>completely destroys universe's timeline and big ed's marriage just because he wants to sleep with a high school thot
t-thanks coop
>meme character in a meme show by a meme one trick pony didn't win a meme award
>completely ruined his life and several others, and ruined the happiness not-Laura had finally achieved by reminding her of her trauma
>just so he could eat some underage pussy
Perhaps Cooper went too far in some places
It's okay, Dougie will always be our friend. He'll always be there to cheer us up.
Failed you.
Some places.
Cheer us up.
>the virgin Cooper
>too beta to fuck Audrey Horne, gets his Christfag GF killed before he can bang her, spends 25 years of his life trying to sniff the chair Laura Palmer once farted in
>the chad Dougie
>spends his days doing whatever the fuck he wants, banging his wife, hot prostitutes, and eye-fucking the qts at his office
I’m sorry Kyle! We didn’t know! We didn’t know!
He did everything he could to ensure this qt was saved. Therefore, he did nothing wrong.
And he arguably just made things worse for her after she had already achieved eternal peace on her own.
Bravo Cooper!
"The world spins..."
>And he arguably just made things worse for her
We'll find out in Season 4, Sup Forums Sup Forums friends!
I'm sorry for what happened, sir, I really am.
Please no. It will just end on another cliffhanger that makes Dale and Laura’s situation even worse.
Hope you guys can see now that The Return was not good at all. Kale deserved better.
How the fuck did McGregor win when he cheated on his wife and ruined his family with all the bullshit going on in Hollywood right now? I would think that would make all of those MeToo fucks hate him. Especially to have the gall to fucking thank his ex-wife AND new slampiece in the speech
Was "The Captain" /ourguy/ ?
That blurred picture of Coop in the car always gets me.
You guys should have known this was coming when the Return didn’t get a best series nod and Naomi Watts/Laura Dern/Sheryl Lee didn’t get a best actress nod. Kyle’s nomination was literally a pity vote to say “hey you tried”
>people still care about awards given out by pedos
Golden Globes? More like ANAL PROBES. Fuck this gay earth
Twin Peaks should have won best show from the heights of mount Olympus