So? Which fight was better?

So? Which fight was better?

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If you don't have your lightsaber in front of you you're going to be exposed.

Light-saber duels should've never been about wide swings, because they're so light its too easy just to lunge in and jab you through the belly.

the part where Obi Wan 1v1s Maul is unironically the best choreographed fight in the saga

there should've been more dual wielders

the reason dual wielding doesn't work in real life is because a) too heavy to swing a sword with one arm b) coordination and c) can't have a shield. but jedis have the force, so their coordination is much better, lightsabres are light so fatigue doesn't matter, and they never use shields anyway

I know Star Killer does it, but no main character does

also phantom menace scene is kino. the music, the intenseness, the feel overall

Apparently the actors in the OT were told they were suppoused to be heavy. Like Excalibur.

The Vader-Obi Wan fight is hilariously bad and easily the worst in the entire saga. Anyone who argues otherwise is delusional

How this is even a contest is beyond me.
The one in ANH isn't even a fight.

Star killer and the force unleashed in general were so cool sucks nothing will ever be made in the franchise

Obi wan vs darth vader is objectively a trash fight. No tension, no danger. Just two old codgers touching tips. OT apologists don't realize how terrible some parts of the OT were. Because MUH FUCKIN NOSTALGIA YAHERME?

Obi vs Vadi is goat
it looks like a real duel, it feels like a real duel it has actual sword fighting techniques