Did this really happen?



wheres muh affirmative action

>Spielberg rubbing his hands

I mean c'mon!

>spielberg still scheming

Gender assumptions? Not cool, Portman, not cool.

>Speilberg rubbing hands

>and here is an all-male list of nominees for Best Actor
What did she meant by this?

Thank you, Natalie Herschlag.

>women makes shitty movies
>hurr durr i deserve an award for being femul

that was funny tbqhwy

people are gona focus on the politics though . fuck sake

Greta Gerwig is a man now?

I loved Natalie Portman in Black Swan.

I especially loved how she took all the credit from her body double for all the dance scenes.

Fucking kikes

Hopefully these motherfuckers will start making anti feminist kino. i mean this female thing has gone overboard. They want everything without working for it, just because they have a hole between the legs. Most of Hollywood starlets can barely act, let alone direct a fucking movie.

Didn't she bully young Keira Knightley on the set of star wars?

what did he mean by this?

But honestly were there any women directors who made a good movie last year?

Wonder Woman? Detroit? Ok movies but not award worthy imo

this is embarrassing to watch

Don't even mention Wonder woman. Its PURE trash,

>and here are the all-Jew nominees

wtf Raimi?

>implying this isn't all staged

Either way it's dumb and she's dumb.

very good natalie
>just as planned


I read that with his nebish voice.


Why do they always do that?

she has cute little boobs

>that smug shiteating grin

how proud of herself is she? she mustve spent all night masturbating to the memory of saying that

>Thank you for the award. Thank you very much. Natalie, come here for a second. Come on, don't be shy. Now, tell me, tell all of us, which female director should have won this award instead of me, and I'll happily invite them up to the stage to collect it, or I'll send it to them in the post. Please Natalie, tell me.

Nolan's face really hit me in the feels. He deserves better than this treatment


>Yes Natalie now tell that to the Director that had you star in his movie

Lmao that bitter cunt.

Tell me the name of ONE, just ONE good female director.

Whoever you're about to mention does not even reach a pleb like Max Landis to the fucking knees.

Women can't into art.

George was right to attempt ruining her career. Fuck that man who saved her.

Well you fucking jew bitch, how about you name a single female director that deserves the award over those men. Then explain to me why the movie she directed was better directed than the men who got the award without using the fact that she's a woman. Can't do it? Yeah that's what I thought. Shut up kike.

they don't

>Riot apology

So this is the power of women

That stone cold look on Nolan's face. You can see how he knows she's too little for him to even care about.

you guys know they record the reactions ahead of time right

alright settle down jew
we get it
its a mere coincidence again isn`t it?


A woman directed Lost in Translation

Theres nothing wrong with women directing, they just need to be doing it because theyre suited for the job and not because they are a woman

>liking the shitty ripoff of Perfect Blue

What is he thinking here Sup Forums?

let me guess, you've never seen non-jews doing it because they don't do it right?

It couldn't be that you just don't pay attention when other people do it. No, certainly not that.

would be perfect if the video didnt haver all those damn watermarks

I thought gender was a social construct and doesn't really exist? Why do they keep bringing up gender? This is really confusing

Its amazing how her whole career she has been one of those "i dont get into politics and leave my views to myself" and literally the second she shows signs of hitting the wall and her career faltering, she's suddenly the face of every feminist movement in Hollywood

>del taco is amused with a smile like bitch my twitter is liberal enough wtf you want from me
>Nolan is sad
>Scott is irritated
>Spielberg - "All according to plan hehe those fucking goyim"

>Implying Bill Murray didn't carry that entire movie

Most definitely ghost-directed it too.

based nolan, hes he's probably laughing at this whole thing on the inside

actually yeah
never noticed non-jews doing it
seems to be more prominent among you jews
i wonder why...i really do wonder... hmm...
itchy hands?

When will women realise that competing with men on ANYTHING is about as sensible as one of them being entered in the 100 meters Olympics final and expecting her not to be humiliated. Although we'll probably get there soon enough and it will end with men being banned from competing.

yeah in an interview, she said she started with a film with scarlett

>never noticed non-jews doing it

Because you weren't paying attention. It's called confirmation bias.

hes going to strangle a white hooker wearing a padme wig later tonight

why do you argue with troglodytes on the internet user ?

no different than all the MeToo sluts

I am also a troglodyte

Ridley's reaction is good too

"this shit again? fuckin hell"

How was her carrier faltering?
She was nominated for an Oscar last year

not an argument
pics or it didn`t happen (non-jews rubbing hands)

A typical woman.

Where’s Mel Gibson when you need him?

Because it's so easy. Just say "that's sexist" and you win.

lmao all these progressive liberal dumb bitches are being clearly manipulated through this neo-feminism movement and they don't even realize it. they think they're being empowered through it, which they are, in a way, but at the cost of destroying the pillars of modern civilization: the nuclear family. they're basically resorting to anti-male jihadi by now, it's not even about equality anymore, they've achieved that 50 years ago, now it's clearly about targeting males. feminism was a legit movement back in the 50s when women couldn't vote, go to school and shit, but now? now it's all about demeaning men in return of personal projection/development. this obviously has george soros hand and probably a shitload of zionist jews as well behind it, all of them wanting to destabilize western society for their own personal agendas.


>How was her carrier faltering?
Shes not the IT girl she once was
>She was nominated for an Oscar last year
Yeah, for a movie that grossed $13 million that no one watched

>"lmao all these progressive liberal dumb bitches are being clearly manipulated through this neo-feminism movement and they don't even realize it. they think they're being empowered through it, which they are, in a way, but at the cost of destroying the pillars of modern civilization: the nuclear family. they're basically resorting to anti-male jihadi by now, it's not even about equality anymore, they've achieved that 50 years ago, now it's clearly about targeting males. feminism was a legit movement back in the 50s when women couldn't vote, go to school and shit, but now? now it's all about demeaning men in return of personal projection/development. this obviously has george soros hand and probably a shitload of zionist jews as well behind it, all of them wanting to destabilize western society for their own personal agendas."

"This lil jewess needs to shut her mouth"

>And here are the all jewish owned and run hollywood studios and producers



Why would her jewish self do that?

>wearing a choker

is that jazz

money talks, bullshit walks

she's 36 user, she's feeling it.

>feminism was a legit movement back in the 50s when women couldn't vote

american education


>money talks, bullshit walks
that was exactly my point you idiot

36 is about 10 years past the wall so she got fucking lucky to even have that decade

when will there be a 720p torrent of the show?

Can anyone in America stand up to themselves?

>you now remember when hershlag said jews should start making less holocaust movies
>right after that her career tanked, HARD

Women, jews, blacks

Wouldnt wanna be a white male in that shithole after Trump shits all over the legacy of white males.

Hows that wall coming anyway

old natalie depresses me

>Yeah, for a movie that grossed $13 million that no one watched
When you're A list you don't care about money.
Only C list actor like RDJ, Cavill, Chris Hemsworth and all of those care about box office.
And very rarely a movie that does insanely good at the box office has any merit in the industry, on the contrary being an household name in the industry does wonder if you wanna make a quick buck out of trashy blockbusters.
Disney would throw bucket of money at Natalie (in fact, I think they already did) or Gosling just to have them in their rooster venue tho their last movies were all flops

>feminism was a legit movement back in the 50s when women couldn't vote
This is pretty good

She said director you shithead

I can't wait for the oscars 2bh. It's gonna be even funnier than last year.

I think her point is more about how women don't score enough directing jobs in the first place, and the fact that Gerwig wasn't nominated. But I'm not sure who Gerwig should have replaced, and Gerwig is a frontrunner for the Oscar anyway.

whos hosting this year?

Is Christopher Nolan autistic?

gender, like race, is whatever it needs to be to support the argument being made by the liberal in question

I bet Nolan didn't even care about politics. I bet he was one of the few in Hollywood that just wanted to make good movies. But they just keep attacking him.

is this gonna push the oscars to at least nominate one woman director?

Don't expect liberals to be consistent ever.


would blackball

>Wonder Woman

Even tho most of his work his extremely political. He has a very clear vision of the world and modern times and social issues.
Ironically American brainless will never understand this cause they view politics like a sport