Did they ever catch KONY 2012 after the documentary?
KONY 2012
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> No evidence to suggest he is even alive
Imagine he died years before and all that was for nothing.
I still can't believe how many normies fell for this scam.
I can't believe how easily people forgot about it. You'd think people would at least make a joke or two every now and then, but it's nothing now.
the main guy behind the project actually went crazy after discovering there was literally nothing he could do towards this african dude that nobody even knows the location of. He ended up getting jailed on two separate occasions for public indecency
This man was totally demonic. He forced children to murder infants by smashing their heads on rocks. He forced children to murder their parents. He went into a school and killed the teachers, cooked them, and forced the kids to eat them.
Hopefully he's in hell.
the dude who made the viral video embezzled money and bought a ton of dope and was literally found running the streets high on PCP and publicly masturbating, only weeks after the video went viral
>he thinks Kony actually did all that shit
How did Kony lose the 2012 election to Obama?
No. The guy who organized the thing was found naked jackin it in San Diego
Just like that Avatar movie
I can’t believe people were retweeting Carl weathers from predator thinking it was kony
Truly we are the worst generation.
Yeah thats what every fakeass virtue signaling dipshit cause is like.
If psyops are real, this was definitely one of them.
dey do nut know dee wey budda
So he's not even in the top 50 list of Most Brutal African Warlords?
It was a beta test to see how effective social media would mobilize behind a cause. Dry run for the Arab spring
They've been doing that for hundreds, if not thousands of years, lol. Cannibalism is normal in Africa, they don't need a warlord to tell them to do it.
That was my sense of it. Always seemed like some sort of proof of concept run.
God, do americans really like TMZ?
except the Arab Spring literally happened before it you fucking dunce
Is Kony /ourguy/
anyone who supported this movement was racist.
On a daily basis when there is nothing else to watch it can be entertaining. Its not like it is news, they just make fun of celebrities for 20 minutes.
not even the right trip faggo
underrated kek
Nope the entire thing was an algorithimically calculated psyop to prep people for Libya and the utilization of AFRICOM. It was in the early days of such algos though so they messed up which is why the whole thing went completely fucking sideways towards the end. They're much better and streamlined now, so there should be less of those malfunctions now.
having a drug addict in charge of it is too much of a miscalculation for it to be a glitch
hello alex jones you are the man
>KONY 2012
Kony 2012 was taken care of. But now we gotta fight the newer, stronger Kony 2017. 2018 model isn't out yet.
KONY has just been pushed in the medias for the audience to accept more troops outside of the US, and, precisely, in Africa.
it's a blue pill.
there will be more and more of it.
This is what USS Callister should have been.
KONY 2018
Bringin it back
very kino ending
niggers gonna nig
world would be a better place if we nuked the whole continent [/spoiler] after deporting the rest of the blacks there too [/spoiler]
Whatever. Pick your NGO backed (((revolution))) they’re all the same
>tfw my friends dad singlehandedly ended the kony 2012 campaign by recording this
>my friend always brings this up
He is correct tho
Normies pretend it never happened out of embarassment.
thats awesome man! my highschool held assemblies in the gym kony 2012 shills showed the clip and accepted donations. they did it every year I was edgy back then so I called it as bullshit from the start
Why? Just look at all the retards whining about muh net neutrality.
As much as I'd love to say no, apparently enough do. Jesus christ.
Kony was a short round of misinformation. But unless you're not a burger, you're the edgy retard.
>putting the "infant" back in "infantry"
The memes were so funny.
Yeah, people forgot about it extremely quickly, almost instantly. It was a huge scam for sure.
Does anyone else remember when the hipster faggots actually went to Konyland and posed with various firearms while the native wondered who they were?
And you were in the right
You should take a look at the Skype call-in segments. It's the same, sad thing thing every time. Lonely housewives in the middle of the country clunkily trying to give their useless opinions on the week's latest nothingburger celebrity story.
Kony did nothing wrong