What's the most powerful lantern corps that's not white or black? I believe it's Blue

What's the most powerful lantern corps that's not white or black? I believe it's Blue.


Blue is weak though and only exists to power up Green.

Green is full of jobbers thats for sure them and Yellow die by the dozen

Orange? being able to turn people you kill into construct slaves is pretty overpowered compared to the other corps' abilities

not having them in the color spectrum order triggers my autism spectrum

Trapping the souls of your enemies to be your eternal slaves is pretty OP

What if you weak and can't kill anyone? Also you go insane with greed

>powerful lantern corps
Blue is the weakest. It nerfs two corps and gets a symbiotic boost with Green but by itself, it is the most do nothing corps.

Even Indigo lanterns can teleport. Blue is literally the white mage of the lantern corps. Not strong, only support.

That being said Orange seems the most powerful as its only limited by ones WANT.

>What if you weak and can't kill anyone
you have an orange ring, you'd have to be pretty shit to not kill anybody

Green is better than orange because you don't go insane with greed leaving you useless on the battlefield if someone throws you a shiny trinket

Yeah but with a green lantern ring I can just now down your zombies with a mini gun. In the real world the orange ring is useless because no dead guy can stand a chance against a green lantern's constructs

You can't just say "hurr durr my constructs beat your constructs"

pretty sure orange can make separate constructs too


just being able to absorb other lanterns construct is OP

No it cant

Or hamboigah

Not really, but all Hope's strengths are defensive.

Larfleeze is Guardian Level in ring slinging, there are a lot of drawbacks being an Orange Lantern, like insanity due to greed, You have to be near your Lantern at all times or else you get nerf to basic Lantern powers but besides that Orange ring gives you immortality (unless Larfleeze's race is already Immortal then it does not) and your own one man corps.

A green ring has like 1/5000th the potential power of an orange one.

Yes, it can.

Blue is the strongest when paired with green. Indestructible constructs, instantly heals injuries, charges green, and drains yellow. Does literally nothing by itself though.

Orange is the strongest solo color. Absorbs every other color except blue, doesn't have to be recharged, and capable of creating living constructs who can act with autonomy. It's only weakness is that, unlike the other colors, its total power is zero-sum, meaning it becomes weaker if more than one person uses it at the same time.

Red is the third strongest. It dissolves all other colors except blue and orange, but requires more concentration than the other colors to shape solid constructs.

Violet is the fourth strongest, as it can crystalize the constructs of indigo, yellow, and green, rendering them useless.

Indigo can teleport to the location of anyone who needs help, has some minor healing powers that aren't as good as blue, and can cause people to feel the pain of those they have harmed in the past. Also has the ability to mimic the unique properties of any other color that is nearby, but only one at a time.

Yellow is strong against green, but not as much as it used to be.

Green is the weakest color, but also the only one that doesn't mess with your head and slowly make you go crazy. Doesn't need to be recharged when paired with blue.

According to the Red Lanterns Futures End tie-in, Blue has incredible potential but only in the hands of someone who has used many rings.

>Does literally nothing by itself though.
Blue should latleast have basic Force Field projection

it can already do so much with that

>doesn't have to be recharged

Lantern newbie here. What about this?

it doesn't need to be recharged because larfleeze can charge his own ring most of the time because of greed desu

Is there an upper limit to the destructive power of a lantern ring? A definable maximum output in terms of energy per second, or construct hardness?

Blue is most powerful but has most requirements.

Red and Violet are powerful but are in such emotional extremes you really aren't in control.

>Orange is the strongest solo color. Absorbs every other color except blue
Could swear In the last larfleeze arc in Hal&GLC they said yellow counter orange too due to fear of losing everything

Effectively doesn't have to be recharged.

An orange ring is capable of holding 100 times as much power as any other color, so you only risk running out if you try to generate thousands of constructs for an extended period of time without having your battery on hand.


That didn't work when Sinestro tried it in Blackest Night. He attempted to strong-arm Larfleeze into helping him by threatening to destroy all of Larfleeze's possessions, but Larfleeze said he didn't care because he could always just steal more possessions.

Reminder that Brainiac became a Orange Lantern construct

Larfleeze had his entity powering him, so it's unfair or hard to measure natural Orange potential.

Power Battery aside, how exactly are yellow rings able to draw their strength from the emotional spectrum? Do they only rely on their ring bearers to be able to successfully instill fear in others, and somehow charges itself off of that? Or can Sinestro Corps members simply be scared shitless themselves, and be able to physically manifest their anxieties into supercharged offensive attacks?

Also. Weren't Pre-Sinestro Corps Qwardian rings able to steal power from GL's, or was that just in the DCAU? I could swear it's at least been brought up once in some silver age story.

A Brainiac.
Not THE Brainiac.

Didn't Larfleeze effectively become his own battery?

Using a yellow ring requires embracing your own fears, accepting them as a fundamental part of your core identity, and drawing upon them as a source of strength.

Sinestro, for example, learned to harness the the power of his yellow ring by embracing his fear of chaos and anarchy.

New recruits to the Sinestro Corps are placed in "fear pods" created by the Sinestro Corpsman Bedovian. These pods force them to visualize their worst fears over and over until they learn to embrace them instead of rejecting them.

>Do they only rely on their ring bearers to be able to successfully instill fear in others, and somehow charges itself off of that?


It does, and it's one of the strongest.

> Weren't Pre-Sinestro Corps Qwardian rings able to steal power from GL's, or was that just in the DCAU?

That's exactly how they worked and was the only way to charge it. It took Guy a while to figure this out because the ring didn't speak English.

Man, i could see that page being made into a Jean Grey "You're gay" edit so well.

By that metric, Orange is strong against any Lantern that isn't Indigo or Blue as its rings can eat the constructs and energies of others to boost their own.

I remember reading somewhere that you can split atoms with a ring, or create fusion.

Depends on the age. I like the version where rings could to whatever as long as you knew how, best. It was more fantastic.

You read right. GL rings are a lot more powerful than people realize. The amount of dumb shit Hal used to be able to pull back in the 70's was ridiculous.

Green rings are the hardest to use, but can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want. Split atoms, transmute existing matter, make portals through time. You can do anything as long as you say you can loud enough.

>He is a homosexual after all
>He's bisexual
>Close enough

We need an Orange Lantern storytime, to be desu.

I hope it's the Christmas special

Fuck, that's pretty cool.

Red hands down

Orange is the strongest, the wielder is essentially the corps, the guardian, the battery, and the totem animal all at once. In Larf's solo he was taking on gods easy.

Red is the weakest, except against other lanterns.

>Indestructible constructs
Pretty sure Blue Constructs break.

Red destroys anything organic they are the best for a pure fight naplam blood would just disintegrate everything

blue/green constructs can't.

Logically you should try to steal a blue and green ring

Indigo tribe can use the other colors and turn people in mind-controlled drones, so i'd go with that

>amount of dumb shit Hal was able to pull off in the 70s

I don't remember anything too impressive from Green Lantern/Green Arrow, but that's Kyle in the 90s.

Realistically, this could be my lantern's color

The shit Hal used to do was ridiculous .

I don't think it works if it's the same person wearing both.

If you have a partner in crime though...

You can use two rings at once.

Kyle used all seven

Kyle's a weirdo.

Nah, Orange is only that powerful because thre's only one guy, who constantly carries his lantern around to power him up.

Kyle is a freak of nature

Batman is so yellow.

Siamese twins blue/gree lanter when?

Would work well. The dominant twin/decision maker is green. The other one if very trusting and hopeful of its twin.

>things that would never be printed today

... Yeah. Giving him power about 5000x a GL's. Green Lantern rings don't work that way - if there was only one GL, it wouldn't make him any more powerful. He'd need to lug around the central battery.

Guy has used a violet and red concurrently before. Hal used an orange and yellow ring concurrently as well. During the event where John kills Mogo.

Orange can still eat magic, other constructs, drain power, suppress willpower, and enslave its victims on top of the usual suite of power ring abilities. On paper, its rings are absurdly powerful if not for the fact that without enough focus, you're prone to reckless self-destructive simplemindedness.

I know that it's possible to use multiple rings at the same time, but I think the green/blue symbiotic relationship specifically requires at least two people.

Indigo is a poor man's white lantern plus they can control others like violet