When did you realize all women are whores even that quiet innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and barely says a word is most definitely a whore.
When did you realize all women are whores even that quiet innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and...
Why do girls like sucking on other girls titties so much
>Sup Forums - Television & Film
Why do women think guys like fake boobs?d
welcome to adulthood, kid. 16 today?
>thinks all women are whores
>still can't get laid
Not every women is like your mom. Now go to /r9k/
who hurt you sweetie?
haha yeah
imagine if there was a cute quiet girl at the back of the class but then you found out every weekend she went out and licked and suckled on some woman's massive fake tits
wouldn't you be disgusted and horrified with her?
It's programming. Every girl is like that when a certain level of arousal is achieved and the most primitive structure in your brain takes over. All the crazy feminist ideals go out the window and they want to be treated like a whore. Men are programmed similarly, just the other way around
The question is rather if this sexual liberation is something legit or if its happening for the sake of men (i.e. so we can see videos like this and fap anyway)
yes the boobies are definately fake they even look different from another xd
Honestly how do threads like this shit stay up for so long?
All girls are bissexual
All girls are bi-sexual.
Are roasties even worth saving?
this is the natural degeneration of a prosperous society
Why can't all women act pure like Asian women?
There is already an Elliott Rodger thread up, do we really need two?
Where does he say that?
the term is spaghetti
staright untill wet
why are women such hos?
why are girls so gay
unironically yes
It's implied. Why else would somebody hate women?
>he's never sucked his bro's dick off as a prank
What kind of shit banter do you and your friends have
That's my fetish
I learned this the hard way
>Quiet qt in class that talks to no one probably because it looks like she has a bf
>Start talking to her and learn her father owns a church and that she does have a bf
>Marriage material for me
>Get her number
>Before asking her out I add her Snapchat
>She is somewhere with a guy
>”Oh I guess she has a bf”
>couple days later she is out with another guy and next week she is filming another guy and has heart emojis
>Then she posts screenshots of guys flirting with her on tinder
I never talked to her again
because he wants someone to raise his children and all he has to choose from is thots
everyone likes to suck titties
they are made to be succ and look succable
So what should we do? Drop all romanticizing and openly ask girls to bang?
>he wants to have kids
lmao fag, the world is already over, who are you kidding
especially the quiet innocent girl
That she doesn’t* have a bf*
Yes, why else would anyone hate these perfect beings that never do anything wrong, am i right?
When I was exposed to women. That's it. Whores with the angel complex. If you want to keep a man happy, have him deluded enough to believe women are worth his time.
OP confirmed for incel
Holy shit. What were the odds? I swear on my mother's life I didn't do this. I just made the bottom post.
Oh, you're right. Thanks rabbi, you put it all in perspective for me.
It's a human thing, not a male thing. All humans want to suck on breasts because we do it for months at the start of our lives.
i know this is pasta, but how can you "own" a church?
Yes. Beware the quiet innocent ones. For they have mastered the art of deception. They mask themselves with innocence and purity and with an extra glance you see the rotten whore beneath.
Hating all women is the sure sign of a virgin
most women are hos though
>cant stand several years of declining beauty
>meanwhile wizards exist
>how can you "own" a church?
What I've always wondered is why they all find it cute and innocent
My friend's gf often makes jokes that she wants to make out / fuck other girls and that wouldn't be cheating on her bf. He's always like "i'm okay with that ehe eheheh".
If I was a dyke I'd be pissed off that people just use my sexuality as a joke, not taking it serious that women can love each other
Maybe I'm just retarded but I've always been puzzled about that
>it's alright when guys do it tho
is there a single girl who doesn't whore herself at parties every weekend? I've met more than one qt who is the quiet shy type and I've discovered their instagrams and they all have photos getting drunk at parties with bunch of dudes in the comments
Women don't have unlimited magical power to soften the blow of getting old and lonely.
you can't fuck a brain user
im not trying to marry a guy retard
It's also the sign of an experienced man. Virgin and chad are united against the eternal female. Not hating them is the sign of the soyboy.
You guys don't date girls that have been with more than a couple guys right? You realize you're literally a cuck right?
Sauce me my guy
>he unironically thinks this
get the fuck out of here casual
This one hurts. I don't fully understand why but it hurts deeply.
>thinking we date anyone
where do you think you are?
Yeah, the ugly ones that no one notices.
That's what Tinder is for
I have a gf and I still hate women, just not her
Because they are currently trying to destroy men and the concept of men?
>slept with girl on new years
>fucked her again next morning
>phone was dead, gave her my number
>never texted me back
What gives Sup Forums?
>normie new years eve.webm
>tfw you realize everyone who was "out" partying on NYE was basically doing shit like this while you just sat at home and browsed Sup Forums
This, why didnt that girl punch that cunt in the face for just touching her tits? Was she too drunk to think clearly? I mean straight guys attack gay guys that hit on them. Wtf is wrong with women?
Do you have a fat and repulsive female friend? If you do, look up her Tinder app. I can promise you she has countless men flirting with her as we speak. We are reliving the pre-civilization era again. The digital era has figuratively set us back thousands of years.
It's not very popular where I live.
No, there isn't. Better be good looking or you're getting cucked
I thought i arrived at the wrong board for a second
have you ever been to a party? it's miserable.
>You guys don't date girls
Fixed that for you.
What im saying is you're being too much of an idealist expecting every woman you ever have any interest in to be a virgin and not think any lewd thoughts about anyone beside you. Come on man. Straight up double standards
Penis game aint lit
>Dating girls
Women are there to be used. You pump and dump them, or keep them as pets caged beneath your bed. For actual relationships they're useless and can't compare to the mental stimulation received from and interests shared with your bros. .
i smell fish. anyone else smell fish?
Claire aka the giggliest girl in porn. She did multiple blowbang scenes. It's the dirtiest fucking thing because she's giggling like a little girl as she swallows 10 loads of cum
Her GHS episodes were the most unwatchable. The bitch just doesnt stop giggling
Clare from GloryHole Swallows
>at college
>cute religious girl in class
>quiet and nice
>one day she's flicking through her facebook photos
>creep over her shoulder
>picture after picture of her out partying and sucking on random girls tits and kissing random guys
>wah wah, why do women reject me?!?!
>Sup Forums - Television & Film
>Straight up double standards
but im a virgin
I never once cared because guys are just as desiring of physical attention. I'm sorry you're going through a tough time op.
To women sex is like finding someone random at the gym to play basketball with, it’s fun but they can always find someone else so no attachment is necessary
>8 month toddler
didn't read after that
I am a brave woman!
>begs Chad to fuck her like a slave on Tinder
You don't know what I've been through!
>does her fifth abortion after her wild Ibiza trip
Women have it tough!
>lives an entire life of alcohol, drugs and STDs, decides to settle down with a rich nerd who had to wait his whole life for just one woman
The patriarchy is choking us!
>All her life reducing men to nothing but status symbols for her friends
Be happy you got some at all, fag.
Who the fuck ate sushi here?
unwatchable? it's probably the most erotic thing i've watched.
based r9k leaking
I cant believe this gloryhole semen monster got a beta men
they look like they're having fun in that .webm, plus you're most likely way too intoxicated in parties to be "miserable", unless you're that autistic virgin with high morals that doesn't do drugs/alcohol
>you should be happy when women reject you!
brilliant mind you are
She's a thot.
Who gives a shit about what women do.
Go back to r9k
This right here boys, use women for sex dont ever love them at all.