Doctor Who(NuWho)

>Doctor Who(NuWho)
>Been awful for over a decade
>Relies entirely on Deus Ex for near every fucking plot
>Characters have largely been unlikable since fucking Tennant and Rose left.
>Season after season of just unrelenting shit

>Dirk Gently Holistic Detective
>Scifi/Fantasy mystery show in the same vein as Doctor Who
>Actually well written (surprisingly because of who the show runner is)
>Fun characters
>Fun mysteries that actually piece together
>Doesn't rely on Deus Ex shit
>wacky sci-fi fantasy adventures
>Gets cancelled after 2 seasons

What the fuck, Why in fuck does the BBC can Dirk Gently, a vastly better TV show while they let Doctor Who keep going when it should have been put in the grave after RTD left?

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Fuck off cunt Moffat is kini

Dirk Gently is absolute trash, bottom of the barrel

Season 2 wasn't nearly as good though, it had none of the intricacies that the first season reveled in.

S2 seems like it was mostly setting up for S3, and yeah, it's a fun season, but it doesn't really have any mystery because it shows what is going on from both sides.

He's a con artist. Managed to convince people he's competent.

Dirk Gently S1 was really good, S2 was so and so.
Pity got canned, shall we hope Netflix take over?

I don't get Doctor Who. Most Brits think it's shit but Americans love it for some reason. This must be how the japs feel about weebs liking anime.

>Chavrose Sue
You have fifteen minutes to explore your immediate surroundings, devise the most painful suicide method available and neck yourself in this very way.

t. brainlet
>Most Brits think it's shit
this is just untrue. its beloved
i am literally gutted dirk gently got canned. my guts are pooling at my feet rn

I really liked the design of this character in Dirk Gently.

Dr. Who is literally aimed at the tumblr audience.

>t. my sister is the worst kind of tumblerette who obsesses about Dr. Who

These are people who exist without the skill of individual, critical thought. People unironically believe that all of western civilization is inherently bad because some indigenous, unevolved subhumans had to suffer a bit before they got boosted in to the civilized world.

Poor marketing. I had no idea that show was what you described it as, and I actually watched some of it.

He was legitimately great. I love how despite being the antagonist, he also had absolutely no fucking clue what the fuck was happening.

i liked amy and rory

damn was it really cancelled?
Shame, s1 was loads better, but i still liked s2 a little.

Well said.

Isn't there still hope that it might be renewed by Netflix though?


Rory a cute! Cute!
But yeah. Shame the show got fucked up like that.
I mean, if you manage to waste fucking Capaldi except for like 2 good episodes, you must be trying.
Cringy dialogue, Special effects that required way beyond the budget to make and look silly and just stupid plot.
I just want to see the doctor go on silly adventures here and there and yell at some alien sometimes

i liked the most of the 11th era and loved his finale
the first 11th season is comfy as hell for me
after that it went downhill
i hated how clara gave that big speech about how she liked older men after the regeneration, and then immediately after she hook up with the black guy
imo she should have left the doctor at that point so that she wouldn't turn into a bossy cunt not letting the new doctor breath



I don't get why they do this, yes Liverpool has a tiny black community in the 1700s, but demographically the UK was like 99.5% white until the 1950s you can look at any census and see this was the case

the tardis fucks up every time the doctor regenerates, this pic is retarded. its also been established the doctor isnt particular good at piloting the tardis

Clara imo was blown out of p so fucking much.
Yeah shes hot but come on, ye.
This was a general problem for me from Moffy.
The doctor is supposed to be a casual renegade who just wants to experience the universe and help some sap in the way.
Moffat was so obsessed with the whole how fucking mythical the doctor is and it became tiring.
I dont want the fucking doctors name, i want to see him have shenanigans with some ayy.

i hate feeling like a white knight, but this
also, crashing the tardis after regeneration has only happened 2 times before: because he was psicotic or something and after destroying it because radiation
why is it this time?
and can someone correct me if i'm wrong on why the tenth doctor regen was so powerful that it broke the tardis?

Yep, the only season I'd actually say is "good" is the Eccleston episodes, which is great sci-fi. I can enjoy the Tennant episodes for nostalgia's sake but yeah, Doctor Who is not a good show

i liked the doctor as a mythological thing or whatever, but i get why people complain about it
moffat should have tried to balance the wacky adventures and the doctor's stuff
i think he got it right on season 5

Yup. Some balance would be good, though i dunno if the show is even salvageable by now.
I havent bothered after s9

Doctor Who is a huge fucking merchandising machine and iconic British piece of pop culture while Dirk Gently was basically Douglas Adams making his own Doctor Who after working on the show in the 70s and it never really caught on like Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Why Doctor Who is popular? Tumblr basically these days. The show is designed for fangirls, look at fucking Torchwood ffs.

Reminder that the Amy and Rory era was the best part of nu-who

Oh. My. GOD!

He said! That history! Is a whitewash!

My entire understanding of Doctor Who's political affiliation has been transformed! Potentially right-wing BBC script ideas have been torn up, thrown in the air and snogged to death! My grasp of the universal constraints of this television show's evidently obvious Tory-focused political leanings have been changed... forever!

people who make these threads are brainlet fucking retards who think ReTarD made good episodes

>russel "literally wipe vassoline on the lense" davies

series 8/9 are the best series of doctor who and only retard casuals disagree, present any agrument to the contrary, go ahead, ill wait.

>inb4 capaldi is good but the writing is bad
show me how the writing is bad

Because it was also destroyed by radiation here.

/who/ is loose again.

You probably have no idea what "Deus Ex" means because that's a video game you idiot.

>literally wipe vassoline
Wait wait wait.
So thats why the early seasons look so hazy? What the fuck

even at its worse 10 percent of the entire UK population watches doctor who every time theres a new episode.

you're probably american, the show isnt made for your sister and americans are just spastics that latch onto anything that even shows a resemblence of being different to their stale culture, if you arent american than you're a retard for assuming the show is made with tumblr in mind

>cringe dialogue

RTD era:

true desu

this was literally series 8 you mong

the whole point of claras character arc after series 7 is that her and the doctor boost eachother to the logical extremes of their personality, both becoming more and more renegades until it consumes them both.

clara became the doctor in every aspect of the character and the accelerationism of both of their personalities leads to the downfall of them both, forcing them to seperate permanently and almost getting them both killed in the process.

it literally breaks down the whole mystique of the doctor you are complaining about by pushing it to its own logical extreme, its a meta story about the character and it's inherent flaws, he goes to the point of betraying his own people that he saved because he's the doctor and has a duty of care for his friends and he pays the price for it.

the whole plotline about the hybrid is a red herring he literally personally had no idea who the hybrid was until it was pointed out that it's his one consistent character flaw through all regenerations, it finally gets shown on screen why the doctor acting increasingly important like a deity leads to bad things happening.

and this all occurs BECAUSE Clara became the doctor, she is the meta self instert character and her BECOMING the doctor itself is a story about why the doctor is a flawed character at its very core.

rose was likeable precisely for being a trashy chav
donna was best tho

Not if everyone thinks Max is a rapist.

>They turn The Beast into a human in the end instead of keeping her a deranged wood elf.

Lame, I liked her as this fucked up wood elf character but I guess she was too close to Bart if she stayed like that.

hope your mad your shitty show got cancelled and is never coming back wheras doctor who is gonna go forever

>Dirk sad he got a cute waifu.

Seriously how gay is he, I would have fucked her right then and there.
I do like the scene though where he's like "Yes I'm Bibbit, this is my life"

2 3 1.

Man I wanted to fuck Mona so bad.
>Dat moe as fuck anime voice she has


I liked Season 2 more than one, simply because it showed both sides and each bit kept unfolding had more weight behind it.

Season 1 I think really suffered from feeling aimless and the reveals were neat but didn't make up for it.

Bart might be one of my favourite characters in all of television, but fuck she is ugly AF
It's like they just found a random homeless crack whore on the street and got her to play one of the most important characters.


>this is just untrue. its beloved
By people like my sister who's daughter bought into the trans meme and thinks she's a boy. It gets worse ratings (in the UK) now in it's progressive era than back when the population was half the size.

your american and the show isnt designed for your stupid seppo mind.

I'm British you fucking cunt.

I liked it, at least this had a decent ending that wraps up everything nicely, except for Ken & Bart.

Not that I can say the same for Dark Matter

The final we should of had

>even at its worse 10 percent of the entire UK population watches doctor who every time theres a new episode.
The last two season had average ratings at less than 10% of the UK population, so clearly that's not the case.

>My dick during every scene with her

It's like ASMR shit.

ok sorry, maybe its absolute lowest its 7 percent, wow, cancel the show

Well if you're going to make a point at least be honest.

It's clearly made for tumblrettes

It is THE SJW show, half of all episodes shoehorn modern political biases in to them, nothing bad ever happens to good people, and even if the Dr. should die, lol, he just resurrects.

Literally only idiots could like that garbage.

>half of all episodes shoehorn modern political biases in to them

show your working

shes hot as fuck in real life

What other Blackwing subjects would you like to see?

Donna was the last good Who character and you all know it

Well she was before the whole "I'm the doctor now innit!" which was pants on head retarded and made her character look like a joke, and then retconned all her character development.

Impressionable kids watch this shit shit you triple nigger. Sure on its own its minor but when you consider this in combination with the sustained and directed focus if the BBC to blackwash British history, then its fuckin sinister

>Potentially right-wing BBC script ideas
Name one that has occurred in the last 4 seasons.

kill the moon

What the fuck is right wing about the moon being an egg?

No, because Netflix ruins everything it gets creative influence over.

t. read the google description for the episode

the plot is that earth is given a choice, either murder the egg and live or let the thing be born and potentially die, the earth choses to kill it but clara steps in and saves it anyway, the doctor then praises clara for making the right decision, its a pro-life plot.

>its a pro-life plot.
Which isn't a right wing issue in the UK. Fuck off ameritard.

There is something wrong about Dirk Gently.. I watched almost all of Season 1 and thought that I liked it - but I knew the whole time in the back of my head that it reeked of shit - I tried to convince myself otherwise... its like some kind of uncanny valley thing where its almost good and seems like it should be good yet is ultimately off-putting and yes reeks of shit.

you asked for a right wing episode and i gave you one, its still an issue in parts of the UK, namely northern ireland.

So the best you can come up with is something that's only an issue to people who literally blow each other up over minor interpretations of the bible, and claim that to mean it's right wing? Northern Ireland is left wing you tard, they're just also religious, it's not mutually exclusive.