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>I will never see it in IMAX again

It just looks so bad... why would anyone pay for this? It's so generic

still better than those idiots who only torrented it
like the quality of the discussion really went to shit once it got released online

>people trying to shit on BR49
>every shitpost just reminds me how much I loved it

>watched it on my 4k tv in my dark room with 300 dollar headphones for the first time
feels good man, beats sitting in a smelly imax

the car k drives is a peugeot, the same french manufacturer as columbo car

Downmixed 5.1. or 7.1 source file to a stereo channel output sounds like horse shit my man, you can have the best headphones in the world but it doesn't sound like it is intended to sound.
Nice cope though

I wish I had that mentality which bladerunner movie did you like more?

>Tfw I didn't watch it in IMAX or a cinema

are you projecting my man?
it was one of the better movie experiences i had in my life
the best was in the gold class imax

It was the first time in years I didn’t regret getting a ticket for a movie

powerdvd has a mode called true theater surround, so far it the best audio render i ever heard for 5.1 and 7.1, not even downmixed

Your walmart Samsung SMART TV and headphones are not comparable to an IMAX in any way.
Multi-thousand watt sound amplifiers, omni directional sound with speakers even from behind the screen that has microscopic holes for the sound to get through, sub bass capable of going as low as 20hz which you feel throughout your whole body, speakers able to reach uncompressed 118 decibels with zero digital distortion and overall perfect acoustic treatment of the room, while you just sit in your small ass room with 2 tiny speakers farting in your ears.

And this is all just the sound, not to mention the 2 ton IMAX projector along with the 98 feet high screen.

I was too fucking busy when it was aired, damned job.
Hearing how shitty Dunkirk sounds at home compared to IMAX hurts even more.

>random numbers
yes and?
i went to imax a lot of times i know the experience but i still think it was more worth watching comfy on my couch at home

Even if you're right you sound too much like a shill. Are you working at the cinema?

sounds gay as fuck desu lmoa

>no IMAX anywhere near where I am
>only saw it 7 times in regular theater
>watching it on my pc with relatively good headset will never ever be as good as regular theater quality, let alone IMAX
>bluray release is mid fucking february

Is all I heard in the theater. Was wondering if the movie is broken, shit literally hurt my ears.

maybe try going to a theater that's not shitty next time

How did Luv look in imax ?

that sounddesign is amazing




Lmao poorfags are angry


Dreadfully Distinct


Terrible pleb flick



>microscopic holes
Stopped reading right there

>driving home in a snow storm
>looks exactly like this


It was a good movie

But leto and his assistance were the worst parts, They should have made him a antagonist but more philosophical about his action, like you feel more empthy for him, like more philosophical how he sees the world and his action in a different but understandable perpective

And not just
>oh yea a new fresh replicant. let me just rub me hand over all that slimy body while I talk gibberish, mmm yeaa now give me that knife so I can stab her for no reason

>Bowie was the original cast for Leto's character

Really floods my connector that I'll never see this.

Every frame a painting

you have Hans "if i make my music loud and epic they'll never criticize it" zimmer to thank for that dumb shit, which understudy did he get to ghost write the music this time?

I'm so pissed I missed it in theaters. Why did I doubt it.

>But leto and his assistance were the worst parts
You didn't like luv? I thought luv was great! Leto was okay but I'm not a fan of him in the first place. I think he stabed that fresh replicant because she could not have a child.


Other than the visuals this movie was pretty meh.

The movie screams try hard, from the silent cool guy K, to the cringe worthy Leto to Ford part.

The plot itself is just try hard to be something special but ends not being at all.

Zero emotional impact

Greart visuals though

>tfw only 5 people in entire Kinoplex
>music was loud as shit
>Sea Wall scene and theme came on
>felt like I was being disintegrated

>comes out on torrent sites
>pleb threads come out on Sup Forums
really activates my jimmies


Saw it in 4DX. Shit was so cash.

>all the shots in the film
>you can't see fucking anything
Yeah, that's kino alright...

Anyone else got Tarkovsky's Stalker vibes from this movie?

>The plot itself is just try hard to be something special but ends not being at all.

The plot is a trainwreck.

whats size tv?

This was my favorite shot in the film


>watching kino as a 256p camrip
>complaining about quality

I saw it in theaters bud

>text comes up on screen
>it's so small I can't read it
>sound comes on
>it's so loud all I can hear is the plastic speakers vibrating
>shots of the city and world
>always covered in rain and dust
>can't see anything


In my opinion...all that great technology ruined by 100 strangers sitting in the room with you making 300 noises at once:
>Popcorn chewing
>Soda straw vibrating
>Candy wrapper opening
>Repeating missed dialogue to each other in not so hushed whispers

>>it's so small I can't read it
>>I can hear is the plastic speakers vibrating
Is your "theater" in someone's living room or? Third world country? Are you all watching it on a laptop?

Not even once in my theater.

Move out of your degenerate country and you will not experience almost any of that.

Hijacking this thread to dump my poster collection.

did you make this or just post what you've found online


I said collection not art-resume.



My second favorite shot from BR2049


>Watched it on my 4k tv
>Movie isn't available in 4k, blu ray isn't even out





If only the shots in the film looked this good and didn't look like this


It's funny how K is fucked up and covered in blood for like 70% of the movie. Even in the beginning when we are watching his daily life he flies home beaten and bloodied.



I saw it twice in IMAX, once in regular
Fuck dude, the IMAX showings were so amazing, the vibration you felt through your body was incredible

I was watching some scenes on youtube the other day and it felt so different, gonna be hard to replicate it

Stay away from camrips moron


I. Saw. It. In. Theaters.


This movie was so good that it hurts a little

It should be showing in IMAX for the next decade


How much better would the film been had David Bowie been the antagonist like planned?

>Posting that as a criticism
That got btfod last night shut the fuck up




Much better. I thought Wallace as a character was weak. I understood his motivations but didn't really feel invested in them one way or another. Also the whole replicant revolutionary movement didn't need to be in the film at all. That's when I started feeling the length of the movie when they introduced that dumb shit

This was such a genius transition

>one of the worst parts



I missed out on Imax


That's real fuckin' cool, dude. I'd rather watch it at home where I can get drunk and pause to piss.

>it's so loud all I can hear is the plastic speakers vibrating

Wow, your area must be awful.