Which one is better bros?

which one is better bros?

BR or BR 2049?


>reddit movies
You have to go back


Its other way around, reddit defend old bladerunner even though its worse in everything because

that's nice, reddit
you can go back there and pretend 2049 is kino

not from there, i started here first and this is my home

I've seen them both once one day apart

I liked 2049 better

>"tfw no gf"
>feels = good film

Think 2049 was way too overindulgent with the scenery shots, there was a good like 30 minutes in the film that were boring as fuck. Original also had the most Kino scene of the two with the tears in rain speech.

Hi, reddit.

they're both fucking great

The one with Luv, because that's the one with Ana in it.

br is basically a shit flick with great visuals, it's so boring and dead. meanwhile br2049 is a masterpiece. from this perspective br looks like nothing but some distant, vague work br2049 was based on. the fact there's like 16 different cuts makes things even more difficult for br. 2049 wins easily.

Although I would have liked BR2049 to just continue with the exact formula and visual aesthetic, it did a lot of it's own thing, and I loved most of them.
Things I didn't like:
emptiness in most interior scenes, I don't know if it's the shot or the set design or both but rooms felt so empty, which I have come to expect when seeing a Villeneuve thing but it really doesn't fit the Bladerunner look.
The music, I fucking hate Hans Zimmer and his boring wubs.
I liked almost everything else. As to which is the better film I still have to give it to the original, 2049 is the perfect sequel though, of all time, of all franchises.
Now let's hope nobody attempts to make another one because you know it's gonna be planet of the apes bullshit.

here's my kinogrid attempt how did i do

Take off those nostalgia goggles.

good, but the whole movie is kinogrid

music was better in BR, writing and cinematography was better in 2049. I prefer BR because I am sentimental but 2049 is almost as good

Since the only thing people talk about in 2049 are the waifus, I'd go with the original.

>perfect sequel

i saw br 2049 with my wife, sorry to bring her in this, but as a woman she had an interesting opinion about the whole movie theme:
>everyone is castrated emotionally
>men strong but weak emotionally (k , dekard)
>men seeking affection ( k , joi)
>women strong and dominant no longer giving fuck about men (joshi , luv , ...etc)
>men have love to offer, needs affection that is no longer available
>seeking artificial affection because "real girls" don't give that
tl,dr, men give love ned affect, women need love give affect , the child is symbolic of union of love that don't exist anymore.

BR 2049


They're both good. I think that's allowed.

there's zero exterior shots. you need a good balance.


2049 is literally Sup Forums the movie


this, unironically. Still love the old Blade Runner though

2049 has fucking bland photography like all new movies and I don't know why

First of all there's those faded blacks and destructive color grading that push the whole screen to one color. They think deep blacks are bad because they "crush" detail and they have no idea what negative space is.

OG bladerunner is so much better at using foreground for better compositions. New bladerunner is terrified of putting anything close to the camera like all new movies. No depth. Just turn around and face the wall.

Also lack of set/location detail. The lighting sucks. Though I'm glad they figured out not every scene needs noir window blinds to be good.

This. It's disappointing seeing BR 2049's visuals being praised. The visually pleasing shots are all uninteresting silhouettes in front of fogs. When it doesn't do that, it's some generic 3 point lighting shit in bland rooms. Pic-related is an example, you'll never see shots as bland as that in the original.

Original BR had blinds everywhere, but at least it created interesting visuals, 2049 just has blocks in front of different colored fogs. It's like Deakins made a parody of his own style.