On your knees, Sup Forums

On your knees, Sup Forums.
You stand before the Lord of the Dragon Isle.

The White Wolf of Melniboné.

Elric VIII.
428th Emperor of Melniboné.

What gifts do you bear?

My very large penis. Get on it, pretty boy....or girl? Not sure. Don't care.

I got Rise of the Black Flame TBP in the mail today. You into Mignolaverse wolfboy?


If Elric was conceived as an opposite of Conan the Barbarian, how would they interact if they met?

I believe this Mignola has done a serviceable job,
Into Jest's playroom you'll go.
Pathetic Mabden, My kind gave you culture and writing. Your "kingdoms" are built on our leftovers. Your culture our scrapings.
Like children. Cowering before the shadows cast by campfire light.

It shall suffice. For know.

There is an answer to that question. And it's canon. And awesome.

A sorcerer-king doesn't sound like someone Conan would get along with.

May I offer an SU/SJ/Star vs fag as sacrifice, great one?

Chaos welcomes all in its embrace.
Blood and souls. Blood and souls.

You're right. He doesn't.

I bring a secret that's never been told, Lord. And I snap this man's neck, that it never will be.

I will bring you the revelation that will shatter your hopes.
I will bring you joy and extinction, sin and salvation.
I will bring you The Primordial Truth and at the altar of the Great Undivided you will be sacrificed.

Didn't I make Geralt kick your ass last year?

Oh you darling monster, you actually believe yourself the doom of Elric! Such unbridled arrogance! You have amused me, and I will reward you with power, yes, and a doom-laden destiny!
...curse your sleeve, o Werther!

I'll tell the same thing I told you on /tg/

I have a shitload of Riptides, Fire warriors, and Kroot Carnivores surrounding your city, and an Ipncannon pointed at your base.

Get fucked.

A ThinkPad, along with a generator, a year's supply of fuel, and local copies of Sup Forums, reddit, & Wikipedia ca. post time.

Are you _sure_ your soldiers aren't currently in the process of being raped to submission by barbed demon eels manifesting in their previously unraped rectums, little thing? And did you know that there are demons here that specifically live in your animate machinery?
I am at a loss for words to thank you for this gift if an army, you dapper little darling. Doctor Jest will speak for me!

Oh, what is this? How do you expect to alleviate the doom-laden ennui of... hm... well... does that even... Yyrkoon! Cymoril! Attend! I require aphrodisiacs and Chick Tracts!

Is this weakling all what remains of Melniboné. Fitting for wasn't it not a ailing kingdom? And yet he dares to mock me with his pretense to be worthy of mine. Is shall teach you a lesson,
Long shall be your suffering. Joyous be your pain.
Hear my warnings, unbelievers. Carried to your minds by the power of the Prince of Excess himself. We have raised altars in this land so that we may sacrifice you to our gods. Veterans of ten millennia of unholy war wait to grind you beneath the treads of their mighty boots. The chosen of Khorne hunger to add you to their bloody tally. The Blood God himself has marked this land, and will claim your skulls for his throne. There is no hope in opposing the inevitable. Put down your arms, unbelievers, and bow before the forces of Chaos Undivided.

>Are you _sure_ your soldiers aren't currently in the process of being raped to submission by barbed demon eels manifesting in their previously unraped rectums, little thing?
Yep. They're fine.
>And did you know that there are demons here that specifically live in your animate machinery?
Yeah, those exist where we come from too. Ours are clean.

Don't try to Out Powerlevel 40k son. Unless you're the Culture or something stupid like that, it's a fight you're going to lose.

You do realize since I've come here I've let your Slaanesh possess me on Tuesdays for our mutual amusement? Melniboné operates... and will operate... on a scale rather different than yours.
Now, today is Khornesday. I thank you for bringing me the promise of an interesting battle.

>Being on par with ARIOCH or the rest of the original Chaotic deities

Woooo nelly. Isn't that slut being too busy getting buttfucked by rats or some shit? AoS etc

We will never bow to your twisted Tyrant gods mad Guela!

Yeah, short of gods and maybe some second tier heavy hitters Meniboné should be able to handle 40k pretty easily. Probably not so good with having the planet blown up under them I figure.

Heretics! Blood raves get ready to Purge!

This beautiful bird.

Let me enlighten you, young one:
Chaos Undivided is more than a pantheon a philosophy, it is the Eightfold Path, it is the Truth behind the curtain and the sin of knowledge, the revelation and the secret, it is many things but not a religion as we understand it. Chaos is freedom, ambition, power and glory, it is damnation but also reward, it is the moment when you break your chains, when you dispose of your humanity and when you embrace something so unfathomable that dives you insane but also ecstatic with the knowledge that your destiny is in your OWN hands.

When an enlightened one exults For Chaos! across the din of the battlefield he evokes this truth, he utters in words what his eye have seen and what his soul has felt when he opened his mind to the truth for the first time. When marching under the banner of Primordial Truth the warrior of Chaos does not favor a Exalted Power in particular way, neither he favors them all, but he is the herald of the Truth, the Truth of which destiny lies beyond the skein, the Truth that follows death, the Truth that power and ambition are rewarded, the Truth where you as an individual can become a literal god, an immortal, a being of such utter power only if you will it, only if you dare it.

We have come to free this lands from your filthy hands in the name of the Immortal God Emperor! Prepare to be purged Xenos Scum! You and your Taint shall offend Mankind no longer!

One difference. Chaos gods of Melnibone take a very active part in the events. They'd stop any bullshit going on straight away.

Chaos Undivided is not a religion; it is a philosophy, a philosophy of the self interest, of tangible power and the shattering dread of the ultimate Truth. This philosophy teaches a human that if he is ambitious enough he would be rewarded, it teaches him that if he kills with the name of the True Gods on his lips he would catch their eye and receive their boon, it teaches him that one day he can become a demigod, a mortal no more, and all this if he only wills it and dares it.
The Primordial Truth is also the philosophy of the metaphysical, where reality and dogma shatter, a philosophy that teaches its followers that the laws of physic do not exist, that any laws are artificial, that dogma and ad a closed mind lead your soul to be shattered by the dreaded dream predators. Chaos Undivided is a philosophy that teaches you that you have a soul, teaches you that with your dreams you shape the universe and it teaches you that nothing is impossible, everything can be done if only one dreams it.


Your Chaos is Law disguised. An insult to the true nature of itself.

You are on OUR land. This was our realm before you monkeys learned how to walk. You are the true "Xenos".


That is why a chosen one bears proudly the Star of Chaos even if he pledged his allegiance to only a variant of this philosophy, perhaps to Nurgle's teachings, it is because once you pass over the skein of reality and you see the vast landscapes of infinite possibilities nothing can ever be the same and everything becomes possible, all that is required is a simple dream.

Your Good may be Great but ours is divine.

By the Gods, our ancient enemies have show their face once again! Quickly, we must stop them, we can not trust the Mon'keigh nor these strange look alikes to handle this!

If Elves really are better than humans, why should they be forced to pretend otherwise?

>Your Good may be Great but ours is divine.

But my Evil is a thousand times greater than yours.

Yeah, I kept it to Meniboné itself for a reason. The big guys run on weed-fueled bullshit and will fuck pretty much everything up in an amusing manner. Or just blather a bit and go away.

Did someone say purge in the name of the emperor? Becuase I'm pretty sure I heard someone say purge in the name of the emperor!

From a dais, a noble rouses himself. "A hundred demon names for that one! He looks like my sister and I must have him!"

40k gods ain't got SHIT on Stormbringer.

Ah, followers of the Anathema. I welcome everyone to her my teachings:
A empire founded by a thief. You should be ashamed of the crimes your ancestor did. You will only find salvation by embracing the infinite-eternal of Chaos. The all-encompassing glory shall grant you endless bliss and true glory.

... Your soul. It's gone!
Slaanesh desires you...

OY! Wot's oll dis den? Are youze havin a roight proppa scrap? An youze didn't invoite 'ol Gorgutz? Naow dat'z jus plain rude! Guess we'ze jus gonna haf'ta crash dis pahrty den. BOYZ! GET READY FER A WAAAUGH!

Hahahahaha he comes from



stupid wanker

We Hunger. You shall make a nice snack.

Someone has to save this thread from the 40k derail straight from /tg/

Let's storytime for that.

A cripple demanding respect. You disgust me. You test the patience of this old teacher.
I shall reveal you the Last Truth: The strong are strongest alone.

Your teachings are nothing but the mad ramblings of a twisted mind traitor! I shall make you repent for your sins.

Finally. A challenge.

Vaarda'sh will enjoy this.
You're a gentleman and a scholar.


Nigga, 40k posting is fine but you do understand that 40k chaos lore is cribbed out of Elric.


>ITT: a Melniboné sank thread turns into the script for Dawn of War 4.

Meant warhammer chaos lore rather*
Doing the Balace's work son. Go on.


Be smited


No image posting during storytime. Be nice.

I like you, boy. You're a shallow, precious child — the Revelationist — happy with the sweeping sound of words! But Chaos is the Revelation! It is the Rock, the Chain, and the Lightning? All powerful! All unforgiving! All conquering!! When you cry out in your dreams — the laughter of the Gods is that you hear!


This is about 37 pages long

*42 pages actually

I beg pardon for I did not know that a storytime was in making. Even the vilest of the Hordes of Chaos respect this rule. No images shall be posted
>"And thanks to Moorcock, whose fault all this is."


I really like Conan comics



Elric is a primarch of the imperium of man

it all makes sense

I kind of miss the text captcha

I fucking love it when people are able to muck about with magical spyglasses like that.


It's a patrician tier fantasy trope

I'm still not convinced that this character isn't something that Razörfist made up just to fuck with people.

Elric's appearence in this is Gold. Reminds me of those designs that old Lord of the Rings comic book that was loosely based on that cartoon movie where all the orcs were done with rotoscoping

Neil Gaiman and others worship the Moorcock.

Whoops, sorry.

His whole case on how Witcher is a carbon copy of Elric is kind of haphazard. Sure, they share similarities, but still, Elric has much different feel from the low fantasy of witcher

This is our galaxy. Ours to corrupt, ours to enslave. The Gods will not be denied their prize.
Fear not Chaos, for it is our salvation! Praise the sun that brings the dawn of our final ascencion!
...Death to the false Emperor.


Shh... not now it's story time, We'll fight later.

Forgot pic

Sorry, it's late


I give you this:

Confronting our feelings and giving them appropriate expression always takes strength, not weakness. It takes strength to acknowledge our anger, and sometimes more strength yet to curb the aggressive urges anger may bring and to channel them into nonviolent outlets. It takes strength to face our sadness and to grieve and to let our grief and our anger flow in tears when they need to. It takes strength to talk about our feelings and to reach out for help and comfort when we need it.


Lol Gaynor

But how do you do this when the cosmic embodiments of order and chaos are at the throes of each other and the other side has direct influence on you through and object you are carrying with you ?


This is pathetic.





>But how do you do this when the cosmic embodiments of order and chaos are at the throes of each other and the other side has direct influence on you through and object you are carrying with you ?

There is no normal life that is free of pain. It's the very wrestling with our problems that can be the impetus for our growth.

You should not let anyone tell you you can't do it. I believe in you and I will always will.




