Not even nominated

>not even nominated
She was robbed

Look at pedowood pimping her out

She's too old and she knows it.

damn thats a sexy back

She must have the worst parents in the world.

She should be in bed, reading and getting ready to sleep.

>tfw not in bed with Millie

Kill all millieshit fags

She's 13, nothing wrong with that dress.

where are her parents my god. if i was her father i would be by her side literally 100% of the time in hollywood. shes going to lohan hard

Her father doesn’t work except for managing her. He plays hardball with producers for her benefit. I’m sure her movements are very controlled and safe, if he isn’t around I’m sure there are bodyguards.

ugly skag looks like the kid from freaks and geeks

I just wanted to see more of this outfit, is that too much to ask for?

when will women learn hair pulled back tight like this always looks awful?

I wonder if she attended an after party. She must be tired. I think she resides on the east coast.

Imagine a legitimate star wars film being this aesthetic.

How has she gotten as far as she has? People always mention her parents but I have no clue what they actually do. I assume they don't act, so how the fuck?

>implying anything does not look awful in that shitty skank
She's a disgusting whore, what else do you need to know?

How she went from normal girl 3242353413 to stranger things.

horse-faced kike bitch

you can't seriously think that that girl has any acting ability.

Me on the right

Why is she attractive all of a sudden?

>give me that barber's apron look

That’s more her father’s fault. He’s known as a clingy stage parent

Sucking cock most likely, not only is it an annoying bitch it also has zero talent whatsoever
True, she's an ugly skank.
She doesn't, but that's the state of Hollywood.


>cum in my back, user.

What do?


Okay, did she just walk into some producers office and start sucking them off. WHAT THE FUCK DO HER PARENTS ACTUALLY FUCKING DO REEEEEEEEE

Cum in her pussy and make her give birth to your child at 14

>spends season 1 literally being autistically quiet
>has maybe 2 or 3 scenes in S2 where she has to act mad

I can't even judge of she can or can't, she doesn't have to do anything and she is the most popular person from the show easily.

They don't have her act because she can't act. Kind of what happened with Dafne in Logan, although unlike this ugly cunt, Dafne did a lot of action scenes and tried her best at acting in the second act, there's literally nothing positive to say about this bitch besides the fact that she ruined the show.

>besides the fact that she ruined the show.
To be fair pretty much none of the kids can act. The guys who play Mike and Will are tied for second worst actors behind Millie

Everyone keeps saying ST is exemplary kid acting.
Not sure what I missed.

It's called group think my dude.

People like the show because it has a touch of originality, and this blows up into "Wow this show is a 10/10 without any flaws."

I think it’s really well done from all the kid actors. I don’t understand the negativity on Sup Forums about it. I think it’s mostly just people trying to bait waifufags by talking about how shit Millie is as an actress and retards repeating what they see.

They really aren't that bad. However saying they are the best ever? I dunno about that. The show isn't good just because of them.

She’s a shitty actress and looks ugly

Literally kill yourself. This crappy show and that shitty """actress""" should never have happened.

You know I’m right. You’ve been tricked. You’ve allowed your hatred for females and your desire to be a special ‘in the know’ snowflake to sway your judgement. Millie is objectively a great actress.

Millie fags need to be euthanized

>Millie is objectively a great actress.

Nothing against her or anything but she doesn't stand out in anyway at all acting wise.