Unexpected Kino


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Great movie. Instant favorite of mine. Who thinks that even without the magic and races, and if you replaced the wand with something similar, that it would still be a good buddy cop movie?

>heh i like this movie because my alt-right friends said i should!

>turning threads to politics
Oh fuck off

This movie honestly felt like somebody at lunch said "wouldn't it be cool if will smith was in a movie with orcs and elves and shit" then a movie company tried their hardest to make it work using only that information

mods are asleep, post elfs

I enjoyed the movie, but it was all over the place, it's a watchable flick

Is this a thing? In that case why?

>elves are jews
>humans are white people
>orcs are negros & spics
>they get black guy to play the human

Max, did I ever tell you about the time your father organised a dangerous film shoot despite several warnings from experts, which resulted in the deaths of actor Vic Morrow and two children, and that because he was wrongfully acquitted, he had the opportunity to raise you, and that only nepotism allows you to continue your career as a mediocre screenwriter?

He was a good friend.

>directed by David Ayer
>every single David Ayer movie is based around 2+ guys in a vehicle bitching at each other

Fukken dropped.

Official Sup Forums approved reddit-core.

Will Smith is white though

Isn't the word "Orc" owned by the J.R.R. Tolkein Estate?

>it’s a Sup Forums pretends to like some piece of shit because the critics didn’t like it but they liked TLJ so they have to be contrarian to make some bullshit statement about critics

The state of this fucking shithole board.... christ

Hi Reddt

Nah is good, go and watch it, the main character is black, don't fall for alt-right meme.

orcs are slavs not blacks

I really hope they make this into a tv show rather than a movie franchise. Everything about Bright screamed "pilot episode" to me, there's a really interesting universe to be explored there and a lot of elements are only somewhat hinted at.

>Who thinks that even without the magic and races, and if you replaced the wand with something similar, that it would still be a good buddy cop movie?
f you take out the stuff with the magic and magical creatures, then you're left with a very generic but somewhat decent buddy cop movie. The fantasy elements are what make it good.

>orcs are negros & spics
Orcs are eastern europeans (death metal, "jakoby", the throwaway line about the russian cop's ancestors killing them 1000 years ago), their position in Bright is similar to the Polish community in late 19th century/early 20th century Chicago. Just because they're poor and discriminated against doesn't automatically mean they're an allegory for blacks, plenty of ethnic groups in American history have been stuck in a similar situation at one point or another.

Pleb movie for children.

You're a sad excuse of a person. Go back to your basement.



Why do you assume that people like things just to be contrarian?

Tikka a CUTE!

>buddy cop movie where they're neither cops nor buddies
Weird the director of fucking End of Watch flopped so hard on this aspect. Also Will Smith was shit should have gotten someone else.

The elves are Jews

>orcs arent blacks
>they act like stereotypical american blacks
If they were slavs then they'd be doing this

How are Orcs black people if there are already black people in the movie?

lol ok

and orc is played by white guy

>being this retarded

no, its public

orcs are niggers

I agree. It reminded me of great cop movies from the 90s.

The magic and lore is the charm, it'll also will make better sequels than a non magic one would.

I like it.
It's a fantasy world and I didn't have to take a history lesson and most importantly people can't explain it to me like those shitty Henry Porter movies.

But that's not what happened. This movie was written by a complete nerd fruitcake crazy person who then sold the script to Netflix, who then got David Ayer to rewrite it so it made sense. So you have no idea what you're talking about.

>heh i dislike this movie because my lefty friends said i should

LOL WAT? It would be a piece of generic trash without it.

This film is corny and 90s as fuck.

Kong: Skull Island

>Pleb filter for true kino connoisseurs.
Fixed your post for you.

why did you post a video of the orcs from bright?

Max Landis the screenwriter shouldn't exist.

This movie had its faults but did NOT deserve the hate it got. The ending was a little bland but thats it. It was entertaining and well made enough.

The good thing about this movie is that the racial fantasy stuff is never oversimplified in liberal terms like "Orcs=blacks=good" and "humans=white=bad" and that never gets in the way of the story.
Which is the real reason SJW journos hated this film, they didn't got their BLM fantasy film to genuflect their social justice agenda. Fuck them.


Still not going to trick me into watching this crap

GUYS bright is not a good movie cmon, do you think the fact that every single movie critic hated it along every article about it being negative is mere coincidence? use your brain for fucking once, it fucking sucks.

Based informed poster.

Remember, it’s not rape if it’s an elf.

>an under average movie

Now I finally see what's the obsession of kino is really about.

About deciding for yourself you fucking sheeple.

> trusting paid shills

Nah dude its a pretty good movie. The critics are totally wrong. The whole racial allegory thing isn't really their save for Smith saying the races are different. Its more like what if lord of the rings in a contemporary setting.

Her sister is better

this is pleb trash