so who was wrong here?
So who was wrong here?
>all this black mirror spamming
what a (((coincidence)))
why is it this 100% of the time though?
She for not riding the bull for free while and getting riding the bull by force and drugged instead
people will do anything to escape a shitty life, even if it means going against your principles
tfw no frizzy hair gf
is this the nigger from get out
Video of her sucking a dick from the fappening
While that might be part of it, I think the bigger thing is peer pressure and the anxiety of living in a society obsessed with its image.
women don't like poor men he should have used that on himself to better his situation and then brought her with him when he could
sucking balls, to be precise
>White Christmas
>Hang the DJ
>Entire History of You
>San Junipero
just off the top of my head those are episodes with non-BM/WF interracial relationships
what did she mean by this?
>popular show releases a new season
>there's lots of threads about it
Woah, no way
Fucking jews must be behind this
is this a big dick? or average?
>White Christmas
Hispanic Woman/ White man
>Hang the DJ
Mixed-black female/White male
>Entire History of You
Indian man/White woman
>San Junipero
Black woman/White woman
Gee, i guess you're right user.
wtf? i thought she was pure
bigger than 6" that's for sure
Looks average
>wake up you slut
>Moving the goalposts this hard
hard to tell from pics sometimes, but it looks big. probably a bit over 7.