>Invents a genre of the internet
>No one ever gives him the respect he deserves
Why dont people respect James?
Invents a genre of the internet
Because he's a cuckold whose wife forces him to watch her get plowed by big buck niggers
What genre is that, "Idiot embarrassing himself on camera"? You're not 8, you can't watch this sack of shit and get any entertainment out of it.
Sort yourself out, moron. And stop spamming this humorless cunt here, jesus christ. At least keep this trash on Sup Forums
Underage users out!
Leave the kino to me.
Mike is better.
Fuck off Chris.
He should collab with DSP
He's a one-trick-pony that's beating the dead horse.
As a content creator he's absolutely trash, he didn't evolve at all under all these years and he's still trying to cram out dollars from his schtick.
Also the movie was a fucking disaster.
>CGI sucks, practical effects will always be better
Proceds to make the fucking worst effects ever put on tape.
AVGN was fun, now he's just a cringefest like nostalgia critic
>tfw will never become the next John Carpenter and stuck doing poopoo comedy for teenagers
At least he moved on from 2007 era rage comedy and now does toy unboxings that get decent views.
Funny, but true...
Is there any proof?
Where do this meme come from?
>buy 500 copies of old game on ebay for pennies
>"this game is so shitty when i flushed down the toilet the sewer people couldnt handle the smell"
>sells all the copies on ebay for $50 each
Don't compare AVGN to the Nostalgia Critic. NC's laughably bad 2017 intro is enough to make him infinitely worse than AVGN.
His videos are comfy.
The shit effects are the style, do you not realize that he loves b-films and old school horror movies?
There's literally no difference between those two anymore, they both have worthless delivery on their jokes, really predictable humour and gags, production quality is just slightly better than were they started out from and MOST IMPORTANTLY they still have the same fucking outdone formula as when they started.
When you look at some of the "new generation youtubers" like h3h3, jontron idubbbz, filthy frank, even pewdiepie, they all dare to experiment with their formats, they try new stuff and sometimes it doesn't work but they do try new stuff, they're not stuck playing a cringy character for all their career.
NC, irate gamer and AVGN are objectivly in the same trash league.
Style choises is one thing, getting your dumb fans to pay for the shit you call movie is another thing..
AVGN's intro isn't embarrassingly bad, though. He's slightly better.
James Rolfe's real passion is films, he's got a bigger collection of those than games. He talks about them a lot in videos on the Cinemassacre channel, and they're quite enjoyable. The AVGN episodes haven't evolved, but he's changed his content. Can't say the same for Doug Walker though.
>like puke up a donkeys ass what a shitload of mother fucking bull fuck I'd rather drown in diarrhea from a buffalos anus
I laughed back in the day but it's kind of cringey now seeing a balding man with a pocket protector shouting autistic phrases. His best videos are and have always been with it's mostly commentary over a vid. His skits are terrible
I agree with the OP and support James Rolfe