HOW do I find a way to watch season 5 episode 1 of vikings?

HOW do I find a way to watch season 5 episode 1 of vikings?
I can watch episodes 2-6 online for free but cant find a way to see the premierre
> Not entering my CC info
> Don't wanna download a file filled with viruses
common bros?
I love this shit almost as much as GOT
sorry if you dont like lagertha, only pic I had saved that was relevent

Amazon Prime members get it in about 6 months. Buy it for like 2 bucks. I did that with the last GOT season. Bought the last episode and instantly regretted it because it was garbage.

it all went to shit after season 1-2 but I gotta see this shit out


Sucks man. I don't know.

dude just torrent it lmao


> I don't want to pay
> I don't want to download illegally
Every fucking time, get the fuck out of here retard.
Learn to use a fucking computer or fucking pay for your entertainment, there is no third option.

just buy it at your local grocery store

Fuck off cunt ill gut you just to watch my show
arrest me NSA
I wont pay your cuck $2

just stream it

Third option: Go to Weinstein's hotel room and watch it with him.


Is he into furry boipucci?

>watching feminist propaganda

>army of women
Rape with delivery

Nigga who the fuck cares
I love watching christians getting slaughtered
to valhalla we ride friend
Btw theres no way lagerta is queen of kattegat for long

I wish the show would just follow the adventures of Bjorn and Halfdan instead of people I don't give a single fuck about.

Anyone got a webm of Halfdan with the arab shemale?

This is now a vikings discussion thread
Ivar, Bjorn and Halfdan only good characters desu
Hope Ivar axes that lagertha cunt as he did cuckgurd

Someone post the rape webm

what the fuck even is Kattegat? This show doesn't care to give viewers any sense of geography or scale of these "kingdoms". Everyone is a king over some undetermined area in Norway, Sweden or Denmark who knows or cares lol.

Ivar is okay but I'd like him more if he had a better actor, he reminds me of that terrible Joker from Gotham, Jared or whatever his name is.

I just really like Bjorn and wish it would focus on him more, he's gotten better as he got older and has the same curiosity and adventurous spirit that made Ragnar so entertaining and doesn't afraid of anything.

kys retard brainlet

Literally just watch it on the HBO app, get a free month.

Kattegat is the main trading hub, do you even fucking pay attention when listening?
Lagertha is 'Queen of Kattegat' just as Ragnor was, although he was King over a larger area
Kattegat is an interesting area, relevent today and sits between Denmark, Norway and Sweden I believe but I'm not European

OP here gonna delete this and make a proper discussion thread after my intiial spergout that I couldnt find S5E1 (Found a free way to watch)

Continue discussion here