What do you think of the show "My Wife and Kids"?

What do you think of the show "My Wife and Kids"?

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Comfy negro sitcom that didn’t push any politics. 6/10

All light skinned negresses deserve white dick.

>deserve White babies
ftfy, I dream of taking responsibility for my little niglets.

you'll be the first to go on the day of the rope

i only watched it for claire

lmao virgin

Aughhh Milk me!!

How did she become Asian?

WTF does TBT mean?

>Muh day of the rope
Biggest LARP of all time.

millennial talk for throw back thursday.. or taking back tuesday.

i dont fucking knwo anymore.

how does that piano playing lil nigga look now?


Stand the fuck up you ape.

I fapped to the wrong sister all these years

I always knew she'd grow up to be hot

he was the black kid in heroes. he's a chad now

Never laughed so hard at a sitcom



Seriously this
Diversity is alright if it isn't part of an agenda and has a decent cast who work together

3:35 i forgot


Is that some neo-pagan thing on his chest? Is he the Black kid who walks around with a mjolnir pendant on his neck?

Who's going to do the killing? Pewdiepie?

This, kids, is post modernism done right

>Diversity is alright as long as it doesn't make me cry
millenials are the cancer of this world. pathetic fucking pussies.

you are now aware deebo is my neighbor and he is like 5'8'' at best

>Is that some neo-pagan thing on his chest?
what do i look like to you a fucking encyclopedia? how the fuck should i know?

>be a successful black guy
>all your kids are somewhat retarded, except maybe Kady
Really makes you think

It was at he time where they casted the 'black' women all light skinned

Yes it is, its a tree of life or some shit like that, probably neo nordic paganism etc
Like my momma said, if you have nothing to say you just shut the fuck up

Yeah, now they cast all ugly sheboons


I only remember one episode. The dad got the dumb son a job at his work. In the morning the son expects to get a ride to work with his dad (as anyone would expect) and the dad's like "nope, imma your boss you have to take the bus" so he ends up taking the bus, gets into to work one minute late and the dad fires him.

The whole thing was a "teach you a lesson about life" kind of deal obviously but I thought it was fucked up. No wonder the kid was a retard if those are the kind of mind games he's been raising him with.

>this guy is younger than me and a ripped actor and piano prodigy
>I'm a skinnyfat dude who posts on a tibetan graphic design subreddit

He's like 5'5 lad

He's probably a fag too...oh, wait

Damn, I didn't remember how comfy this sitcom was. Also, that episode when he goes bowling with his family

Well, at least you aren't black. : )

>black girl becomes a flip
