Does anyone else find it disturbing how blatantly such a major news organization is broadcasting just how bias they are?

Does anyone else find it disturbing how blatantly such a major news organization is broadcasting just how bias they are?

Seeing white men this scared of a black woman running for president, seeing them squirm as they realize that for the first time in history white men are being systemically taken down of their high horse makes me SO Fucking giddy.

Could you imagine a bunch of "YAAAAAAAAAAS QUEEN SLAY" black women running the USA.

>ask a serious question
>lel white men are so scared xDDDD
fuck off you manchild

The cult of celebrities is so juvenile, it's scary. USA are fucked and I hope they die quickly so we can move on

Seems like the perfect catalyst to kick off the inevitable race war so I'm kind of for it.

I want to start killing and eating people

Imagine still not understanding the reason Trump won

Hope they enjoy Kanye 2020

It's good that the mainstream media shows who they are.

civil war can't come soon enough

>Imagine still not understanding the reason Trump won

Hillary Clinton

it would be disturbing if their bias wasn't already obvious.

They're eyeing off having her run again in 2020, the muppets still aren't getting it

I think you just made this up, i dont think youve seen anyone squirm or be scared

I’m the only one who prefers a career politician for president instead of dumb celebrities? Look how is Trump handling his job. I even prefere Bernie than this dumb bitch and I’m not a lefty.

I'm tired of how self-righteous the media and Hollywood are, we all know that they are terrible people and scum.

But she isn't running for president. I guess niggers are truly retarded

If she did run it would just be another hope and change nigger shit campaign. Not sure you can play that card so soon after Obama did.

We going to pretend like Fox News (A major news organization) doesn't suck Trumps dick?

Fuck outta here.

American media is so fucking scary. It's Russian RT-tier.

All the insecure faggots that say shit like this would piss themselves within the first 48 hours of war being declared.

>The guy who made millions of dollars selling real estate is totally unqualified and inexperienced to be President

>But you know who would make the perfect President? The chick who made millions of dollars interviewing trannies and morbidly obese people on a big yellow couch

America should make a law that celebrities can't be president.


>the USA will have nothing but celebrity presidents from now until their empire collapses
feels good man. Rice will be cheap as shit under our chink hegemons

>dumb celebrities
>lel Trump is just a reality show host
>let's just ignore the fact that he's a self made billionaire who shaped the NYC skyline over his career
>why the hell do Americans want a businessman to fix a financial crisis, we need a civil rights lawyer for that!
fucking moron

These are really weird times we live in. We might actually get Trump vs Oprah in 2020 with Kanye running as a third party.

Fox is so biased in favor of Trump that only a narrow majority of their coverage shits on him lmao

RT is better than that.

So what? You dry the piss and move on.

>anime avatar post dickriding some overgrown trust fund baby
Men like you barely register as male. Neuter, slimy, sycophantic little faggots.

Zuckerberg 2020!

>dickriding some overgrown trust fund baby
How the fuck did you get that from my post, I just agreed Trump was unqualified to run for President you retard

>a self made billionaire who shaped the NYC skyline over his career

shalom, brother

Because he is knows the system you dumb fuck. And I don’t like him, I’m not a commie. But he will be competent. Trump is nearly a businessman, he was nearly the one with the money but he did not administrated it. He is a dumb idiot who has lucky that his father was a billionaire.

It's very disturbing that this is the path that they're taking.

>"Donald Trump is a terrible candidate. He has no experience in politics whatsoever. Can we really expect a celebrity to run the country?"
>Two years later
>"OPRAH 2020"


America is so fucked. How is this objective reporting?

pirate everything, don't give them any money.

Would rather see Cuban in 2020. Could you imagine having such a handsome president?

can you immagine being this much in denial? jesus christ, he's not even in our reality anymore.

President Winfrey will surely free Palestine

If your dad is a billionaire it's almost impossible for you not to be.

t. reddit

>I even prefere Bernie than this dumb bitch and I’m not a lefty.


>30% of the WSJ reports about Trump are positive
I don't believe that

So trump dad went from a millionaire to a billionaire? Reddit sure is smart when they're angry

>tfw idiocracy is actually a true story

I guess we know which candidate gets the debate questions this time

t. abdul

Lol wtf? Are liberals really excited for a fucking TV personality to become POTUS? Are liberals really this fucking retarded?

>literal nobody spending his free time on an anime imageboard criticizing the career of a billionaire who has thousands of employees and dozens of buildings with his name on them
This is so laughable, not even reddit is this delusional and sad

That's absolutely not true. Lots of trust fund kids can't make the same amount of money as their parents. And Trump made his money in NYC during the 70s and 80s, something that was incredibly hard to do as an outisder, aka non-jew. Fred Trump didn't die until the 2000s, well after Trump made billions on his own.

Opra running for president is even more laughable than Trump. Good job America

Yes. Trump dad and grandad were the intelligent businessmen. And I’m not from reddit you fucking retard. And I’m not even a lefty, but I know when a president is incompetent and not very bright.

There aren't any women on Sup Forums, so you're not a woman.
Black guys are more chill and the type that browse Sup Forums wouldn't bother with this sjw shit.

The point is that you're either a good shitposter or just a white guilt cuck.

If this actually happens I’m moving to Vietnam. There atleastbthe duckers taue politics seriously.

I actually watched this movie the other day

Was he really supposed to be hated by the audience? He seemed like a pretty great guy that absolutely did the best he could in an awful situation.

Less disturbing than seeing a washed up ex-reality tv star who refers to himself as a 'stable genius' be the most powerful man in the world and in a position to exterminate the entirety of human civilization if he doesn't get his KFC in bed fast enough.

>All these celebrities thinking that because they are rich and famous translates directly into political votes
>Zero platform or solutions given other than "Tuck Frump" and Drumpf as to why they should be elected
>Going to be targeting the minority vote
>It's all going to horrifically backfire on them as they realize they don't have any idea about the world outside of California

>father was one of the richest guys in New York

I would believe this if Trump was borned in the middle class, even high middle class.

>Oprah is 63 years old

Literally HOW?

I remember the last movie that I paid to see in a theatre. It was 2007, "Superman Returns". Mainstream cinema has only gotten worse in the decade since. Although I was given free tickets to the new star wars film which I used. It was one of those gold class premium theatres and I had a few drinks and the seats were very comfy and I dozed off about half way through.
I liked being in the cinema experience again but the actual price if you were to pay is so outrageously high. No way.

>t. does not know when a president is incompetent and not very bright.

>what is inflation

This guy gets it.

Trump didn't win by being the millionaire vanity candidate.

He won by being the "FUCK MEXICO, FUCK ISLAM" candidate.

Libfags project this cult of personality on to him because they themselves can't function without one, when the truth is the Republican crowd flocked to the first guy who was going to rip a new asshole in Jeb "Everybody is okay, let's all be friends" Bush and the only special thing about Trump is he perceived that vulnerability.

t. reddit

>gee dad thanks for the billion bucks and established career I'm gonna go over here and finger my asshole and let it all run itself because I'm a moron
That isn't how it works you absolute dipshit. You have no idea of Trump's history and you're just trying to associate all of his success to his father which does nothing but make you look like a whiny loser

Oprah "all dissent against Obama is racism" Winfrey

Why is Sup Forums so afraid of this?

Damn Oprah still got it

The kike is a smart piece of shit, I'll give him that; they gave you (white people) after they introduced the left wing Bush (Obama), now they are setting up Oprah to be the left wing Trump.

This is all by design.




They gave you (white people) Trump*
Sorry, at work, hard to type like at home.

You type like a 12 year old girl.

Your oranutan president is in office why do you bitch niggas cry about everything

I like what Sup Forums has done to you

>expects to be taken seriously on Sup Forums

>cant control her diet

Gee, thats the type of person i want running my country. Also shes literally a nigger lover.

No, because Fred was not from Brooklyn and mainly developed in Queens and other boroughs. Trump did something different and came into Brooklyn as an outsider in a market that was literally run by Jews. Not in the Sup Forums way either.

Fred had nothing to do with Trump's success and anyone who actually does any research into their history knows that. Trump made all his money solo. He got a big loan from his dad, yes, but like Seto fucking Kaiba, he turned 1 million into 1 billion.

It was ok when Reagan did it because he was a fascist just like you.

Ok, continue sucking Trumps dick. Who cares, by the midterms he will be impeached anyways.

>only memes and shitposting is allowed here
stick to Sup Forums dumbass

This is such a dumb tweet. Oprah is obviously unqualified just like Trump is obviously unqualified

When did this country get so stupid? Are we just going to keep electing celebrities that make the bad feelies go away? People that say stupid radical shit because they know they can depend on an extreme base?

>selling real estate makes you qualified to be the leader of the world’s only superpower

The reason Oprah wouldn’t win in 2020, let alone be allowed to be the candidate by the DNC is you have to win over the battleground states in the Midwest and people there are majority white and care about economic issues, not “progressive” issues. And being as this new tax bill is beneficial to everyone who works for a living it would be suicide for the DNC to put Oprah up against President Trump. Tom Perez as head of the DNC is a Clintonian puppet so you know they won’t allow any actual “progressive” candidates.

I mean, it doesn't.

Does interviewing Beyonce qualify you to be a world leader?

>obviously unqualified
Because a civil rights lawyer is more qualified to run the country than one of our most successful businessmen. This is why you always lose, Berniebro, you don't think before you talk.

>worlds only superpower
Not for long, good riddance

t. Sup Forumstards sucking Trump’s dick

> Look how is Trump handling his job
What exactly is he doing wrong?

You're a retard

black people have joked about this for years
we wouldn't seriously vote for oprah...or will meme magic prevail?

Does 'Firing' washed up 'actors' on a reality tv show qualify you as president?

See how I can cherry pick as well?

I like that people lament billionaires running things but turn around and want to herald another billionaire to rule.

What the fuck is wrong with you, are you even reading the posts you're replying to?

Sorry trumpfag. English is my second language. I guess amerifag only learn one.

That was in the presidential campaign when trump was sort of opposed to the republican platform, now he's 100% on board with their degeneracy it's wall to wall positive coverage or deflection.

Check out the amazing liberal argument skills on display

Still a better candidate than Hillary.


Is there anything better than Trumplets' tears?

When you realize you are in the losing side of current history don't come back running to us!