Why do white people live this movie so much?

Why do white people live this movie so much?

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It's the childhood adventure that the current generation missed out on. You can't go on an adventure with friends and no parents because you'll get attacked by minorities.

It was actually because in the late 70s some kidnappings happened so immediately parents stopped letting their kids play outdoors so much.

Me and every asian kid I knew loved this movie because of Data.

We must always be on the watch for Italians

It's a cozy movie about going on an adventure. Kids today would rather watch logan paul

I'll be honest. I only watched it because Martha Plimpton was kinda cute.

All-white cast. Duh.

Nostalgia, it's actually pretty shit

what movies do niggers love to watch?

>Nostalgia, it's actually pretty shit
I always thought she was Corey Feldman's sister for some reason

they're too busy stealing tvs to watch anything on them



Why to black people love anything Tyler Perry shits into a film can?

Kids who went missing were thought to be runaways. Then news stories like this started to come out:


they dont. i know this because im a spic and some niggers in my college class got pissed off that i like tyler perry movies. they say it makes fun of their "culture".

They're all fucking jews.

i think chunk is a wop tho


It's to black people what The Big Bang Theory is to us.

This was the only vhs that we left up at the lake so when we came back one year we forgot to bring movies and this was all we had.

One of my favourite movies as a kid, though watching it now the film feels a lot shorter and not as epic.

Still kino though.

But when all American males are circumcised, I fail to see your point (*bdum tsk*)

all the panty shots, obviously!!

Was going to post this, to be honest