Cake edition
/trek/ thread
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>this is someones fetish
This is one of the few Star Trek episodes to be slightly edited for screening by the BBC in the UK: the scene in the turbolift when Data confronts Troi with a knife (which caused some upset among audiences in the US) was trimmed to remove the actual moment of stabbing. Syfy channel's UK airing of this episode to date still has this edit.
So I finally got all caught up on Discovery last night
I thought it was surprisingly great
lmao. I'll never be amazed by stay-at-home mums being triggered by the weakest shit (and you know they would've been the ones to complain the most).
Kek. What other edits have been made to TNG episodes?
You're not welcome here.
Did Star go out of their way to post the worst possible pictures of the women at the cruise that is currently going on??
The High Ground, from TNG S3E12
>This episode was cut from first-run transmission in the UK and the Republic of Ireland due to references to the reunification of Ireland being achieved through terrorism (when the episode aired in early 1990, the idea that a peace treaty would exist by decade's end was almost as inconceivable as the breakup of the Soviet Union had been when it was referenced in "The Naked Now"). To date, it has not aired on RTÉ, and only aired on the BBC for the first time on 29 September 2007 (with the Ireland reference intact), fifteen years after it was first intended to go out. It has, however, been aired several times on satellite and cable television (occasionally edited to remove the reference) and was released uncut on video and DVD in the UK and Ireland.
"The High Ground" was edited in the UK to remove Data's line about Irish Unification
Not the Crusherposter, but Gates looks pretty good
They... tried?
I thought that blackface was racist
At least she looks age appropriate with her hair color now. Not to say she won't probably end up dying it again sometime soon.
Funny you mention not being Crusherposter because you just replied to him.
That's funny. Sometimes I recognize your posting style but oftentimes if it isn't Crusher related, I don't notice.
This is the Rikerfaggot btw
I thought so
Who picked these photos out?
You probably can't even tell who this is because it almost looks like a homeless man, but it's Gates McFadden.
at least she looks like she's cozy
Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations is a core tenet of Star Trek.
Nana looks pretty cute here. Probably the only decent picture they posted of her.
Stay comfy, Gates
Vulcans are autistic tho desu
dont come around here no more
Holy fuck.
Good song as well.
I remember meeting Commander Riker when he first came on board the Enterprise. At the time he was the peak of physical fitness, easily making those skin-tight uniforms look good. He kept himself in excellent shape, working out and doing anbo-jitsu.
Unfortunate thing was, like a lot of men his age, his metabolism started to slow down. Will had the dual curse of growing up both living in Alaska and being an athlete. That meant that he had a deeply ingrained psychological need to consume calories, even though his body no longer demanded it. Duty shifts seated on a climate controlled starship were nothing like trudging through miles of frozen back-country to go salmon fishing or competing in a 16 round anbo-jitsu tournament. Yet still he continued to eat to fit his former lifestyle.
His favorite meal was breakfast. The starchier, more carb-filled the better. While he would occasionally experiment (Lt. Worf still talks about those eggs), he would usually replicate pancakes, hoecakes, waffles, or french toast. A lot of it, plus syrup and butter, with sausage for protein.
It also wouldn't be unusual to see him having a large sandwich and fries for lunch or a big dinner in ten-forward, steak with at least two baked potatoes or a dense pasta dish.
Point was, he changed over the next six years into a chubbier, thicker version of that trim and athletic first officer we all remembered, not to mention the beard.
There's nothing wrong with being autistic.
t. Odo
Seriously, what the fuck? But they look like they're having a good time at least.
Thing was, Riker was gay. All of the male Junior Officers knew it, the subtle ways he would hit on us. But he was a self-hating gay. Will hated the fact that he was gay, despised it in fact. He tried to hide it by being the "ladies man" onboard, and while he had many relationships none of them would last. The female Junior Officers he would bed would chalk it up to him not being able to be tied down but I knew the truth.
I don't think he ever came to terms with it, and a lot of us think that his marriage to Counselor Troi was one of convenience, since we all had similar suspicions about her and Doctor Crusher.
By the seventh year onboard, Will looked like someone you would want to embrace and just meld into his warmth, like butter or chocolate.
The closest I ever got though was competing against him in the shipwide anbo-jitsu tournament. At one point we grappled, and I can tell you that beneath that soft, warm exterior were muscles like steel wire. If he ever hugged you, he would never let go, because it would be like a hugging an Alaskan Grizzly, to the death.
Superior 2018 pictures coming through.
I'll never forget the time Captain Jellico took command and relieved Commander Riker of duty. In public, he was ever the stoic, full of bravado and righteous indignation, but that night I happened to be working the new Gamma Shift which was 1800 hours until midnight.
I decided to stop in at ten-forward before heading back to my quarters. It was deserted, except for one person sitting in the upper left corner by the big windows, facing away from the bar.
It was Will, he was in civilian clothes. In front of him was a tall glass of milk, and the biggest slice of chocolate cake I had ever seen. This one slice probably had enough cake and icing for maybe two normal cakes, and he was going to town.
I mean just shovelling forkfuls of cake into his mouth as fast as he could without choking. I shook my head, preparing to leave and just chalk it up to his legendary eating habits but the sound made me pause.
I expected to hear the wet smacking sound of chewing but that wasn't it. He was sobbing, uncontrollably. The way someone only can when they think the're totally alone and can't be judged.
stinky you know what
DS9 sucked
Which character was the blue facial hair guy?
Gates teaching a tap dancing class
How many years have you been spamming this? You're obsessed.
Ira Behr aka
>wait, people LIKE a well-written and charismatic character like Dukat??? well, we certainly can't have that!
>I can tell you that beneath that soft, warm exterior were muscles like steel wire. If he ever hugged you, he would never let go
not even gonna lie, that episode has always creeped me the fuck out. it's harder to watch than most horror films imo.
that's because of the implication
>deeply ingrained psychological need to consume calories
Also lol @ the image getting switched, that happened to me too the other day. I wonder what post got an unexpected picture of Riker.
Ok so just like a producer or writer? Thx. DS9 wasn't my bag back in the 90s I was like 11 when it debuted and I was convinced it was the reason TNG was wrapping up.
>mfw there are only two series finales that have made me cry. TNG and Quantum Leap. To be young again and have tv I can get invested in.
STD begins later today. After weeks of Trek deprivation you’d think people would be more excited.. or even aware.
No, the /std/ general thread died after 20 posts.
Does anyone care anymore? Will anyone watch tonight? STD’s plot has essentially been wiped clean so we should expect more one-off episodes. I think that’s what the show needs at this point.
yup, Ira's usually blamed for Dukat's storyline going to shit after Waltz (S6) since cardies are nazis bla bla literally hitler bla bla.
I'll watch it if megabro posts the mega for it. I'm almost curious to see how the MU episode will turn out this fucking early into the series.
Can someone post intense_daberoni.png for me? I can't find it anywhere.
I started that general this morning but couldn't keep it alive. BASED MEGA POSTER must appear so I can watch it tonight he is my only hope.
>lets talk about it plz. What the fuck do you guys this will happen? Where are they?
I've only seen the pilot for STD but if someone posts a mega of tonight's ep, I might watch just because Frakes directed it
I've been trying to watch STD and it's just so fucking boring. I left off on episode 6 but I really can't work up the motivation to watch it anymore. The worse problem with this show by far is that it is dull as dick. What do you mean by the plot is wiped clean by the way, do they finally move on from this boring war arc and do something interesting at some point?
here lad
STD isn't star trek. go make another containment general. b-but it died. yeah that should tell you something
The KLANGON plotline is mostly finished, only thing left is to do the totally unexpected reveal of that one guy being the albino klangon. oh and they got warped or whatever into the mirror universe (apparently)
BASED MEGA POSTER is here among us I hope. I always check two hours after it airs and he has a link up. please god tell me he hasn't left us.
man go fuck yourself these /Trek/ threads are like 5 of us circle jerking anyways we should welcome new Trek.
definitely the MU. there's a preview clip where Discovery gets attacked by a Vulcan ship. and Frakes totally spilled the beans about Georgiou being back.
the pilot sucks. at least watch the Mudd episode with the time loop.
Thanks friend
Consensus is that they just transferred Kor's spirit into Ash yeah? Like he didn't get surgery to change his body?
I agree on Mudd episode being must watch Trek. Best episode of this series. So are we thinking Discovery can hop between different mirror universes now? Will that be the arc for the rest of the series? I hope they do then season two is a different ship and different time.
still not star trek
is that DS9 documentary out yet?
I know you are but what am I?
Explain the OP's picture, I think I'm getting an erection.
The show would improve a lot if they got stuck in a mirror universe (or a different time period or something) permanently.
std isn't star trek
I could have sworn that a couple years ago when they announced it was in development they said it was gonna be like an anthology series. So different crew and everything each season like True Detective. Could have been BS I read on here but I really like that idea. It would suck to not see characters arcs go as far but if season 2 is totally different I wouldn't mind.
I heard it's delayed again because Adam Nimoy quit.
that was the original Bryan Fuller idea, but got shot down pretty quick because it would be way more expensive to have to redesign everything every year, so they're sticking with this ship and crew.
I would cream my pants if there was a show where they wore the red uniforms from movies II-VI (and assorted TNG flashback scenes) and the main ship was an Excelsior though.
STD and Orville are BOTH Trek in my book and frankly better than half the other Trek I have seen in my life. I will take that Mudd timeloop episode over any VOY and TOS episodes.
Fit me.
That could be good, but I don't think it's the idea they decided to go with.
std isn't star trek
>I will take that Mudd timeloop episode over any VOY and TOS episodes.
>over any TOS episodes
confirmed for shit taste
Fuck that does ring a bell it was Fuller say that way back when. Makes sense the cost would be crazy but damn if it wouldn't be cool. I would love a Nicholas Meyer era season around IV time then jump forward to maybe 50 years post VOY and Borg are everywhere. They could even put SJW shit in there with Borg being like refugees and we find out they aren't all evil.
TOS fucking sucks. I watch that shit on BBC America every fucking day and it is so lame. I respect what it did and of course it was amazing for its time, but yeah... TOS sucks.
Also, Tilly time!!!
>I don't rate TOS
how much fatter will Tilly get? will she overtake Riker?
We all know there will be a jump or whatever that she is a Captain. How will they age her up and 'fix' her look a bit? Or will she be young still and somehow captain?
You guys think we will see the enterprise ever? Like just a cameo in some battle?
I hope she stays at current level, mr dog with hat. It's top t h i c c
It is delicious Troi. You must eat her.
>pretending STD isn't trek.
> waaaa I wanna go back to the 90s, >waaaaaaa!
who are you quoting?
std isn't star trek
Please continue, mate.
Orville > STD
I think we need to be brave enough to accept Discovery as star trek even if we are scared by some of the moves the show is making. I, for one, want to be part of the furure of sci fi.
Saying it over and over again won't make it true. Please, criticize it for the things that deserve criticism, but then move on and talk about something you actually like.
Truly. I hope The Orville comes back soon.
std isn't star trek
0.03 cents have been added to your CBS account
This fucking guy has autism
This fucking guy is retarded
This fucking guy is right
std isn't star trek
0.03 cents have been added to your CBS account
Thanks, user! :-)
That is plainly false. You could say that CBS ruined star trek, but instead you are repeating something even a child would know to be a lie.
std isn't star trek
It feels like someone is trying to sell me something...
still not star trek
STD is not star trek. Star Trek was officially pronounced dead when JJ Abrams took the star trek name and made a kids whedon movie. The creative team of star trek original Gene Roddenberry crew all left with the end and cancellation of star trek enterprise. The ones responsible for all trek up until then. After that and today we are left with reruns and home entertainment.
STD and new star trek movies will never be star trek.
Star Trek Discovery isn't star trek?
His IP is marked «special needs» so the mods know not to ban him, as it would not be PC.