Ok Lads, here is the current list. We can’t let them get away with this. We need to keep reminding everyone as to why it sucks, otherwise, they won’t stop. The Mouse has an army of paid shills and propaganda. We all have to work together to fight this. If there is anything else to add, please leave it in this thread, and we will add it to the list. If you have not yet added your review to rotten tomatoes, now would be a good time.
>Bombs dropping in space with little to no gravity. >Rey is a Mary Sue. >Lukes character assassination. >Milking of weird space creature. >Fishing in the most ludicrously complicated way possible. >Attempted to kill his nephew because he “sensed potential future” evil, even though he never gave up on Vader, who had already committed mass genocide, and personally killed children. >Turning his back on friends, family, religion, existence. >Luke fakes out Kylo with a hologram, in order to avoid being killed. But then he dies seconds later, from the exhaustion of projecting the hologram. >Leia flying like marry Poppins. >Forced political messaging; Veganism, ant capitalism, anti-religion, extreme feminism, military industrial complex. >All other star wars movies have a span of time between them, to create an Epic that spans the ages. That is why there is a crawl at the start of the movies. It’s to explain what has been going on. However, TLJ happens moments after TFA, with no time for epic character development. >Where are the knights of Ren? >Pointless Casino Planet side story that added nothing to the overall plot. >If Rose and Finn can escape together to a distant system, and then return, undetected, why can’t everyone take turns sneaking off and on in this fashion? Two or more leave in a pod, one comes back, two or more leave, one comes back, etc. >Kylo Ren shirtless scene wearing urkel pants.
>Forced Jokes that make no sense. >Iron/spaceship gag >Finn walking around in a bubble suite. >Luke drinking space milk. >All random Porg scenes. >Captain Phasma being killed by the Janitor. >Finn, trying to save his friends with an amazing act of Love (Agape), is stopped and told, “we’re going to win this war, not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love”. The problem, is that Finn was not full of rage at this moment, or trying to kill anyone, he literally was motivated by saving people. >How did and injured Finn and Rose run all the way back to the Base without being killed by all the New Order troops that were standing right next to them. >Benicio Del Toro stuttering for no reason. >Death of Admiral Ackbar for no reason. Just a mention of him dying. Why even bring him up. Should have just not even mentioned him. >Based on the timeline of the movie, Han just died. No one talks about it? No funeral? Seems odd that no one noticed that he died. No one seemed upset about it. >Why wouldn’t Holdo just tell Poe her plan to stop the mutiny? >How is Holdo’s plan even a secret. The New Order would easily be able to track their trajectory to the next closest planetoid. >Why can’t the New Order just use hyperspace to jump in front of the resistance ships and surround them, how does this chase even make any sense?
David Clark
Luke throwing his lightsaber over his shoulder for comic relief. This totally ruined all of the build up of TFA and makes no sense at all.
Thomas Evans
Jace Cooper
>Rian shitting on fans by having Supreme Leader Snoke call Kylo Ren a lame Darth Vader cosplayer. He literally called his helmet ridiculous, and told him to take it off. Ren smashes the helmet and crys.
Chase Thompson
Go away reddit holy cow
Grayson Jones
Force ghost Yoda blowing up the Jedi temple. If force ghosts have this power, why have they never used it before, and why use it now to destroy a religion that is actually true and has given you the ability to turn into a force ghost.
Gabriel Lee
We tried to Warn you, this post is the proof.
>"The Mouse has an army of paid shills and propaganda. We all have to work together to fight this."
Josiah Harris
Ayden Parker
In all fairness, Qui-Gon Jonn, the least conventional Jedi ever, discovered the ability to ghost. It wouldn't have been in those ancient texts.
Carter Clark
You forgot to add
>Luke handing Leia her late's husband golden dice as a keepsake, but LOL IT WAS JUST AN ASTRAL PROJECTION
Anthony White
in the bomb scene, the Asian girl is laying down on a grill with space on the other side
how could she breathe in space
Gavin Wright
The First Order has a tracker on just one ship, so they can only follow the fleet with that one ship. So why doesn't Leia order all the secondary ships in her fleet to jump to hyperspace and safety, leaving just the flagship in the First Order's sights?
Kevin Thompson
>Leia giving out cry for help to the galaxy >Noone cares in the galaxy about fighting empire that have just destroyed 5 planets. Even her brother Luke is just a hologram >Going into next movie with dozen of characters to fight empire and noone else gives a shit. That is totally gonna work without even worse writing >waiting for Porgs to be the next Ewoks
Robert Bailey
He should have said it was JJ's idea
Oliver Clark
I'm fascinated by the backlash to the milking scene because where did you all think milk comes from? Also, doesn't the drinking of milk undermine any claim that the film promotes veganism?
Jaxon Martin
Same, there was a dozen things wrong with that movie luke drinking milk was not one of em. Luke trying to kill his nephew however was
Asher Foster
It seems like Rian Johnson did what Sidious couldn't. He turned Luke to the dark side and then killed him. The resistance gets BTFO to the point they can fit in the Millenium Falcon, nobody in the galaxy is willing to help them. I mean thedark side has won, why even bother making a 3rd part of this clusterfuck. You think people want to watch Rey and Kylo play cat and mouse until offers her to get married?
Ayden Lopez
Added mine user, quite awhile ago. Those faggots are on the losing side. They're attacking because they've lost.
Ian Howard
We can change this to say vegetarianism.
Ryder Hill
It's clear that Rian was fucking with everyone when he made this, including Disney.
Ryan Powell
Honestly pathetic.
Ian Long
Camden Harris
>>Bombs dropping in space with little to no gravity.
Take this one out. Absolutely in-key with OT's space combat of "WWII in Space".
Angel Martin
The helmet was fucking cool, destroying it was gay as fuck. Why? Rian left nothing to chance for being semi good.
Gavin Bennett
The scene doesn't make sense. Rey just wants Luke to help her. She doesn't do anything bad towarss him and she's following him around the planet and when he's drinking the milk he looks at her and is like, "Isn't this disgusting? Bleaghhhh!!!!". Why would he act like that, and why would she be disgusted? Really shit directing.
Ethan Parker
Why didnt they just lightspeed a single cruiser into the oncoming fleet and destroy it.
I mean they had like 5 ships 4 of which ran out of full and they died anyway?
>answer in cultural marxism the value of one life supercedes the value of all colective lives.
To them kamakaziing one person is worse than having the whole fleet destroyed.
Dylan White
Carter Diaz
Remove the political subtext criticism. It allows the Disney Defense Forces to use the "alt-right" retort. .. Replace with the fact that they liberated the animals while leaving the children enalaved.
Logan Hernandez
>Rey is a Mary Sue. You lost me.
Blake Jenkins
it's a term from fan fiction magazines that receive stories with boring OP female characters that never encounter hardship and have all the skills necessary to overcome any obstacle immediately.
Bentley Sanchez
which is kinda funny because if you consider TFA and TLJ fan-fiction Rey is then a text book definition for a mary sue
Austin Thompson
Has anyone mentioned Luke referring to a light saber as a
L a s e r s w o r d ????
Cooper Murphy
Ethan King
you could do this for other disasters in history
Jack Wilson
>not knowing how gravity in space works
you probably think astronauts are weightless because of a lack of gravity too you fucking brainlet zoz
Charles Ramirez
>Bombs dropping in space with little to no gravity.
If you're trying to be a leader of how to hate movies do not water down your message with stupid shit
Jaxon Walker
It is a laser sword
Lightsaber is just tampering with george's ideas that he tolerated.
Parker Peterson
peolpe like pictures use pictures
Aaron Martin
Charles Cox
Proof TLJ was originally expected to make 1.9 billion 1/3
Logan James
>ant capitalism
Robert Rogers
Daniel Barnes
Daniel King
OP memes is the language of the masses (morons)
Evan Taylor
But I liked it.
Landon Powell
OP memes ore duh language of duh masses (morons)
Juan Diaz
>I'm fascinated by the backlash to the milking scene because where did you all think milk comes from? In that galaxy, kathleen kennedy
Grayson Wilson
you're just making mature people who don't like the movie look bad you miserable piece of shit.
James Rivera
Cameron Wilson
Get off your high horse you faggot, if someone is against corporate disenfranchising suicide. Let them be against it you do nothing.
Adam Edwards
Hunter Murphy
It is referred to as a laser sword in the OT.
Brody Green
Dominic Diaz
Alexander Smith
>Let them be against it you do nothing. Oh yeah... I'm sure these lame fucks are a great asset to life by shitposting on websites and organising raids to downvote movies made for kids and on the way discrediting serious criticism.
Blake Rivera
It’s a disgusting scene to look at, nonetheless. Every normie and his mother rants about the toilet humour in Phantom Menace but this shit apparently gets a free pass. >promotes extreme feminism No. The feminist stuff is strongly undermined by the fact that most of the leading women (especially Rose and Fucking Holdo) make retarded decisions that blow up spectacularly in their faces and leave the Resistance worse off in the aftermath. >Leia not communicating properly with Poe >Rey openly trusting Kylo >Rose stopping Finn’s sacrifice, allowing the Nu-Empire to assault the bunker door and the two of them somehow not getting sautéed by Walker fire >everything that comes out of Holdo’s cunt mouth Hard to be a feminist flick if the women keep fucking everything up.
Isaiah Martin
>all those concept artists in the TFA artbook that worked so hard just to get the "right look" for Kylo Ren's helmet >their hard work gets thrown out the window Seriously though what the fuck Rian
Mason Thompson
Fuck, so much this! >also Leia just leaving the dice on the floor
Jack Lopez
Gavin Wilson
don't forget the TFA trailers implying rey is a skywalker
The force is strong in my family bullshit was pushed so hard at the time but it's died off lately
Ryder Hughes
It was fucking stupid and not necessary. Could have been cut for more training scene.
Why does this scene trigger people so much? Is milk gross now? You are aware that milk comes from cows' tits right?
Brayden Green
>consequences she committed fucking jihad to people she could have literally explained her plan to and had Poe help her out on it
Ian Watson
>bombs dropping in space with little to no gravity CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM
I say this every god damn thread holy shit this isn’t a plot hole Fuck I’m going insane I should just kill my self
Grayson Myers
>The Mouse has an army of paid shills and propaganda. We all have to work together to fight this.
I see you fellow /r/hailcorporate poster.
Ryder Miller
>luke collecting sith artifacts to study to try and find a way of reconciling the light & dark side >he keeps them hidden near his jedi temple to study >one day kylo notices him leaving temple and follows >sees luke practising a dark side ability like force lightning with his sith stuff nearby >feels betrayed that his jedi master is using dark side >sneaks into the sith vault to do his own studying >kylo slowly starts being corrupted over weeks/months >kylo brings friends from temple (become knights of ren) who also get corrupted >kylo keeps vaders mask (one of the artifacts) in his room which further leads him to the darkside >luke stumbles upon kylo and his knights of ren in his vault and gets very angry (influence of dark side
stuff) >he uses the force to throw them all out of the vault painfully >due to the influence of the dark side luke decides he must move his artifacts away from the temple
immediately and rashly leaves the planet with them >kylo takes his knights of ren to destroy the temple whilst luke is moving the artifacts >kylo follows advice of vaders mask (actually snoke communicating with him from a distance) and takes his
knights of ren to snoke >luke returns to find destroyed temple >luke tries to find kylo but fails for years as snoke is hiding him >luke then goes on a journey to continue his studies into bridging light & dark to hopefully bring kylo back
to the good guys >he leaves the map behind so that they can find him when kylo returns >when rey arrives he doesnt leave immediately as he must secure his sith & jedi artifacts on the planet >in meantime he trains rey >rest of plot
Jaxson Moore
Because it is out of place and makes just as much sense as having Deckard milking a cow in Bladerunner.
Luis Mitchell
Tbh I’m sure someone from this board would’ve been like “how the fuck did he survive on that island” Gotta cover their bases I guess which is ironic for this film
Ethan Cox
>Finn and Rose being shocked they were double crossed by DJ. He wasn't an old friend like Lando to Han in ESB, but a random, shady, indifferent criminal who made it clear he had no moral compass.
Nolan Ramirez
Feminist are so stupid that they think those decisions by women in the movie are the right decisions. They're really this stupid.
Lucas Hernandez
>Rian portraying Yoda as a cackling, drunken old master like in Empire. >Doesn't realise the only reason he acted like that in Empire was to shit-test to Luke when he didn't suspect he was Yoda at all. He drops the act for the rest of the trilogy once Luke finds out.
>the mouse has an army of shills and we have to fight it Shilling so fucking hard. Did you run out of money Georgie? You're this desperate that you need people to do this for free now? You guys are all fucking retarded.
Anthony Rodriguez
Tyrell corp should've made replicant cows and tested them by milking. It would've made their assessment of their tech much easier than the pupil dilation tests. Blade Udder when?
Jordan Turner
Everything is about polyticks --Sup Forums
Hudson King
It's not our fault Hollywood shoves their political agenda into every piece of shit they pump out nowadays.
Connor Scott
If you weren't into politics you wouldn't even see it.
Thomas Williams
The original Mary Sue had training (Starfleet Academy) and special bloodline (half Vulcan). Rey is more a Sue than the namesake.
Jayden Rogers
Except I'm into movies and 1/2 of the articles about movies point out how well the movie did or did not advance one political agenda or another.
Elijah Green
I'm talking about if you were the average kid today who walks into a movie theater, sees whatever looks good and doesn't read about it or know anything else
Jayden Stewart
Why the fuck do all of you idiots think qui gon is the first force user ever to be a ghost give me a break prequal fag.
Kevin Stewart
>leaving out the explanation of force bonds out of the film and leaving a confused audience >There was no point to Snoke at all >Phasma also died for no reason >Right and wrong become blurred >Jedi and Sith disbanded, no point to the movies even existing >Porgs annoyed everyone, including children >The entire cave scene with Rey >"...but not to me" and then no development and at the end of the movie >Lacking in actual alien diversity, focusing instead on diversified humans >Literally ZERO character development, the only thing that happened is characters died or became ambiguous in nature, that's it. >Pink hair for the captain's chair >Luke becomes a literal useless infant >Chewie had no plot development, a missed opportunity >Nothing in this movie surprised me at all, save for the Moonface crashing into Finn because it made no sense >There was no point to Moonface at all, I couldn't even remember her name as I type this out >History doesn't exist in any stance of the duration of the movie > canon characters of the past still alive? I'm not going to watch a third movie if they weren't even hinted at >Rebels is canon and again a huge wasted opportunity >Directors and producers unimaginative, uncaring and outright lazy in writing or aspiring to an ego based agenda >No Dwayne Johnson >No Sith Ghost.... STILL >The dark side of the force has become weak, the light side of the force has become weak as well - what's the point then? >Literally no idea what's been happening in the rest of the Galaxy >A full galaxy and only 400 human rebels? What is this, a joke? This isn't even Waco tier. JUST >I still don't know who the main characters are and I'm into the second movie of a trilogy, the entire movie was a space mission.jpeg >Jet skis >Way too many virgins, not enough scoundrels >Nothing in the entire film even hinted at a shred of evilness, especially with the Sith gone. Are they going to war for tax deductibles? I'd rather watch ants.2/10
James Morris
Well yeah, that's the whole point of Hollywood putting their political agendas into their movies. They got rid of the conservative input and now it's time to stick it to The Man, man.
Jeremiah Jenkins
Terrible ship design. Not in this movie. Everything isn't simply handed to her. Wow, someone got old and bitter and cynical? God knows that never happens Why is this upsetting? It's just showing his day-to-day chores That was bizarre He attempted to kill Vader when he said he'd turn Leia. He did give up on him for a brief moment. Yeah, because he fucked up and couldn't live up to the impossible expectations of his legacy. Why is this bad? He didn't die of exhaustion. He found piece in confronting Kylo and became one with the force, hence him disappearing instead of just laying there dead A bad 10 seconds for sure Veganism was never mentioned, class inequality is not exclusive to capitalism, how is it anti-religion when Luke's whole quest is rediscovering his faith, that was not "extreme" at all you pussy, how do you figure that is "forced" in a movie with "war" in the name? More the fault of the previous movies but not really a criticism either Who cares? Agreed Presumably too many people, not enough fuel. Not really a plot contrivance at all That was really that upsetting? Meme criticism What? Really? Already complained about this. Totaled about 10 seconds and were inoffensive Who is also a trained soldier And Rose saved what she loved Fine. Letting a good actor make choices is bad? He was right there with them when the bridge blew up They clearly didn't have time Bad plot contrivance Ships were cloaked Their plan was not to risk losses, like any intelligent commander would do. Why risk losing a ship when you can wait them out?
Carson Ward
Now if only The Man was The Rich Man and not The White Man
Dylan Bennett
>If their audience is children and young teens, why didn't they include Rebels as canon?
Charles Rogers
>If force ghosts have this power, why have they never used it before Why would they do it before? >why use it now to destroy a religion Watch the fucking movie instead of getting your opinons from Sup Forums dipshit. >SHILL! Hey retard, you're literally just recycling someone else's opinions and half the shit you're crying about isn't even true. How was he supposed to give her the real dice? She likely knew they were a projection. Possibly left them for her son. Really not an absurd plot hole.
Jackson Morgan
>leaving out the explanation of force bonds out of the film and leaving a confused audience >There was no point to Snoke at all
Wait till the next movie fgt
>Chewie had no plot development, a missed opportunity
Chewie never really has that much to do with shit. He is usually just around because Han is doing important shit.....and Han is dead soooo....
Jacob Ross
someanon post that scolded mark hamill gif pls
Aiden Carter
>Ending the movie with more questions than any sane person cares to wait for >Chewie is nothing but another character to kill off in the third movie as he defends people
Screencap this and know how retarded Star Wars has become.
Lincoln Cook
what an absolute retard. he opens up saying that it was indisputably a good film then cries about how everyone should listen to others opinions. he sounds like a desperate fanboy or a brand new shill.
Aaron Peterson
Honestly, we shouldn't have seen his face until he met Han on the bridge. then after Han says "the face of my son." it should have been revealed that he was all fucked up and scarred. solely for the reason that driver is goofy looking as fuck but is pretty good in the part. Then when Snoke makes fun of his helmet he can lose it but then still look intimidating. but I guess none of that works of you're trying desperately to turn him into a sex symbol or love interest.
Eli Hall
>The helmet was fucking cool, destroying it was gay as fuck. Everyone knows who he is, what's the point of the helmet? Half the movie was about his internal conflict so why hide his expressions behind a mask? I'm seriously laughing about how retarded this post is. This scene was really that confusing for you? If they turned around, they would have to slow down, putting them within effective range of the lasers. Holdo pulled it off because they thought it was a bluff and the ship was empty. All explained in the movie. >actually caring who a random actress fucks Should they have left the kids in the woods or brought them along on their suicide mission? They were skewed, probably not by bots, but by knee-jerk reaction. Nowhere near as bad as 1 and 2. Are we really doing the "failure to meet projections = it sucks" thing? Ever Blade Runner movie is complete garbage then. >died from thinking too hard How retarded are people? Did they really not watch any of the movies? Becoming one with the force is not the same thing as dying. Obi Wan didn't just die of a heart attack from moving around too much seconds before Vader struck him. She's knowledgable about probing minds after Kylo does it to her. >still doesn't understand what happened with that fucking tree Come on, this isn't that hard brainlet. All those minatures lovingly crafted just so George Lucas could blow it up. All those drafts he threw out the window. All the scenes that were cut... This is part of the job, dipshit. Guarantee you you'd be bitching about how we don't know how he can survive on that island if that was cut, seeing as you need everything spoonfed to you. No one listens, they just meme everything. Sick fanfiction. It's your fault you think everything is a political agenda being shoved down your throat.
Aaron Scott
Agreed. You should kill yourself.
Gavin Morales
You are right about Chewie most likely getting killed off. However, im sure all of the stupid cliffhangers and questions will be answered in the next movie. (not saying the answers will make sense or do Star Wars any justice.)
Daniel Young
You really need that explained in detail instead of just accepting it? Was Luke contacting Leia in Empire upsetting to you? Dude, you just mentioned one of them So did Boba Fett and people love him Not really and why is this bad? Didn't watch the movie or didn't pay attention? They were barely in the film and this seems like conjecture That doesn't explain why this is bad. Why does that need to be tied up 2/3rds of the way through the trilogy? They have never focused on the aliens. There's only about two that get named or have significant screen time. You're retarded. Luke, Kylo, Poe, and Rey in the movie in completely different spots than they started Aliens = Fine, Pink Hair = No go When he's an old man cut off from the Force? Because he seems to have fun taking care of himself. True, but I can't say it's a missed opportunity. Rose was important to Finn's character development and actually showed what the rebels as human beings instead of fodder in jump suits The fuck does this even mean? You won't watch the sequel without more cameos? The Disney cartoon? That is really upsetting to you? Based off of what? This was the opposite of unimaginative and lazy. Most of the bitching is that they bothered to change stuff and that Luke changed during the course of 40 years Good Don't you need to be at peace to be a force ghost? What are you talking about? Explained in the obligatory exposition dump at the beginning of all these films Where would they cut in random scenes of rebels outside of the fleet and why? Maybe the ones the movie has focused on? Yep, they could never invent those What even is this? This movie doesn't exist in a vacuum, you know. It is a sequel to something.
Aiden Howard
They showed him fishing. All that was necessary. In fact, a rack with dried fish, or a small crop of trees with alien fruit plucked and eaten would have been sufficient, and established how survival was possible. The milking scene was gratuitous and unnecessary. I cannot for the life of me figure out what they were thinking with that waste of time staring space walrus tits, complete with areola. Not udders like a cow.