
Or it's Henry all over again

Liverpool is a top tier comedy show, so Sup Forums might be the correct board


>no one clicked the link

>its a retired players comes back for 2 mediocre seasons before retiring again episode

Seen this one a million times.
Fowler did a cameo too.

Television & Film

They show sports on tv last time I checked

Fowler didn't retire, he just went to Man City and Leeds. Making him the ultimate ABU

They also show porn on tv, it's still a rule violation to post porn here.


I dropped football 4 years ago, but looks like Arsenal and Liverpool still a eternal joke

hi Sup Forums!

She belongs to Sup Forums cock


>They also show porn on tv,

What the fuck??? Since when?

Romania used to irritate me but I actually respect Portobro. God bless your autism, I'll pour one out for you when we beat you

Are you me?


>poverty ball
fucking yurocancer subhumans killed Sup Forums


>posting worst emma for our Sup Forumsartan visitors
Wtf user

you fucking morons can't even be bothered to check a link, huh


You're a Chad brazilian biscum too?

overmoderation killed Sup Forums

Unironically, the best thread on Sup Forums.

>the captain speech
>the slip
Was it kino?