So what exactly is Zoe Saldana's goal here? Or is this on the execs?

So what exactly is Zoe Saldana's goal here? Or is this on the execs?

>Zoe is so hot even white dudes want her
>So cast her in all the movies with white dudes that we want dating black women
>diversity quota filled and we get to sexually harass her for 6 months

She’s actually not horrendously ugly so you can cast her with white guys and you don’t have to suspend belief that much

>tfw no mixed gf

She's a "woman of color" that you can tell by looking at her that she smells nice. Even where she poopoo and peepee. That's why white guys dig her.

Shes married to a white dude. But Hollywood does like to play the interracial card, and she's certainly not the worst looking mulatto in existence.

>any gender of color
>smells nice


She is the new Halle Berry, a "safe" choice when you want to put a black woman in a role to fit the PC quota, but don't want her too black to alienate audiences.

black bois btfo