extensive scene of the Doctor putting sandals on edition
extensive scene of the Doctor putting sandals on edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>She questions things that haven’t been questioned in a really long time, which is fun.” Bill will also be openly gay. “It shouldn’t be a big deal in the 21st century. It’s about time, isn’t it?”
>She maintains a vigorous Twitter account which doesn’t shy away from tweets of a political bent, referencing Black Lives Matter and talking about both Trump and Brexit.
>“I just think you can’t not have an opinion about the current state of the world and if I’ve got a slight platform to raise awareness about things, then that’s a great thing to use it for.”
Powerful stuff.
Progressive. I'm digging it.
Oh. My. GOD!
He said! That history! Is a whitewash!
My entire understanding of Doctor Who's political affiliation has been transformed! Potentially right-wing BBC script ideas have been torn up, thrown in the air and snogged to death! My grasp of the universal constraints of this television show's evidently obvious Tory-focused political leanings have been changed... forever!
>he has so little of a life that he needs to post the same stale meme every thread to improve his sense of self worth
Powerful stuff.
All of you fuck off. Are we going to do this shit every thread now?
You people really watch this shit?
Until we're well into series 11 probably
>unironically posting a white male
Male, pale and stale. It's 2018, you caveman.
What about america? You really are a fan of this shit? Why?
Why aren't you?
there a few things americans will never unuderstand, doctor who is one of them, sorry pal.
wait how come Moffat just kinda abandoned Jenny/Vastra/Drax? It's kinda funny how RTD's last episode brought back fucking Alonso but Moffat didn't use his OCs he used to stick in every episode he wrote for a few years at all
because moff isnt a hack
>le doctor kissing girl whose in a monogamous relationship
Moffat avoided them because he had made it too awkward
Well, in my time here on Sup Forums we used to have Stargate threads, not "pop nerd culture" general
>Muh merica
Wrong hemisphere, cunt.
wait what
remember when for no reason he kissed jenny?
>pop nerd culture
Have you watched Doctor Who before? Or did you let the show's cancerous normies turn you off? I will admit, Sup Forums doesn't have nearly as many SG-1 threads as it should, though. I was rewatching The Fifth Race the other night and it makes me want to do a rewatch.
>implying you wouldnt
That was Matt's choice
why aren't any other trips as cute as glittergun?
I can't believe the centrepiece of 8's next audios is literally the Kandy Man.
I honestly have never seen The Happiness Patrol, only that one clip that used to be on the Doctor Who website waay back. I should get the Ace Collection
are you memeing me right now?
Absolutely no irony here. the next 8th Doctor boxset villain is the Kandyman.
A worthy follow up to the Eleven 4 shore
reminder they mention john hurt by name in torchwood
What are your thoughts on "Her Time to Shine" being the title of Series 11 episode 1?
The Happiness Patrol is kino, and I say that without irony.
Hi, I, uh...
Don't take this the wrong way, but I have a message for /who/. From Chris Chibnall.
chibnall after series 11 bombs
Nope,it was in DWM.
>when you tell the press series 11 is a "jumping on point"
Are you the same guy who called Countrycide kino
Doctor Who is dead.
how would that be a retcon?
i am the guy with the best taste in /who/ yes
the joke is that he's lying
...ha ha?
Based and nice trips
What are you listening to, /who/?
led zepps kids
A reminder that anime faces
Is this meant to be funny?
Do any Tories enjoy DrW?
Countrycide IS kino though. The only kino Torchwood ep in Series 1
From Out of the Rain is also kino
>racist bigot nazi synpmapthisers enjoying a show about progress and tolerance
it IS funny
>"When was the last time you came so hard and so long you forgot where you are?"
From Out of the Rain is pretty good, I'm more or less in agreement there
What Doctor Who episode would Tommy Wisaeu fit best into?
Bit on the nose.
I'd like to see him in McGann's role from the TV movie.
World Enough and Time. I'd have him be Razor
the left won't be happy until they kill everything
And we go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
He's at it again, lads.
what's the page?
i wanna beat this guy up and i only read the description.
/who/ is making me a leftist just by hating the ReTarDs who make videos like this, they always seem to be the "le epique anti-sjw crowd"
>He actually thinks Into the Dalek is a metaphor about Russell T Davies
That's laughable
trip of a lifetime trip of a lifetime
Embarrassing. That guy is a socialist btw.
don't fall for their tricks, kinda, you're better than that
this is so kino
the first 2 minutes were funny
Why is the "not ginger" running gag so treasured by normies
is he really? thats crazy.
does he atleast acknowledge in the video that the episode literally only exists to save the christmas specials? or is he just saying shit without knowing the context.
because tennant started it, so it comes from their first regeneration expereince
Hard to tell
>does he atleast acknowledge in the video that the episode literally only exists to save the christmas specials?
No, but it's not really relevant to his criticisms as far as I can tell.
The thing that get me is he think bring back every charactesr in capaldi run like tennant did is good idea
hell amy isn't his companion and has a sent off with smith long times ago
wait is he complaining that bill, nardole and clara weren't enough?
I actually agree about Sup Forums making me more of a leftist. SJWs piss me off, but since I spend more time on Sup Forums than anywhere else online, I hardly ever actually encounter them and when I do I'm usually inclined to just assume they're trolling. Meanwhile I witness a huge amount of stormfaggotry every day, much of it clearly unironic. So from my perspective it looks like SJWs are an irrelevant boogeyman and alt righters are everywhere and this makes me more sympathetic to leftists, but I'm sure if I spent all my time on tumblr I'm sure it would be the other way around. I just have to be careful not to let this place affect my perception of the outside world too much.
exactly, visiting Sup Forums nowadays is literally like looking at tumblr a few years ago but the inverse, its absolute insane how close minded people on these kinds of websites get.
its like whenever you look at the twitter replies to literally ANY politician, its just batshit crazy regardless of what side it is
Sort of, he think moffat don't back bring character because there's no memorable characters in his run
It's crazy how much better the EU is to either of the TV series.
Who's the most competent companion the Doctor's ever had?
Easily Romana
probably romana or nardole or maybe jack
This, maybe Liz Shaw for second place.
>if I’ve got a slight platform to raise awareness about things, then that’s a great thing to use it for
clara, considering how many attacks from the great intelligence she foiled
Clearly the most competent companion is Mel.
On the other hand, I do think SJWs are more of a problem on /who/ specifically. The Sup Forumstards are like that Thin Ice guy, they just make driveby shitposts and rarely get involved in discussions except right after new episodes, they're easy to ignore the rest of the time. Whereas most /who/ regulars are pretty chill but there are a few SJWs.
But I'm pretty sure she literally just had to be present in order to correct the timeline. The only thing she really 'did' was the act of jumping into the timestream in the first place. Which is endemic of her recklessness, which is ultimately one of the reasons she can't be considered most "competent", despite it ultimately being a positive character trait.
I'm an SJW but I don't talk about it here because I would really rather talk about Doctor Who.
Namely about how the VNAs are underrated