Defend this Sup Forums
Defend this Sup Forums
did they even watch the movie?
who cares what niggers think.
Niggers would've stolen the ring and pawn it for some sip n surp and gold Daytons.
but the hobbit has negres
Who cares about your dumb ass fucking sunhuman cum skin
Oh look, another poorly disguised race baiting thread.
U so mad nigger
I thought "wypipo" were making fun of blacks for not understanding what "diverse" means and calling a movie with 90% blacks "hella diverse"?
Not the movie itself, but Hollywood in general.
There are 100x more "white cast only movies" compared to this %90 black black movie
LotR happened before this whole diversity bullshit started popping up, though. People of every color and background enjoyed LotR because it was a fucking good trilogy and stayed mostly true to Tolkein's books.
But now we have the diversity shit, and since it's mostly minorities that are calling out movies and games, it only makes sense that we call it out too.
A la Black Panther.
we wuz kang muthafucka
ITT: salty crackers lmao
There were tons of orcs and goblins and uruks. Did this guy even watch the movies he's complaining about?
oh look, a nigger.
partly why its not a great trilogy
The term doesn't bother me. It only makes me think that black people are even more unoriginal and boring than I previously thought. It's literally just a bastardized conjunction of "white people."
It makes them sound retarded.
maybe it's because i have no social media accounts but i have never seen a single person complain that black panther is too black beyond people on Sup Forums making fun of boyega for calling a movie with a mostly black cast diverse.
I thought they used that world unironically because they couldn't spell correctly.
You have to sell a product to your audience, who goes and sees movies as a higher percentage? Whites or blacks? You also have to pander to the overseas market in China, do they want to see movies toting on how black the actors are in the movie?
Lmao you're so butt-hurt
White people are immunized against all dangers: one may call them a scoundrels, parasites, swindlers, profiteers, it all runs off them like water off a raincoat. But call them wypipo and you will be astonished at how they recoil, how injured they are, how they suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
You seriously missed the point.
Black Panther has been pushed as being "hella diverse" while it's basically all-black. That's as diverse as a white-only movie.
He's right. Most movies have majority white casts and protagonists, who cares if a few black-led movies get made. It doesn't bother me.
>nigger is bad
>cracker, honky, wypipo, yt are all acceptable pronouns for white people
What bothers me is this idea that you must fight racism with racism. How is using racial slurs against white people and creating 'World Wypipo Tournament' supposed to improve race relations? Are white people supposed to feel guilty for being white and take verbal abuse?
White European from a 99% white country that never owned slaves, and I don't feel guilty at all for what Americans/British/Portuguese/Spanish people did to Africans. Why should I?
Last I checked, the only thing Sup Forums and Sup Forums were mocking Black Panther for was some shitty website calling the cast diverse because it was 90% black in the same breath.
nice meme
>mad at black panther for being too bad
I don't think I've seen one person say this, why are niggers so insecure?
Black panther just looks like retarded trash
If anything the villain should be black too
no ones mad at Black Panther lol, we just dont want to see a bunch of africa ooga we wuz shit everywhere
Aren't the Madea movies and other such things aleady mostly, if not all, black?
What's the big deal? Those movies are shit and this one will be too.
shhhhhhhh no logic only virtue signalling now
why are you even commenting?
you just said yourself you live in a "99 percent white country"
so what verbal abuse do you take?
>wypipo makes us mad
why can't blacks make up a good insult like nigger?
Ironically it was a white guy with a mask, which just proves his point
>he's right
>who cares
>it doesn't bother me
Except nobody cares if it's black, it's an antiwhite strawman gaslight
T. Wypipo
There's been a couple of memes about that and I've seen some comments about it that have been at least half serious.
Personally I don't give a flying fuck, as I'm not gonna watch it like I'm not watching any other new Marvel movie. They can cast the movie with sea-lions for I care.
>There are 100x more "white cast only movies" compared to this %90 black black movie
Why is it white peoople's duty to make movies for blacks?
>When You Realise That This Reasoning Applies Just As Much To Black Snowflakes Who Cry About LOTR Having No Subsaharan African Actors But Are Happy That 95% Of Black Panther's Cast Are Black
white people aren't actually complaining the movie being all black , they're complaining about the hypocrisy of black people who complain about white movies but celebrate all black movies.
If they are complaining about the movie they're complaining because it looks like stupid WE WUZ KANGS pandering. and creating a movie entirely for the sake of virtue signalling.
tbqh i couldn't give a shit about the black-heavy cast, it's set in africa and about africans so it makes sense.
my issue is the hypocrisy of the esjews claiming it's good in this case and bad in others
also why aren't they up in arms about this african-based movie casting mostly american and westernised blacks? they've not been african for 300 years, why are they allowed to take jobs that should (by their logic) rightly go to native africans and appropriate african culture?
not that any of this matters, i just think they're full of shit
Actually Serkis and Martin Freeman are in it. In a movie revolving around the politics of an isolationist African nation. Which you would have known if you didn't get all your news from Breitbart
You have to be a legit retard to be mad at either of these things
Wait WHIPYPPO is a real thing? I thought it was just Sup Forums memes about ebonics
lmao, the state of black "people"
I thought "wypipo" was made up by Sup Forums to satirize niggers but apparently they actually use it and go YAS QWEEEEEEN
White man's burden
>i was 7-12 when LOTR came out, the post
He's Maori.
You guys have to realize: all black people will be wiped out within our lifetimes. Whites, Asians, and Indians will come together to make it happen. No one on earth likes or respects a dark. We merely tolerate them. But we can tolerate their ape-like antics no longer.
This, I thought it was a joke mocking them, but blacks, once again, live up to their name.
yesss goym there's too much (((((((((((white))))))))))))))) people in movies, we need more diversity
it's pretty funny actually, watching them completely misunderstand the term and parrot it back and forth. WHITE PEOPLE made the term wypipo because niggers can't enunciate correctly, and they literally adopt it somehow thinking it's a slur for whites. it's hilarious
Take your pills
>Texas pete on hot wings
So this is the power of nigger spice
LMAO nobody gives a shit
(((they))) don't want to improve race relations user, (((they))) thrive in disorder and decadency
I think those Tyler Perry Madea movies are trash but i respect them just as i think Bollywood is lulzy as fuark but i respect it's authenticity shit dont even get me started on Nollywood
are whites mad about black panther?
i thought the only criticism was the use of the term 'diverse casting'?
im happy blacks are making black films. the more they make the less they can complain about representation in what should be white period pieces.
I thought "wypipo" was mocking black people. Blacks actually use it?
>99% white country
>thinking he has any right to talk about niggers
it's like rich celebrities talking about poverty in africa
Yes... Blacks are making this movie
they're taking it black
Reminder that Tolkien was super liberal and anti-racist
He hated nazi germany and admired jews
Upset? Maybe in the same capacity as when they say "axe" instead of "ask".
well yeah bad choice of words
im happy blacks are being cast in black films.*
heaven forbid they actually made a film by themselves that isnt a ugandan action movie based off of a white blockbuster
problem is that an increase in black directors and actors doesn't mean an acceptance of the criticism to the quality of their works.
Still missing the point entirely. A movie that is 90% black people isn't diverse. The diverse label is what people have a problem with, not the fact that is has black people in it. How many ways to people have to explain this to you?
lmao why did americans created the worse breed of blacks in the world? I bet not even man eating cannibals in africa are as bad as these niggers
It isn't that there are too few whites, it's the regressive press pushing it as some pivitol leap forward when movies with black casts have existed for ages. It's also them describing a movie with no racial diversity as being 'diverse'. You can't say LOTR isn't diverse and then say Black Panther is.
Obviously they do though because diverse doesn't mean what they claim it to mean.
>problem is blacks
jk problem is schlomo and guilty wyppio
White is the colour of salt, why is anyone surprised?
Precious fucks
>fuck you honky
>fuck you cracker
still don't care..
>fuck you wypipo
what the fuck are you goin on about nigger?
>[angry monkey noises]
It's sad really.
all dark skinned people are africans and have a right to african culture
t. brazilian who grew up seeing 1/4 black people saying DEY WUZ KANGS in elementary schools
do people actually give a shit that black panther is "too black"? let niggers have their day in the sun. who cares. being a "racist" and giving a shit about anything in hollywood is contradictory.
Oh Jesus Christ I thought that was a Sup Forums meme, it's actually really?
No one gives a shit about Black Panther being black people. just don't say it's diverse if it's 95% black people. No one gives a fuck about made movies.
He is right, racism is only one way : white against black
nigger is not an insult it literally means "black" but niggers hate being black so they take it as an insult
I did too but still can't say I'm surprised it's an actual thing they say
maori's are asians not black #OnlyBlackPeople
It’s not being “pushed” as hella diverse. That was one article written by a shitty SJW site with no official ties to the movie. That article triggered Sup Forums who then photoshopped the hella diverse tag line onto the poster that 90% of anons fell for.
please don't call me white
>it literally means "black"
>guys check out this site i found. they let you say nigger, hehe!
They showed this bitch like 3 times for no reason at all, she's an extra why did she get all that screentime
Why should i care about (black people) capeshit.
t. newfag
Krager is unironically a nigger
>Are you misspelling "white people" on purpose? Are you retarded?
Defending tripfag
Fuck off newfriend
>guys check out this site I found. they don't censor everything like our reddit
welcome, my nigger friend
if it means black why dont you say black
No one would give a fuck if Nigerians made a movie with only black actors, soyboy. But surprise, niggers can't make a good or even passable movie so they have to have it made in a white nation instead