>pro-tip you can't
Name a more kino commercial
>ywn fug your qt sister on Christmas Eve
Why live?
This is pretty much me and my baby sister (12 years apart. (she 24, me 36)
We have a close bond (not sexually though, as far as I know).
>(not sexually though, as far as I know).
So you gonna make the first move or what?
>(not sexually though, as far as I know).
Are you implying she has possibly molested if not raped you at some point?
God this a creepy commercial
>you're my present this year
does video games count?
>"we'll bang, ok?"
what did they mean by this?
little sisters actually do stupid gay shit like this
i always thought this one dragged the joke on.
there's an edit where she briefly caresses his crotch. I thought the subtly was vastly superior. too lazy to look for it
I only have an older sister, but if she did this shit I'd think she's trying to fuck me
Just saying that i don't know if she looks at me sexually. I've caught her staring at me a few times rather creepily, like in a *crush* way sometimes.
>as far as I know
at what time does this occur!?!?
HE FOUND A YOUNG boy actor in one of his parties and he is half drunk
This one
I knew you'd be on Sup Forums. Come home, big bro, come home and send me to pound town.
this , can I pay you in gum ?
Wait the joke actress for the sister is a dude, why couldn't the make it with an actress?
>not posting the full version
coffee is disgusting, you cunt!
>posting a shitty 240p version when the original is already posted here