to become a writer, but take a script analysis course.

I say this because the reality is that you'll probably have to start in advertising and you'll be much more hireable if you can do all of those things somewhat. A lot of young filmmakers want to focus on one particular thing, or steer clear entirely from advertising. Go into advertising for a while, you'll probably have no other choice.

buying a camera might be a good start.

What about acting? For example, you’re a chad with an impressive acting talent and not the generic chad with the soulless acting.