ITT: Write a Twilight Zone episode

ITT: Write a Twilight Zone episode.

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everyone on Sup Forums is a bot


what if cell phone was evil

Man wakes up
Everything is different
He's the same


What if typewriters, but too much?

Photographs predict the future



Something weird and strange happens to a seemingly normal person. Also there's a moral message attached.



>abusive wife situation
>they argue in public, and she runs onto the crosswalk and gets hit by a car
>wife dies
>lonely husband begins dating again
>dead wife starts texting him
>dead wife starts texting his girlfriend
>husband goes crazy
>new girlfriend dumps him
>husband is angry texting wife as he uses the crosswalk
>gets hit by a car and dies

Twilight Zone 2018


it is
it isn't

This is more outer limits territory


We need new ones.

this is my biggest nightmare

A man lives alone with his cat which turns out to be an alien and the man is her bodyguard because they live on a planet where humans are cats pets

Evangelion but with cars instead of mecha

Theres an alien in a room of people that talk like cardboard cutouts but actually its a dude in a shitty 60's alien costume

Imagine a world where everyone was anonymous. In what form would civilization take? No longer restricted by societal standards of decency, the citizens let their repressed desires take over their actions and words, voicing their controversial and often times politically incorrect beliefs, coupled by a hivemind of memes and worship of a cartoon frog. We are traveling to another dimension beyond human comprehension, the dark underbelly of the limitless and infinite internet. Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to The Sup Forums Zone.

You're right. Let me try again.

>crack ho gets into fight with her pimp in an alley
>he shanks her. she dies.
>LeQuandra walks up and goes, "dayeeem, dems some nice shoes, Ima' take 'dem leopard pumps, bish be ded yo"
>LeQuandra takes on personality of dead prostitute and decides to down her pimp to murder him for revenge
>gets shanked in an alley. dies.
>Tyronette (tranny) finds dead LeQuandra and goes, "dayum dems some nice pumps, Ima' take em' bish be ded yo"
>roll credits

>Submitted for your approval. The case of Mr. user, an otherwise ordinary man in an otherwise ordinary bedroom. While most young men of his age spend their days in the company of their peers, Mr. user has instead opted for isolation, holding only the company of faceless others on a Tibetan arts and crafts internet forum. This would be a night just like any other, except for something that will soon happen to him. Something that will considerably alter his existence and ours. Tonight, he's shitposting in The Twilight Zone


>apocalypse happens
>decades later, the only surviving media left is The Twilight Zone
>society is rebuilt on knowledge only present from Twilight Zone episodes
>things like men becoming obsolete and people who are too attractive being shipped off to some foreign village are believed to be morally correct because the post-apocalyptic viewers of these Twilight Zone reruns can't grasp the fact that The Twilight Zone episodes are cautionary tales rather than how to's

Thats actually gud

That's pretty much the opposite of the Black Mirror where they rate everybody constantly.

>Tonight, he's shitposting in The Twilight Zone

What if black mirror but a timeless classic instead

>taking anything this Jewish manlet says seriously

Is The Twilight Zone worth watching? How does it compare to The X Files, or are they drastically different?

Yes. You'll like some and dislike others, but it's mostly good and holds up.

They're drastically different. The Twilight Zone is an anthology series (meaning each episode takes place in its own universe) and has a twist ending or a moral. It is comparable to Black Mirror.

Everyone was short back in the day

This the "big guy"you see in alot of ww2 movies is usually only around 5'10

The Aryan perfection hitler was looking for was a race of 5'10-11 guys

>Tonight, he's shitposting in The Twilight Zone

>holocaust survivor goes back to Auschwitz
>starts seeing ghosts, family and friends she remembers from being in the camp
>proceeds to act in plays, enjoy community swimming pool, plays cello in orchestra, etc.
What a twist. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

Episode where Johnny Depp plays an actor who gets stuck in character.

A guy wakes up somewhere where everyone seems to know him, but they call him by a different name than what his name is.
Events happen. He can't figure it out.
At the end of the episode he's watching tv. The program he's watching ends, and something else comes on after it. It's a show starring him.
There's a close up on his face on the tv and it states "in loving memory". Cut to black.

You think you're posting on Sup Forums, but it turns out you are really on Sup Forums.

don't scare me

>A struggling writer is transported to the future where he has to write scripts for the BBC about taking that hellish reality to it's inevitable conclusion.

could probably use some implication that the viewer is also that character.

What if your rotary phone was evil?

What if your rotary phone was an app on god's iphone?

1960, New York City. Black man dies by being shot by a white cop. Reincarnated he wakes up and lives life as a white person. Grows up, becomes a cop begins to despise blacks after being exposed to them. One day he's chasing down a perp who raped and killed a white woman. Perp gives up but the Cop shoots him in the back. Turns body over and sees that it's himself, switches back to his old body. As he lays dying he says to the Cop "you did right" and dies. Rod appears "tale of a man who realized that stereotypes are based on universal truths that you can only find, in the Twilight Zone"!!!FACT!!!

>>taking anything this Jewish manlet says seriously

Rod Serling was in WWII, saw combat, was a boxer and created the greatest TV show of all time while you will die alone, unloved and forgotten, in the Twilight Zone!!!FACT!!!

Ipad BAD
Miscegenation GOOD

It's literally the best TV show ever made user, that's not a meme it's a fact. Start with the pilot.

A children's hospital is visited by a small elf that makes terminally ill children well again, to the bafflement of doctors, and the joy of parents. Conflict arises when the spirit of death arrives put a stop to the miracles.

Then it reveals the whole story was a dream of a father who had fallen asleep in the waiting room, as his terminally ill son is going through a surgery that will likely not succeed. He then finds out the surgery did succeed, and as he goes to see his son, he sees the elf from his dream out of the corner of his eye, who winks at him

They also had dramatically higher testosterone and would have kicked the fuck out of any of you on your best day.

I hate elk and deer and drank from a well until age 15 lol my test levels are fine