Why do they keep rebooting this show?

Why do they keep rebooting this show?

It's not really that good, at least this episode is not.

Cash cow.

Kids and people overseas keep watching it

Maybe I'm just not in with the kids or overseas then. I liked the first series but never understood why kids would go crazy for it

I'm crazy tho, of course kids would freaking love an MC that turns into all kinds of cool aliens and shit.

This is the first reboot, the other shows were sequels.

CN owns it without having to license it from anyone else.

were they? crap, i had no idea.

Has this Ben been shirtless in his regular outfit?

Avoid mandatory pay raises and keep things fresh for the kids who watch the show and get their parents to buy the toys.

I like nugwen and masturbate to her whenever possible and none of you can stop me.

I've seen 5 episodes in passing, and all of them seem pretty boring. Any villain that isn't from a preceding show is somewhat generic, and the stories seem like mishmashes of older episodes (like the one that basically used Sumo Slammers as a pretense for another wrasslin' episode). The show prints money because it's a Ben 10 show, but no kid I know can actually remember much of it.

I think this show could cut out most of its action scenes. They have a lot of little scenes with the aliens, but they're all fluff. There was one episode with some weather bots where Ben turned into an amalgam, and it spent a good deal of time doing the usual "weird body episode", but with less scenes, and it seemed more coherent because of it. The show could use that kind of structure. Right now the staff's writing it like every episode's a bite-sized version of a 20-23 minute episode, and it shows.

I agree, I saw a little bit live and thought it seemed like a bit sized episode with not much going on. That's what the CN wants of course, but it didn't inspire much out of me. Sounds like even those five episodes weren't really worth much. I get that "Alien Boy can turn into coolness" is a cool thing for marketing but man this is like the 4th reboot, it's just interesting to see this particular property go through it as opposed to, something else more popular.


Because it makes a shit-ton of money, that's why

this is the first reboot.

previous series were sequels to original (and each other as well)

the others weren't reboots?

What made you think they were?

it's a very popular series

>previous series were sequels to original (and each other as well)
I have to add that last bit to a lot of descriptions lately. Feels weird. Sequels should naturally be follow ups to each other, and sometimes branching stories are such copouts that they're not worth bothering with.

I'm gonna be honest with you. I followed the first series. As soon as it deviated from that I lost interest and assumed each successive series was a reboot (Minus the one were ben and gwen were older but I wasn't into it) the one after that I guess, Omniverse? He looked way young. Correct me If I'm wrong.