Why don't villains use supersonic bullets to kill speedsters? They may be faster than bullets...

Why don't villains use supersonic bullets to kill speedsters? They may be faster than bullets, but unless they see the shooter then there'll be no way they'll know it's coming since it'll hit before they hear the shot. Like I'm sure some are so bullshit fast that they'll feel the bullet touch their skin then immediately react (pic related), but in a vast majority of comics, especially older ones before speedforce REALLY went off the deep end, they would just get hit

doesn't one of the flashes use their speed instinctively I think its wally or kid flash maybe barry but I know most of them has to choice when and when not to use it while one uses it like a sort of sixth sense either way wouldnt they hear the bullet

>wouldnt they hear the bullet
there's nothing to hear, the bullet is faster than the speed of sound so it'd hit before the soundwave reached them
Although I don't remember this sixth sense power it wouldn't surprise me though

logically speed force would speed up the sound, they can still hear things and talk to each other while running at least

Wally literately felt a bullet his his skin, catch it and then catch like a dozen more bullets in less than a half second before Waid even created the speed force

using a comma for a decimal point triggers me

is this an actual method of representing numbers?

>speed force

yes it is, in English-speaking countries the comma is used to separate sequences of three digits.

Why doesn't superman track down and destroy all pieces of kryptonite his only weakness...writing man, blame the writers

Not in decimals. At least not in America. The only english speaking country that matters.

because atomic banana peels work better.

I understand that, but in the pic the comma is used to separate the first digit from the rest then the sets of threes are separated with full stops

I'm not a retard

or maybe the font is just fucked

Flash has gotten shot before, felt the bullet touch his skin, and moved out of the way.

No it wouldn't work.

Yeah, in Latin and European countries, commas and periods are reversed as to how American uses them.

Though in the picture, the first comma/period to signify the decimal would be enough and you'd just have spaces inbetween the trios of zeros to make it easier to read

I believe that the injusticeverse did exaclty that. Batman had the only one left because he does that. Eventually they resorted to bargaining with Mongul for his piece because there was none left on Earth.

>is this an actual method of representing numbers?
Yes, in some countries.

I see, I see all this is very educational.

here's why

If he has the time to reach behind himself precisely and grab a bullet, why doesn't he just step to the side? He reaches for the bullet before it hits the suit, so he clearly knows where it is. He didn't really need to fall over either.

Also I think OP asked with regards to other speedsters, not overpowered ones like Flash.

and yet Iris was able to shoot Savitar who is the same person and faster

superman lets batman have some since He know since he's the most powerful person on the planet, someone's going to eventually get his powers/ make him a puppet,

I prefer a Superman that doesn't get autistic about people having kryptonite like some canons

CW supergirl

Whilst some English speaking countries use the decimal comma, most use a decimal point.

There's a list on the wiki for 'Decimal mark'.

The Cold Gun is designed specifically for counteracting speedsters.

>Why don't villains use supersonic bullets to kill speedsters?
Most bullets are supersonic

God that is the most neckbeardiest, capeshit-worshipping basement-dweller infographic ever and it really irritates the everloving fuck out of me. Fuck the Flash. And I gotta say, fuck modern capeshit. I really, really made a concerted effort over the past twelve months to get back into it, only things I enjoyed were The Vision, The Flintstones and Howard The Duck (and the last two aren't really capes anyway. Well, Howard is, kind of). I tried so hard, Sup Forums, I BOUGHT comics and trades that were recommended to me by capefriends and they were all fucking shit. I'm with Alan Moore on the state of the mainstream industry, call me a hipster all you like, at least I tried to step out of my comfort zone and put my cash on the table which is more than 99% of capefags seem to be capable of. Sorry not sorry

how the fuck did they draw the flash face? One half is sad, one is happy. It's just me or it's also used somewhere else. It's so fucking odd

>Why don't villains use supersonic bullets to kill speedsters?

>Being a retard

>Why don't villains use supersonic bullets to kill speedsters?
You do know that subsonic bullets that fire slow enough to not break the sound barrier have to be specifically sought out because EVERY OTHER FUCKING BULLET IS SUPERSPONIC.

You know that distinctive loud crack when a bullet fires? thats the bullet breaking the sound barrier.

>Why don't villains use supersonic bullets to kill speedsters?

>Why dont they make bullets?

They hear things faster, too.

I've always headcanoned the speedforce to fluctuate, which is pretty much the only reason Barry gets BTFO so often in team books but then suddenly can do that attosecond shit.

>this whole thread

Come on, Sup Forums
You should know this already

Hang on a second.. if an attosecond is smaller than the smallest measurable unit of time, why does it exist to begin with? What use does it have?

Well, we the smallest measurable would be 12 attoseconds, it exists as a measurement so it might as well have a name

He heard the shot so it wasn't a supersonic bullet.

Almost every normal bullet is already supersonic user, subsonic bullets are usually specialty loads used to be more effective with suppressors.

The Flash is, has been, will always be the answer

That doesn't work. If you divide the smallest measurable amount into twelve parts, you've created a new unit that is smaller than the old one and still countable.

It's a hypothetical, like infinity. It's named just to have a name, but it has no significance or use whatsoever.

>supersonic bullets

OP was dropped on his head as a child it seems.

End youreself

Yeah, but infinity is a concept, not a number. An attosecond is a specific, fixed value. Not some thought experiment like "the smallest thing ever, but smaller than that".