Why was Luke such a shit pilot in Empire?
This has been bugging me for years
Dude grew up on a desert planet. Snow's fucking rough to drive on. There's a reason why northern states have higher age requirements to get a driver's license.
Because he's not Mary Sue
Luke was recovering from the ice yeti ass rape
They were outgunned. His piloting was fine, but those speeders can't withstand the blasters on those walkers. And this Luke isn't perfect and the story doesn't hand everything over to him without him fucking trying first.
damn Luke is thicc
Snow Speeders were shit tier. The X-Wings were reserved for only escorting transports since the rebels were severely out-gunned by the Empire. The pilots' objectives were to stall the Empire so the transports could escape. Since most of the transports got away, it's relatively a mission success. Compare that to Holdo
>secret plan so that morale plummets
>nearly everyone in the rebellion dies anyway
>only kamikaze when most of the rebellion is dead
he wasnt flying in space
He couldn't even land his X-Wing on Dagobah safely.
His sensors went down.
What's the difference
He's a good starfighter pilot. Expecting him to pilot a snowspeeder expertly is like asking a U.S. Air Force jet fighter pilot to win a dog fight in a fucking ultralight.
Everybody there was retarded. The AT-ATs only had frontal cannons yet they chose to face them head on despite having the smaller and much faster vehicle.
...but he learned on a speeder hitting womprats, remember
why did they fly straight in at those at-at's, was fucking dumb
the force wasn't with him, he used up all his force power in the wampa cave
The Skyhopper was like a small plane. It could actually fly. The snowspeeder was a repulsor craft, it couldn't go too far from the ground.
Source: fucking Rogue Squadron, the greatest Star Wars games ever and the only canon that actually matters.
What the fuck is a snow speeder? U saying he wasn't driving the x-wing during the AT AT fight??
prior to ANH Luke had only flown in atmosphere. He used to bullseye womprats in his t16 back home.
>the x-wing during the AT AT fight??
you have to go back
The Rebellion aircraft/ space crafts look the same to me.
Also there were several speeders and only one atat went down?
At-at's are powerful
Rey also grew up on a desert planet
They're also ridiculously unmaneuverable.
George really loved his pottery.
One x wing diverted from those transports can take down all those at-ats
Luke also killed one by planting a grenade in its belly.
He should have known that before attempting to land. Isn't that what R2 is supposed to be there for?
That's why they had support from more nimble AT-STs.
Pity nobody knows what he is talking about because Biggs Starlighter was never introduced to us.
Even if you were the best pilot alive doesnt mean you cant have shitty luck. The Red Baron was shot down and killed.
Of course in new Star Wars Po can solo an entire Star Destroyer
underrated comment
How'd he shrink down to fit in that?
Because the empire was a threat