Dumbing of Age

Last night, while Patreanon was fast asleep, Rapin' Ryan whipped out his knife and waved it around menacingly at Dorothy and Amber.

How will Willis manage to ruin this promising action setup? Only time will tell.

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How cartonishly evil can Willis make someone before people get tired of it? Pretty fucking far if this is any indication.

Ryan sounds like he's having a psychotic break. Doesn't this mean that by Willis Logic, he's immune to the consequences of his actions?

Also, how is Ryan even in any danger? If they don't have his name and they just have his photo, then it's basically his word against theirs. He could very easily claim that he's the victim of a targeted witch hunt and his parents would probably believe him.

man this would be really threatening if it wasn't for this horseshit in pic related. also if Willis didn't tell everyone there's a no death rule

Some of his fragile core fans would be hospitalized right now with panic attacks if they couldn't go into their little mental safe-spaces, repeatedly telling themselves that Willis will never kill a character.

I feel like in the 3rd panel it would have been better to break up Ryan's two bits of dialouge with Dorothy saying something, cause it just seems awkward for him to say Really rough day and then be like "rough day?" or something. Also who the fuck goes by just their middle name? That doesn't seem like a common thing.

>who the fuck goes by just their middle name?
I'm thinking one of two things. It could be as simple as just a (bad) alias to protect himself when he goes out rapin'. Or, maybe his first name is just stupid, like "Lindsey" or something, and his last name would link him to his well-known, Republican Party affiliated parents, which he wouldn't want either.

I do, but that's because no one can pronounce my first name

So his big plan is to pull a knife on two people in front of the entrance to a dorm, in plain view of the front desk, anyone with a room facing the front, anyone in the lobby, anyone outside, and presumably the security cameras?

>you're safe. Go!
If there's time for one of you to get inside, there's time for both of you to get inside, dumbass.
It's also comedic, how the villain pegs Amazigirl's identity easily, when not only has nobody else found her, but nobody has found him either. It's like acknowledging how easy it is, which highlights how stupid everyone else is.

>Or, maybe his first name is just stupid
I knew a "Mike" in middle school whose real first name was Ernie.
Also knew a John who went by Adam since a lot of his family were named John.

The real genius to the plan is that whoever's manning the front desk won't bother to call the police or help because those two people getting stabbed by the hooded creep outside are insufferable twats.

It's most likely Asma at the front desk. She won't do anything since she seems to hate everyone anyway. She'll even be thankful there's going to be two less infidel lesbians on campus (it's probably easier for her to assume all the girls are lesbians at this fucking school).

Whose ready for zero reprocusions the comic?

So when the send Ryan to jail because Willis wrote am unbelievable character, that's it for any real drama in the comic right?

5 years ago:
>I really didn’t want to end a strip on Joyce being shoved into a bathroom. That’s not the sort of cliffhanger I want to do. It was a very important goal of mine throughout this storyline to not leave Joyce in a state of imminent, impending rapey danger for the 24 hours between strips. So if Ryan makes his move in a strip, he has to be subdued by the end of it. If some subtlety is lost in that, then that was a sacrifice I was willing to make.


Is this........ growth as a writer?

Oh wow so it was a knife. It's not even drawn the same as in the last one...

Also, the idea that there are no Ryans at all at the school is actually nuts. The idea that he tracked down the Amazi-Girl reporter is also kinda nuts, but Willis did set it up with him knowing about her article.

That'll only leave Sir Grandpa Clint and Mary as outright villains, and neither of them are very threatening to the degree that Toedad, Amber's dad, and Ryan are...physically threatening, anyway.

>If there's time for one of you to get inside, there's time for both of you to get inside, dumbass.
I think she was being heroic and telling her to go first, and then she would follow Dorothy or fight Ryan.

My boyfriend goes by his middle name, as does one of my great-aunts. It's not super-common, but it happens regularly enough.

See, now THIS is something happening.

Too bad Toedad was the peak Happening that happened in DoA, and with that plus Willis' no-kill clause, we already know that this is going to end with trauma but no blood spilled. Unless somebody gets stabbed. In which case, they're gonna live. But they'll have the trauma now, I guess.

Maybe this is why Willis shifted the primary focus from Joyce to Dorothy/Amber/Sal for the Ryan story. He knew there was no middle-ground for his climax, so he had to go all or nothing, and that meant pulling out a knife.

Also, it's now two-for-two that Ryan makes the fatal mistake of announcing his intentions instead of just doing it without saying anything.

>If there's time for one of you to get inside, there's time for both of you to get inside, dumbass.
I question why they weren't already having their conversation inside. What reason was there for them to be outside? The lobby is clearly large enough that they could hold a private conversation without having to worry about eavesdroppers, especially at night when there's likely nobody around.

Well, tonight, we learn that paper can effectively bar a door, and that Amber is fucking stupid.

Oh wait, we already knew the second thing, and the first thing is retarded. Oh well. At least when Amber mangles his face further, Ryan will have all the circumstantial evidence in the world to turn it around and make her seem like the aggressor.

>One of Ryan’s greatest flaws, besides the obvious, is impatience. That’s part of why he’s trying to shortstep the journey to premarital hanky panky to begin with.


Is the palm of her hand phasing through his wrist?

This actually cracked me up a bit because that last panel looks like Willis is trying to emulate Rob Guillory.

>the blue-eyed girl
She told you her name that one time.

>Saw the reporter on my way into class.
I thought Ryan didn't go to this school. Wasn't that a thing that he didn't even go to this school?

>Unfortunately for you...
>I am not Amazi-Girl.
I feel like this is supposed to be a badass thing, but if the implication is that Amber is the violent one and Amazi-Girl is more subdued, that's still not helping how fucking confusing Willis' interpretation of Amber's alleged DID is.

Also, she looks like a goddamn scarecrow with a slit for a mouth in that last panel.

Anybody got the new porn pin-ups yet?

What a goddamn handwave. "Oh, uhh, he's impatient. Yeah, that explains why he directly enunciates his intentions to rape Joyce right in front of her face."

Oh my god, the art just keeps getting worse and worse

It's obvious that willis can't draw detailed non-stock facial expressions, so why does he keep trying?

>Why so serious, Ryan?

hey look, it's two crazy people in a knife fight. It's just like my Chinese bum fights

>Red panels
Brace for Amber losing her shit completely.

>What a goddamn handwave. "Oh, uhh, he's impatient. Yeah, that explains why he directly enunciates his intentions to rape Joyce right in front of her face."
It gets worse:

>And finally, I don’t think the scene works unless Ryan reveals exactly what he is, no moderation. Joyce has to understand instantly. It can’t be something that could be mistaken for sarcasm. Joyce has been giving him the benefit of the doubt all night. Ryan’s true self has to get her attention right here, right now. Minimizing his anger doesn’t create that catalyst for her snap back into reality.

It's so absurd, yet I'm not surprised. Come on, Willis.

Oh look! Amber is becoming the the Joker! Gees, this is getting ridiculous, also it seems this is leading to another case of "the bad guy gets his shit absolutely kicked in" as per Willis' rule about the "bad guy(s)" getting what they absolutely deserve.

Boy, I sure am glad that the rapist villain loves to monologue instead of just cutting to the chase and getting stab-happy.

Just what I'd expect from this totally realistic depiction of college life.

wow, I understand having no faith in your readers you have to simplify shit but you are some special level of hack to have no faith in your own characters you have to have other characters act like idiots so you can mentally justify them keeping up

Oh, something else to consider is that Dorothy is watching the whole thing. Hell, maybe Sal's on her way downstairs after Dorothy calls or texts.

So I'm going to assume that Amber and Ryan will drag out their MOST EPIC KNIFE FIGHT EVER (GONE SEXUAL) (GONE WRONG) 2017 until Sal is within view, at which point Amber up and stabs Ryan in the hand in the same way that she stabbed Sal so many years ago. Sal witnesses this and realizes that Amber is the girl who stabbed her all those years ago, because I guess that'll be something that will happen for some reason. Amber will be holding the knife in her hand while Ryan's on the ground, writhing in pain. Dorothy will be inside, calling the cops. Sal will be awestruck and unable to move. Amber looks at Sal, then the knife in her hand, then flashes back to when she first stabbed Sal, internally considering whether or not to give her a matched set. Then Amazi-Girl attempts to break through, at which point we have a MOST EPIC BATTLE OF MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES (GONE SEXUAL) (GONE CHUBBY) 2014 2015!!!! in which Amber and Amazi-Girl duke out control.

And that's not just fanfiction; that's honestly how I foresee this whole thing ending. There's no reason for Willis to drag out Ryan's storyline any longer unless he wants Robin to have a role in it, and this is the only way I can see Amber and Sal's teamwork coming to a climactic conclusion.

why is this piece of shit always shilled here?

What the fuck is that continuity in panels 3-4? Ryan's five feet away, then he's close enough to touch Dorothy, then he's five feet away again.

Also, is that REALLY going to be the explanation for why Ryan isn't his real name? With the massive handwave that there isn't a single student at this public university with the first name Ryan?

Even for Willis this is contrived.

So I'm guessing Amber's gonna grab his knife and slit his fucking throat and kill him. And then everyone is gonna praise her for a job well done and pat her on the back while police do absolutely nothing again because clearly murder isn't worth their time punishing someone for.

I'm betting when Amber fucks him up, with a hand-stab or otherwise, the cops will be called, or maybe Sal breaks it up first. Either way, he's then gonna say that these girls are harassing him with false rape allegations online, stalked and assaulted him at Robin's rally, and then stalked and assaulted him again outside of the dorms here.

They have no evidence on Ryan whatsoever, unless there's a CCTV camera pointed right at them right now, which I doubt there will be.

Here's to hoping she imagined this whole talk and knife and its just some random guy she just assaulted

>I'm not Amazi-girl.
Wtf is that face. This is where the comic hits into maximum Willis.

Amber grabbing his hand in panel 5 is so fucked up. Like her hand blends into his or just looks disjointed.

I think he's trying to convey that Amber is about to have a psychotic break, and is about to beat that man to death while screaming "DO YOU LOVE ME NOW DADDY"

If only. If she kills Ryan and gets put in a mental institution, then and only then will I believe Willis has grown into a amateur writer and not sjw baby trash.

We have a weird sort of love-to-hate relationship with it. Just ignore the thread if you don't like it; there's a chance it'll be gone tomorrow morning.

That's a set of double doors. All Dorothy has to do is open both of them at the same time and the book will hit the ground.

No death rule, remember? Amber will one punch KO Ryan, at which point the police will show up just in time for Ryan to give his full name, list of prior rapes including time, date, and incriminating photographs, his roofie stash, fingerprints, and DNA sample without prompting, at which point he will be whisked away and Mary will immediately start a legal defense fund while spreading lies about Joyce claiming rape to cover for her sexual licentiousness and Dorothy and Amber leading a witchhunt against Ryan that ultimately ended with them jumping him and planting a knife before filing a false police report.

Reminder that, as of a year ago, Willis still wasn't sure if he wanted Ryan to get caught or not:

>A huge reason I had Joyce put a gaping gash on his face is that at the time I wasn’t sure if we were going to see him again and I wanted him to suffer.

>(I’m still not sure.)



so is there rape in this comic series?

Short answer? No.

Long answer: In 2011, this big-nosed guy tried to rape the main character at a party. He disappeared for several years out-of-comic and a few weeks in-comic (Yes, it does move that slow).

She has PTSD from dealing with the trauma, and the idiots didn't report it to the police originally, so they have nothing to go on but the gash she left on his face when he got physically aggressive with her.

More details can be given if you want them.

Are there any visuals worth showing?

This scene from her nightmare?

Yes, thank you.

If Willis wasn't such a basic bitch he'd have made a rape hentai out of this scene.

And this is pretty much the rest of it.


his scar is on the wrong side


(I honestly don't know why it looks like that in Joyce's dream.)



Or he just doesn't give as much of a shit about Amber and Dorothy as he does about Joyce.

Don't listen to , he's trying to fool you. The blue-eyed girl Ryan mentioned is Joyce who, after squandering her trust fund, hatched a plan with her friend Dorothy to have sex with a rich frat guy and get knocked up so she could sue him, the frat, and the university along with being able to claim child support. Ryan walked in on them as they were trying to rape his bro Tyler after slipping him a roofie and a crushed up Viagra and tried to stop them only for Joyce to glass him in the face. Afterwards they went around claiming that Ryan tried to rape Joyce using social media to start a witch hunt and deflect any allegations against them. Ryan, having snapped under the strain is now confronting Dorothy; unfortunately for him Dorothy brought along Amber, a severely mentally ill girl who occasionally slips into the delusional belief that she's a superhero called Amazi-Girl, a delusion that Dorothy encourages and exacerbates as to provide her with interesting fodder for her student journalism job.

>I am not Amazi-Girl.
Looks like it is time for "Ryan" to get hand-stabbed.

>They have no evidence on Ryan whatsoever, unless there's a CCTV camera pointed right at them right now, which I doubt there will be.
Except for his finger prints on the knife, motive, and the sworn testimony of two witnesses. As long as they go straight to the cops, this is a slam dunk. Of course, they had a ton of evidence against "Ryan" last time that they pissed away by not going to the cops.

>Blue-Eyed Girl
Not remembering the name of the person who got Ryan that scar is a choice.

>Dorothy fighting to stay outside where she can get in Amber's way,
Pretty annoying. Like I have to give some credit for being shocked, but it's objectively a dumb decision especially when the assailant is armed.

>Ryan monologues that he is planning to go inside a dorm with heavy traffic and probably lots of cameras and personnel and literally cut up his victim's face
So, the issue here is one I've had a lot. I thought Tycho Ryan Brahe here would just lay low or leave, assuming he wasn't on campus. But with him being a student the desperation and drastic action become justified. However, instead of just quietly following until he can get a knife on a neck or something, he's doing this weird overdramatic bullshit, because he's a Willis villain. He also waited a while for someone "impatient."

>Calls Amber fat again
Once again, not the actions of a desperate man. Cut to the chase.

>Willis' "masterstroke," Amber finally has a chance to fight a punk with a knife to help her friends
This would almost be good if she didn't just reach her hand up and crush his hand, making it seem like the easiest shit ever. Going for weapon arm control is correct, but I think they train you to use both hands, and to either grab the wrist or just knock the arm to attempt a disarm. But, once again, there's no reason why an antsy desperate Ryan wouldn't be looking for this person to try something. And I don't even care that much about the "biotruths" man vs woman arguments, it's just really boring when the person who beats everyone beats the big bad, you want a little more tension.

Anyway, I hope she goes full psycho, stabs this Brian Ryan Zion and goes to jail. But I bet even if the killed him while he was begging for his life, Dorothy would cover for her (and then tell Walky in a crying fit later, but she'd keep it to herself for at least 2 years).

>Calls Amber fat again
Pretty sure he was referring to Joe. He knew that once Dorothy was separate from Joe, she'd go to her dorm. For some reason. Did Ryan never consider that Joe and Dorothy could literally live in the same building and/or that Joyce was possibly on the other side of campus?

Ryan made a LOT of assumptions that just happened to be correct. How fortunate for him.

Immediately after posting this, I had an unpleasant flashback to the time a "friend" said he would have raped me if I were alone. GirlAnon out for now.

Ah, this reminds me of what Hank Pym did to that guy who murdered all his students.

Ohh, ok that makes more sense. His good luck is going to get him stabbed, though.

That sucks. Especially with how this deals with serious subject matter in the most over the top ridiculous way. Hope you feel better soon (probably not the right way to phrase that but, I hope you get my meaning).

I don't think Dorothy is going to be leaving Ryan in any shape to lie to anyone.

>A huge reason I had Joyce put a gaping gash on his face is that at the time I wasn’t sure if we were going to see him again and I wanted him to suffer.
I thought it was because he wanted Rapin' Ryan to be identifiable in the endless sea of sameface.


Congratulations willis. I am now rooting for a rapist to win a knife fight. I didn't think it was possible, but you've done it. I don't even want to root for him, but I do. It's unfortunate, really. This comics last chance at redemption died a long time ago. Even if every part of it from now on was the best writing possible, the background of how we got here would still ruin it.

who was the user that posted a week ago that rapin' ryan would show up as soon as they saw an outdoors scene at night

like, it's about as much of a prediction as calling rain on an overcast day, but kek

>paper can effectively bar a door

It's a whole book (seems to be hardcover too). A phone book can stop a bullet.

Reread todays strip, he goes to the school, his name just isn't Ryan.

Barring the door from the outside, no less. If Amber can't stop him, then whether or not a book can doesn't mean shit.

It's weird that both Willis and also the writers for Life is Strange felt they needed to make their rapist students into mental cases who bring weapons to school and attack people, instead of just making them regular people who are capable of doing bad things like most sexual abusers are in reality.

Well the idea is that Dorothy would maybe find some help or call the police or something. Maybe hide in a janitor's closet, or use Walky's smelly torso as a deterrent.

No. She's just fat

>how will he manage to ruin it

Why is this even a question? Amazigirl will beat him up easily with one punch, or Sal will come out of nowhere, or Dorothy will somehow run faster than the wind to get "the gang" to come and beatdown on Ryan the Retarded Rapist.

I was fully expecting him to be defeated.

But not this soon or in so fucking retarded a manner. At least up till now he might have had a chance to get away with a good lawyer. But this... this is just too convenient.

>Also who the fuck goes by just their middle name?

I do.

Mom said I looked more like it.

Oh you mean like Chloe falls over and have her neck land on a pebble instead?

>At least up till now he might have had a chance to get away with a good lawyer.
They only had old witness testimony, weeks after the incident. The victim remembers nothing, she was never tested for drugs and they didn't even know his name. All he needs is a story about the scar, or why he was glassed, and I think they would have a hard time securing a conviction.

So he didn't need even a good lawyer, unless he was planning on suing for defamation instead. I'm surprised he doesn't have a mustache he can twirl.

So he COULD have gotten away if he had let it be. There is literally NO reason for him to do this.

This is bad, BAD comedy, Starscream

2 nights ago I had a dream that Willis made an animated film based on It's walky.

To be fair, LiS did it slightly better by having the student being manipulated by someone else

He had a reason. God told him to. In this case, the God is Willis.

Hell I like to imagine Willis's characters not believing the shit they are doing.
>RapinRyan: Shit! I got caught trying to rape someone and got injured! I better lay low...

I'm amazed that Willis is finally going to stop dragging out this storyline.

That is so optimistic of you.

Shit, you're right, I forgot about "Ryan's" father. He's probably going to sweep in and make all the charges and trouble disappear like Clint did.

the book isnt to stop ryan, its to lock dorothy in while amber kills a man

Theirs is a suffering unimaginable, self-awareness under distant and controlling god who puppets them for the amusement of other.

>Hey Amber, I guess I've got to stab you know.
>I understand, but...you know I'm only in this scene to beat the shit out of you, right?
>S'cool, I scored an oxy before I showed up and it's hitting pretty hard; I can barely hold the knife.

Her bloodlust cannot be satiated.

Haven't they been threatened with shotguns and come out pretty much untouched?

Why is a knife in the hands of a guy who was EASILY beaten before trying to be a threat?

It's funny how uninvested I am in this

Willis sucks

as someone who doesn't follow this, what the deal with the raping and the name-going-by-ing

I can't get over what a pointless red herring this name reveal is. If Ryan is the name he goes by then for all practical purposes THAT IS HIS NAME. Anyone who recognizes him from Amazi-Girl's photo will still be able to give information on his whereabouts.

"I have Spanish II in the morning with that guy."
"I live in the same apartment complex."
"I intern with him for a political campaign."

Ryan using his middle name has no bearing on people's ability to recognize and report him.

Maybe it would have helped if Ryan wasn't easily disarmed the strip after he produced the knife.

The huge scar he has on his face (which he apparently doesn't cover with makeup) would do far more to mark him than the use of his middle name.

Willis should revive Shortpacked.

Lol, I love how willis dropped that like it implied something big. When Robin finds out his name isn't Ryan, this was treated like some huge twist. In reality, it didn't mean shit. Ryan still was they guy who tried committed sexual assault. He could be Bob or Tony. End of the day, he still has a scar on his face

>Willis should get a real job and stop infecting the internet with his shit


It is a long and tedious tale but to summarise;
"Ryan" is an attempted rapist who drugged Joyce the MC at a party getting a gruesome facial scare for his efforts
Rather than reporting this serious incident Joyce decided to pretend nothing happens.
Some weeks later Dorthy spotted Ryan at a political rally and snapped a blurred picture of him
Deciding that vigilanty justice is the way to go she posted the picture online with an appeal for more information about "Ryan"
Rather than suing her ass for libel Ryan has decided to get all stabby and also reveal that Ryan is his middle name. Explaining why they hadn't been able to take him down before