Hunter Zolomon believes Wally must experience loss and hardship to become a better hero

>Hunter Zolomon believes Wally must experience loss and hardship to become a better hero
>Wally has now lost his kids and everyone he loves forgot he existed
I don't expect the hacks at DC to realize this opportunity to reintroduce Zolomon but I guess we will see if Hunter was right.

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Because of a Bug that made me lost My Account on Power Rangers: Legacy Wars when it's Newest Updated came in

it made me go into a Rage where I was ranting about Nway letting the Bug slip by.......then I started to act drunk, even thou, I was drinking Dr.Pepper and I wasn't drunk and I will never drink alcohol and I started to Rant about how Realism ruined the WWE Games then I said I wanted some Butt then I said Pan Pizza was a Low-Life Piece of Shit, I don't know why but that happened and then I had a Daydream about Steven's OC, Gingka Storm

Yeah, This actually happened

what the fuck

did Hunter even have an endgame state? Like is there an actual point where he would look at Punished Wally, nod in satisfaction, and fuck off out of his life forever?

Probably not, he'd probably just keep pushing him till one of them died

Wouldn't be surprised if Wally just had all that done so Flash would reciprocate Wally's gay love for him, and without a family to hide it from. We're in a progressive era. We've had straight men stalking women. Time to have gay stalkers, too.

Unlikely. Pieces of his backstory are now divided between Thawne and Godspeed.

As Hunter himself stated, his ultimate lesson was to force Wally to kill him. As long as he still believes in half-measures, he's not broken enough. This motivation comes from Hunter's own mistake when he did not bring a gun to capture the Clown, thinking that they could easily bring in a joke-tier criminal, which ended with his wife's father's death.

If Wally doesn't time travel to stop Hunter from feeling he needs to do all that, then it's not enough.

The problem is that, now, Wally cannot even been the hero he could.
I don't know what Zolly would say.

What the fuck were you talking about?

Gayfag here, do it to another character. Hunter is 100% perfect when it comes to being a villain.
Eobard may be a petty little bitch but Hunter has an actual goal and that makes him better in the eyes of several people.

Make Eobard gay.

>As soon as I escaped that time hell you left me in Wally I wanted revenge
>But now that I see you I realize the world took far more away from you than I ever even imagined
>Everyone you loved, everything you accomplished, gone
>even your powers were taken away
>All I wanted was your children Wally, but the world took away so much more
>Oh, don't tell me you just now remember your children
>you fought me so hard to save them, what was their names again? Do you even remember Wally?
>Even your memory was stolen from you
>And do you know the best part Wally? This was all caused by your hero, Barry Allen
>The man you looked up to and worshipped from the first day you got your powers
>He betrayed you Wally and took everything
>There is nothing more I can do to you that hasn't already been done
>Now Wally, do you have the strength to be a true hero and make things right? Are you now ready to enact justice against the man who wronged the world?
>Be the hero I know you can be Wally

Dark Flash when?

Not only was that authentic frontier gibberish, user, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.

I'm particularly grateful these beautiful children were here to witness it.

This is depressive. But I'm sure they will make Wally overcome his current shit situation: they did before, they can do it again. It happened to a character in a worst position, even: Jason Todd. Let's have hope.

Soon seeing this:

Funny how much the current costume has of this.

Btw how did Wally to bring back his children back then???

Am I the only one that finds it bullshit that modern RF is just a hunter clone?

Obviously he fucked Linda again.

Time travel shenanigans. It was confusing.

On an unrelated note, I love how in DC Universe Online Hunter has this buzz overlapping his voice; As if he's constantly in the speed force.

Of course you were drunk when you said realism ruined the WWE games, because you're wrong.

> Wally lost his everything to tragedy like Zolomon wished
> Barry's legacy is fucked over like Thawne wanted it to be


>spend 30 years building Wally as a character
>Then spend a year tearing him down as one

It's been more than 10 years since Infinite Crisis happened.

pretty sure it's intentional given the whole "man from another universe" thing too

>Unlikely. Pieces of his backstory are now divided between Thawne and Godspeed.

Thawne regained his old backstory though. It's Godspeed that's the problem.

>Make Eobard gay.

That would be too obvious

Where can I read comics with Zoom ?

Read entire Geoff Johns Wally Flash. Blitz is his origins and he comes back in Rogue War but Hunter is introduced as Wally's friend before that.

G.W. is that you?

And where can I read that ? I'm new to Sup Forums

I don't even know how to process this.

Beginning of Johns:
Hunter's introduction:


Awesome. Thanks, user. The flash seems to be a nice character


>Wally got nerfed again

I know why they did it, but they did it in the worst fucking way

He's not connected to the Speed Force. His voice echoes because he's slightly out of sync with the timeline of everyone else and it's difficult to be heard. It is a cool effect, though!