blonde or brunette?
Blonde or brunette?
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why does she always have chiney eyes?
brunette i think
whatever, as long as she's thin.
brunette or full khaleesi
s1 dany. the wig they use now is stupid
I normally prefer brunettes but I think she looks better as a blonde
Red is superior
Ten years younger please.
I don't care just make sure she's got that little tiny body from game of thrones season 1
Anybody else here feel like there's really nothing noteworthy about her acting?
Some sort of peroxide blonde while she's dressed up as a leather maid and gagged and bound on my bed
hello, reddit!
that blonde looks unnatural and weird
she normally looks uglly but damn, she looks 10x more ugly in this pic. Just imagine that was a 'hot' boy you knew doing that pose, you'd want to slap it off his fucking face, and now that I know its a smart woman doing a 'cute' pose, I just want to slap her. it makes her so fucking ugly.
as long as she's cracking that beautiful smile, she could be literally bald.
Blonde (but but not that shitty got wig). I just want her to be my gf lads ;_;
i prefer blonde Emilia tbqh senpai
i hope you mean 10 years younger than the left photo, otherwise that would be illegal
what did she look like as a teen anyway?
can't find anything older
i wish she was my gf
she really needs to embrace becoming full thicc
then sit on my face
Her Eyebrows probably use 10% of her Brain.
When has blonde ever been better?
Brunette based on that pic and it's not even close.
are there any good pictures of her in gloves and/or boots?
Asking for a friend.
those from breakfast at tiffany's promo are the only ones i think
Dayum shame
what the flying fuck is this photo?
Real talk; what's with fashion magazines putting people in hot clothes and then taking absolutely awful photos of them?
Just her going about her normal life. Nothing to see here.
it's called fashion
>superior Dany reporting in
You again? We collectively decided your generic trash pornstar looks like a goblin. Please take your leave.
bend the knee
i'm afraid to click on this. i reported you.
>wearing a fucking mohawk while looking like you're in the middle of a car crash in the middle of nowhere
it's called autism
She's one of the weaker actors on the show. Kit Harington is another, but at least he has improved since season 1.
fuck off retard
She has great tits!!!
This is the best picture of her I've seen.
Bro eyes with light eyes are my fetish.
brunette obvi
I wish 2018 would bless all decent Sup Forums posters with an Emilia gf.
who cares anyway? She`s a whore regardless of hair color
>implying either one matters
She’s a shit actress outside GoT and Terminator Genishyt proved just that
you take that back, fagot!
why do you want to bully me?
My gf's best friend has eyes like this, I call them her fuck me eyes because every time we catch a glimpse of eye contact I cum and start farting uncontrollably.
Close but no cigar
Any of this is beautiful with her horseface
Her are tits disgusting, they look like baloons filled only halfway with sand
Look at how mangled and elongated the boots are in the feet area and how well they hide her stumpy leg proportions, the costumer/photographer knew what they were doing.
Your eyes,, are Your eyes Hazal?
This shit right here is what makes women lose their fucking minds. They read trash like this magazine and worship it.
Sup Forums always hating on her but i would unironically wife her. name 1 thing ugly about her face. >hardmode: when its not moving.
I dont think Sup Forums hates emilia, they just hate dany
I love this picture. Brunette all the way.
She has the 40 year aged face of a 12 year old.
she's literally perfect!
Don't worry lads I'll fix this if you catch my drift
She's only like 30 geez
looks a lot like anna popplewell here
Classic hearbreaker.
I would take my chances though, we would have blond sky blue eyed kids.
She got dumped for that alien waifu on The Orville
One of the few genuinely beautiful women in Hollywood
Brunette. Easily.
Heart breaker..... spitfirexvi at yahoo dot com.
>dyed her hair because she's an attention whore and wants to be recognised on the street from her blonde tv role
Nudes when?
>because she's an attention whore
literally gets spotted twice in a year. and this is her first public appearance since emmys 2016
No she's not, infact shes been keeping a very low profile since her dad died.