Do you think Hollywood undercut the message of the #TimesUp and #MeToo movement by giving a golden globe to literal...

Do you think Hollywood undercut the message of the #TimesUp and #MeToo movement by giving a golden globe to literal rapist and sex offender Aziz Ansari? It's only a matter of time before the dam bursts and his degenerate ways become public knowledge.

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he's indian

Like all Muslims, he's a rapist.

OP is a gossiping faggot spreading rumors he made up. This thread where you make up a bunch of lies about some random actor is the only social interaction you'll get for a while, huh? Get a life, retard.

He didn't win that for Master of None, did he? What a mediocre pile of shit that was.

Shills don't even know how to samefag properly. Sad!

Fake news. Indians having a high rape rate is fake news spread by low IQ racist retards.

t. Aziz Ansari

also lmao @ sweden