>Coruscant? Uh, that doesn't compute. Uh, wait, uh, you're under arrest!
They programmed a robot to think with "uh" sounds. wtf....
>Coruscant? Uh, that doesn't compute. Uh, wait, uh, you're under arrest!
They programmed a robot to think with "uh" sounds. wtf....
It's gonna be great
He's quoting Georgie boy or spielberg's comments from the phantom menace documentary
a robot designed to interact with humans copies human language?
They were programmed to be able to naturally communicate with people this includes using filler words. This is what AI irl will need to do to not seem too uncanny, George is a genius and way ahead of his time.
I like how by Revenge of the Sith the battledroids were full on slapstick characters with goofy broken English dialects. "That nothin'."
they really should've made the super battle droids have the same presence on screen like they did in republic commandos
I noticed this too, the fact that they adapt and change personality and language kind of makes you think less of the jedi for killing so many of them.
Uh, you don't get to bring jedis