He said he loved The Last Jedi
Ewan McGregor really wants to play Obi-wan again
Translation: I like money.
/our guy/
sick of listening to THAT SCOTTISH COCKSUCKER
Riley pls go
Who are they going to make him rape?
Of fucking course he did. If you've ever worked for a megacorp you'd know the first rule is to never say anything bad about their products or the decisions of the executives. You don't talk shit about a company while applying for a job.
They should let let Riley direct the next Star Wars, have Ewan reprise his role of Ben in a flashback having to fight against Riley in a judo contest.
>stealing mew wasnt enough, this guy has to have the world
He will be milking Banthas in the desert while waiting for Mary Sue.
I want to fuck him like really bad. Does that make me gay? I wish I were that BIG mint in his mouth.
>white male protagonist in Disney's: Star Wars
ummm... no sweetie???
MEW needs a new porsche
Her pet Soy Boy needs katana lessons
As long as he gets the same german voice actor, that'd be great.
im starting to think tv actually really is just filled with children who never applied for a job
Listen to mr. burger flipper here kids
>He said he loved The Last Jedi
Ewan has such a presence and magnetic charisma that soyboys like Riley can never match even with decades of jiu-jiutsu lessons
This had unofficially been in the cards for awhile. You can tell from how wan reacts to obiwan questions. Makes a lot more sense than a Solo solo movie
I unironically love Ewan and want to see more of him, good for him
He's charismatic as fuck and seems borderline nonchalant. He knows exactly how to position himself. Immune to everything.
"Guys...hire me please...I just want to make lightsaber noises on set again..."
there will be an obi wan movie, but ewan will not be playing him. screencap this post. he will be assblasted
He saw the soys sacrificed Luke Skywalker to their dark gods and the throne is vacant.
Ewan wants to the be the new luke Skywalker
why would they replace him?
theres nothing wrong with that, soyboy
MEW better watch out for Daisy Ridley.
here's hoping he'll make a cameo as a force ghost
Kenobi is so far the next planned film after Episode IX, so its a 2020 release. Weird that they are still just in the talk phase.
It could only work as another prequel movie -- which I'm not inherently against, but I wouldn't like Disney handling it.
My main man tappin MEW on the daily
How could anyone love that abortion?
This would be the final nail in the star wars coffin.
He's not really pushing it though, he's just answering the question.
well obviously he would said that if he wants to get Paid
This is the only sw story I'd be interested in watching.
Actually I wouldn't mind if he played a new character either.
i dont understand why SW story doesnt include JEDI, why there is no JEDI in first story?? SW all about JEDI, you can include JEDI and SITH since SW is all about JEDI and SITH and SPACE BATTLES. They really need to include JEDI and SITH in SOLO SW story..
>tfw there wont be any more kino with hayden and ewan
Draw a warm bath get some nice smelling soap and relax the first free afternoon you get a chance, maybe have a slow aimless wank before pulling the plug. I think we've all been through a lot and there's too much frustration and tension building up. Take care of yourself.
Ewan's Obi-wan was the best part of the prequels.
you got them mixef up user.
is rileyposting forbidden now?
> Rian Johnson giving Obi-Wan the Cosby treatment is a master stroke, here’s why
Then who? Ewan is the right age for the only time period they could make a movie for about Obi. We already saw his OLD years and his youthful years. Unless they want to make some mid prequel movie but then they'd probably need hayden christensen back
This. He just wants a piece of his cake too. He know he's obi wan and that there is money to be made. He'll sweet talk to the media no problem to get in disneys favor. I refuse to believe that anyone involved with the real Star Wars actually has any legitimate respect for what faggots like jj and Johnson have done