Bravo Lucas
Bravo Lucas
At least I can see the fight.
someone post the gaurd dancing by himself
>in4 they're playing 3d chess in their minds looking for an opening to attack
this shit looks retarded
lasts 2 seconds and never happens again.
It was fucking cool
People bashing this moment have no clue whatsoever how martial arts work. In actual full contact combat sports, when you have two opponents of more or less equal skill, who are well familiar with all possible techniques that can be executed, going at it, you often end up with situations where these said opponents just dance around for a prolonged period of time. It has nothing to do with "searching for openings", because in most cases there aren't any, it's related to the rhythm of the fight and both opponents getting psychologically ready to risk an attack and a potential counter. It's hard to explain these things to people who don't train in combat sports, but as someone who has boxed for 5 years, I can tell you that there is literally nothing wrong with this scene.
based pasta poster.
This pasta does have a point, especially given the Jedi clairvoyant fighting style.
literally every single prequel fight is like this in principle, it's just more blatant here.
the behind the back move is supposed to goad the opponent into attacking, which you anticipate and counter
the point is they both know all of each others moves
>as someone who has boxed for 5 years, I can tell you that there is literally nothing wrong with this scene.
jedies are not boxers
Why do they move their feet, what bothers mi in all light saber duels is they are swinging them like the beam has some real weighy.
I think George Lucas would know better than you what Jedis do during combat.
>2 friends who know each's style very well.
>Being defensive and looking for an opportunity to strike.
>Both trying to fake the other one out to exploit an opportunity
Of all the negative things we can say about the prequels. The fighting choreography isn't one of them. TPM especially.
I've boxed and you are literally retarded
best fight in all of star wars
That looks cool tho
stand up and try it with an empty hand.
your arm has weight
>The fighting choreography isn't one of them
Yes it is. You can literally justify any amount of retarded looking moves by pulling shit out of your ass about the force and "anticipating moves". The fights are overlong and look silly very often.
>RotS is retarded meme tier garbage
More news at 11. Still better than Disney.
>tfw the most emotional duel in all of star wars now has the best choreography too.
>Of all the negative things we can say about the prequels. The fighting choreography isn't one of them. TPM especially.
Exactly, it goes to shit after TPM.
It'd make a great videogame cutscene.
>retarded looking
>The fights are overlong
>look silly
Nice "arguments".
After watching this for the first time back in 2005 I always thought Anakin was just trying to use Obi-Wan's moves and Obi-Wan defended because he knew when it was coming because they Obi-Wan literally states earlier in the film that he taught Anakin everything he knew.
when you box do you throw punches the entire round or do you move around and bob your head and sway waiting for your next move?
Thats because they do have weight. Its in the canon. Non-Jedi require a lot of special training in order to use a lightsaber because they are actually really heavy and clumbsy in the hand without the force to help the user. This is all covered when ezra trains sabine to use the darkblade in rebels.
It looks far better in context.
To add to your point, i recall the making-off documentary of the Mustafar fight that Lucas mentioned that they are identical in their fighting and mirror each other in their moves throughout the fight.
>implying you noticed this at all before seeing the .gif
fuck off mickey mouse
Your argument is that its good despite looking retarded because of the two anticipating each other's moves. I said that's bullshit because you could apply that logic to any amount of retarded looking motions.
They're playing 3D chess in their minds, looking for an opening to attack.
>you could apply that logic to any amount of retarded looking motions.
not to retarded obi-van vs vader motions in ANH
Somehow Nuwars managed to have 1 lightsaber fight that's even worse than this and then drop them completely. Bravo Mickey.
>looking retarded
Nice opinion. You have yet to present even a single argument, by the way.
>never happens again
yeah it's the last fight in prequels, it happens before a lot though
You're partially right. I think slower, more deliberate motions are a far better way to display the force and familiarity influencing saber dueling to the audience if I wanted to make that argument in the first place. The reality is just that Lucas was limited and the swords were fragile at that time. It's a good thing that fight lasts, what? Less than a minute, instead of a 30 minute long fight scene without anyone getting hurt or injured in any way at all despite dancing over lava fields until the very, very end where the duel ends with a lazy uppercut.
This is literally a video game fight. Its no different when you attack an enemy and nothing happens until all its health is depleted.
no fencing involves making exaggerating swings with your weapon, it is about conservation of motion, i.e. you keep your weapon pointed at your opponent to minimize the amount of time require to hit him because in the time it takes to swing your sword around your opponent can just lunge directly at you
I dunno, the fights in the original isn't that shitty, it served its purpose, not because its slow or anything, but 8 other movies and countless lore it would make sense for the two old Jedi fight like they do in that webm.
>posts gif of the deleted rave scene from the bar when kenobi was offered death sticks
>hurrr durrrrr this is ebic fight scene BRAVO BUCAS
you faggots need to go get laid
No it doesn't. Not in theater, not on rewatches, it never came out as anything else but a goddamn piece of autism you'd sooner find on Arin's youtube channel.
Considering the point of the thread was "look at this moment, it looks retarded", the burden of proof is on him to prove that it doesn't look retarded. His argument to that was that its good despite looking retarded because of the two anticipating each other's moves. I said that's bullshit because you could apply that logic to any amount of retarded looking motions.
You need to be blind to miss it.
>overlong and look silly very often
>space wizards take prolonged and exaggerated movements
>not mindboxing your enemy's brainbox at the same time
>The obnoxious gen-x crybabies would unironically watch 3 movies of this
No, fencing is about pragmatically taking out your opponents and shit. There’s a chair nearby? Use it as a weapon. Got a gun? Just shoot them.
>no fencing involves making exaggerating swings with your weapon
what is a flourish
brava, Rian!
>no fencing involves making exaggerating swings with your weapon
Stop talking out of your ass, you know nothing of fencing or martial arts. People who actually train full contact knife fighting and actually spar against fully resisting opponents think otherwise:
I'd watch it, but it's an old man and a cripple fighting eachother. Fights between the more able bodies would be more active.
The more interesting part of Star Wars for me was never the Jedi anyway. They're all hypocrites that never do anything.
>lying on the internet
I fucking love this place
Why does Kylo hit the floor just for the guy in front of him to slash through his sword like it doesn't even exits?
Also would though that this retarded lightsaber design was acceptable? This is padawan training tier of retarded.
>space wizards take prolonged and exaggerated movements
Yeah. That was established in the first 3 films. In fights that don't take a half hour to complete. As though the prequel fights aren't full of exaggerated movements. They're just faster. Also entirely focused on smacking each other's swords rather than each other.
>Kylo is 6 million steps ahead of his opponent in brain chess and stabs the fucking ground a full second before he decides to swing at his lower body
>The 3 guys fighting Rey know straight up they have no chance against a strong independent woman and just run with their tails between their legs
This fight could have been good, if Lucas just slowed it the fuck down.
But "could have been good" isn't worth praising a lightshow on crack.
Imagine being so juvenile you think the one thing these movies were missing were more highly choreographed sword fights.
>Also would though that this retarded lightsaber design was acceptable?
It exists solely so he could push the crossblade into Finn's shoulder in 7.
Could have just had the beam be unstable and it makes fucked up noises when being activated. Side vents are beyond stupid.
Imagine being so pretentious and snobby that you think it doesn't.
But that's exactly how Vader fought in Empire and Jedi.
you do realize star wars is franchise for kids, don't you?
Of course, that just makes it worse.
I mean, that fight isn't thaaat bad. If they removed the old man spin near the start and maybe tried to shorten it a little bit to remove some of the more obvious slappy-sticks movements, it ... well, it'd still look pretty cheesy, but not quite as much.
I assume you despised the duels in the two following movies then?
Who made this?
It's britty gud.
nothing wrong with giving your target audience what they want to see
Yes, the prequel duels were just like one in Empire. Whatever you say, child.
>All the talk of trade deals, the political bullshit carving up the map, the assassins, a race of bounty hunters that just love to murder, and all these monsters covered in teeth that brutally consume its victims
>So many people getting stabbed and cut up with the funny looking laser swords
Coulda fooled me. Even that animated Clone Wars thing only looked childish, they flip flop between audiences so much it hurts.
You're throwing a tantrum, manchild.
But that's a dance, user.
well if you look at it like this, you can clearly see that preqels were easily the most mature films of whole franchise
You were responding to a webm unrelated to the prequels. Drop that goalpost.
Why don't they stab?
That's the dancing part of the fight. No fight consists of non-stop attacking.
Its not badly choreographed . Its just OVER choreographed so it looks like ballet and not like regular fight.
They attempted to be, but the constant placement of terrible humour does nothing to help it. The originals were corny at times, but fun. The prequels were actually embarrassing whenever they tried to be funny.
They are building up speed by swinging the blades until enough force is created to overpower the other's defense. They know each other's moves so both strike at the same time and are equal in strength.
It's funny but at least it's not Reylo tier shit.
Me and a buddy
>video that makes the ANH fight more like a prequel fight
>unrelated to the prequels
Irregardless of the state of Empire or RotJ, the only time I've had any desire for them to go back and update or change ANH to update the fight was when I was a child. It's the wish of a child.
>Also entirely focused on smacking each other's swords rather than each other.
>Knowledge and defence, never attack
>fuck this floor tile in particular
>video that makes the ANH fight more like a prequel fight
No, it makes it look more like an Empire/Jedi fight.
you mean like the time vader turned his back to luke so he could sit down and luke proceeded to hit his lightsaber three times in a row before cutting off vaders arm, even though vader just held his sword stationary?
>building speed by swinging the blades
they dont have weight though
i mean what youre saying makes perfect sense except the retardation of the star wars universe steps in the way
I-It doesn't count. Return of the Jedi is an honorary prequel.
>this is all covered when pbbbbffbpfpffbbbbbbbraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAappppPp** squelch
Show me at least 2 more examples of a scene where they swing their lightsabers around like this and don't make contact.
Isn’t Grevious explicitly trying to intimidate his enemies?