Charlotte Hale of Westworld

What is it about this performance that is so off-putting? Is it the quality of the dialogue? Is it the character? Is it the actress? She sticks out like a sore thumb on this show, which is odd because only some of the acting is good and the rest just okay. Theresa was a similar character but I didn't mind her at all.
Maybe it's a mix of acting choices not fitting the role/character AND mediocre acting on top of that?

I didnt mind her acting.

Her character was written for and acted as if she were a swaggering corporate playboy. Her performance feels so weird because she's projecting against gender norms throughout every episode.

No one seems like a proper authoritative figure in this damn show except the man in black and Hopkins. Everyone else seems like a teenager prancing around like an idiot. This bitch gave off literally 0 intensity when parading around like a corporate hotshot.

But she's not really convincing to me. If I were in that world and Ford or MiB or even Theresa was talking to me I could easily buy their authority. Her character has authority above everyone except Ford or MiB but if she were talking to me the way she does with her subordinates on the show, I'd laugh in her face. It's immersion breaking to see anyone take her seriously.

She's a token. They nearly always stick out weirdly.

I really liked the show but thinking back i really can't remember much of it. It's so forgettable. Why is that?

The actress is really pretty though.

It's because you don't believe a 25 year old niggress could be in that position of authority and if she was she would act more professionally

Yeah maybe I'm racist or sexist or ageist but I would think a board would put a boring stable and most likely dour person in charge.

shit character, shit acting

something about tessa thompson drives me wild

trying to block out nude thandie

>Knowing negresses are incompetent

Nah you're good man.

Anthony Hopkins and Ed Harris acted circles around everyone else, though you could maybe give an honorable mention to Jeffery Wright

She's really beautiful, but more than that, I get the feeling that if I were talking to her she'd make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and give me butterflies in my stomach. It's the smile i think.

same. i don't even know why--she's not even conventionally attractive like beyonce or rihanna

I don't even find Beyonce or Rhianna attractive. I think Tessa is the first black girl I've really been attracted to.

she seems more like a pawn or an upjumped secretary than someone whose been in control of the board for a few years. it wouldnt surprise me if the collective delos just needed a hatchetman/deniable asset and this is her big chance.

I haven't rewatched Westworld yet, did Tessa show her ass or something? I vaguely recall some nudity from her

The bbc scene was brilliant.

She's a disgusting nigger

they cast based on social media now so you get chicks in their early 20's who are like, totally powerful and stuff.

shit show

I think it breaks the fourth wall to some degree because it's so implausible that someone so young would be in a position of such autonomy and power given how much the show built up the mystery and vastness of the company. Her acting would be fine in a different role; it just makes no sense to have be a top corporate board member or whatever.

She's obviously a new plant in the hierarchy. Also, given the trajectory of the social nonsense of present day its entirely plausible that this could occur and that you'd find the person to be an obnoxious cunt whose out of her depth who is more of a power hungry idiot than some of the most obnoxious male psychopaths who've been in such positions.

#itstheirturn to be the egomaniac destroyers of the world