Is it reddit-tier?
Is it reddit-tier?
More tumblr-tier. I watched first 2 seasons and just forgot about it. What seasons should I avoid if I ever pick it up again? I've heard that at some point there was a downfall in quality.
>that shade of yellow
Sup Forums here. Just watch the whole thing and make up your mind. Some arcs are 2deep4you, which some anons bitched about, but for a kids cartoon its pretty good
Kys manchild
>just watch the whole thing and make up your mind
It's pretty much just hit and miss with a greater emphasis on miss as the series goes on when they try to have actual plots and continuity. I don't remember anything well enough to put an episode guide together, but in general if it focuses on a female character that more humanoid than not just skip it
It's actually a really great cartoon. I would have loved for it to be around when I was a kid.
Honestly stoped watching second season. I just don’t have time to catch up anytime soon
Its pretty fun but you can feel tumblr creeping in on it