Okay real talk

Okay real talk.

If Ackbar was the one to pull the hyperspace kamikaze instead of the literally who purple haired bitch, would you have actually felt something?

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background character that became a meme should not have been in the new movies at all


I would have felt like it was a trap.

imagine all the fried calamari you could make

still funny how background meme character got actual unique fish-like design and isn't just another lazy a human female in a robe with pink hair

>brown-skinned guy named Ackbar
>committing a suicide attack
Lucas would have done it, but not Disney.

lol who cares about this EU fanfic character nerd? nobody knows your shitty comic book fish... i didnt even know he was called ackbar

this is the shit you EU snowflakes are butthurt about?

the movie was great

>it's a trap ebin meem






Not if he acted the same way as Holdo beforehand.

he needed his own force moment isn space to show his latent space magic abilities

Fun fact:
Admiral Ackbar had less than two minutes of screen time in Return of the Jedi, the movie of his first appearance.

People care about the character for two reasons:
>they had his toy
>they don't get tired of his stupid trap, meme line

No. Akbar was such an inconsequential character in the first place that became overly popularized by the "It's a trap" bullshit of the mid-00s, and was nothing more than an interesting costume to cut to now and then in the original films.

His death in TLJ was retarded and unnecessary, but at least they just sort of let him go and didn't try and make anything more of him than there was in the first place.

Literally no one cared about akbar until the its a trap meme.

He also had an epic voice

Not if when he took command he started acting like king shit like she did. Which he wouldn't do because we feel we know that character.

Holdo was. A pig cunt.

I don't appreciate people talking shit about Admiral Ackbar

this. I'm glad someone else appreciates Admiral Akbar for who he was.

>Allah Ackbar

Yes, the humanoid fishmonster without about 3 lines is more personable to me

hyperspeed Kamekaze? No.

Glorious "ALL POWER TO FORWARD SHIELDS, INTENSIFY FORWARD FIREPOWER" last man standing mode, hell yea.

They should have used him just because Holdo as a character made no sense.
>she’s not in the original movies
>it’s implied there was peace under the republic
How did she rise to the rank of Admiral? What war did she fight in?

fucking prequel baby

fans loved this character out of nowhere and for no reason, but at least love him they did. Wich is basically a free gift for disney, having a character already loved, no need to make one up and force her down faggots throat with uncertain success. But they chose the latter out of sheer arrogance or blindness and let the free gift pass by. Their reward is the fanboy hatemachine, enjoy.

his fish-like design is actually pretty recogniseable for 2-3 min screentime he was given

I would have felt something yes. They didn’t earn the feels with Laura Dern so it was just meh. If they wanted a woman, and a gravitas moment, they should have used Leia or Mon Mothma.

yeah he was clearly a grizzled veteran of countless space battles.

of course so is vice admral tublr. you can tell because of her pink hair and her smock

Would have been better than hearing about him dying off screen

You forget he had alot of personality. Personality gets an audience to care. Laura Dern’s character had zero personality.

No, they cared about the meme because they caress about Admiral Ackbar

when they said about possible First Order spy aboard, I thought that admiral pinkhair is the one

>Allah Akbar mother fuckers

Did anyone else think Disney offended both Muslims and 9/11 families?

A bit more, but it was still retarded. At least they didn't make him a fool, right?

The fuck are you on about? The prequels sucked but it doesn't mean Akbar wasn't also overhyped for no reason.

Wait wut? Do you think countries who aren't at war don't promote people?

yes because hes a war hero, not a tumblrtard.

No because he's a meaningless background character only known because he has a funny design and memes. It should have been Leia to sacrifice herself. That would have been emotional. Who gives a fuck if fish meme man dies or not?

I mean story-wise she makes no sense. If she's a legendary was hero, why wasn't she in any of the films before this one?

No. He shouldn't have been in the movie at all.

where did they say she was a legendary war hero?

Make Ackbar cover transports with hull sideways first while turning then ram into FO flagship bridge slightly from above without lighspeed bs (visually mirroring Executor crashing into DS2 he witnessed himself at Endor) and it's even better and not breaking SW logic.



Yes. Too bad they always planned to kill of Ackbar because they needed Purple Hair to be in charge.

He deserved better.

>Barely survive the explosion on the bridge
>battered and broken wake up to see the mess Admiral Gender Studies has made from a simple escape plan.
>struggling to make it to the bridge he sees the first transport get spaced
>a manly tear wells up in his one good eye
>no longer caring for his injuries or the immense pain he is in doubles his efforts to get to the bridge.
>getting to the bridge he sees Admiral Gender Studies literally doing nothing
>Akbar while scolding her to fucking do something sees another transport blows up in the back ground
>in a rage at her lack action slaps her out of his chair
>shocked at his lack of respect for her vagina pulls a gun on him.
>Akbar pressing a button on the console causes the ship to list and her to trip into him where he disarms and stuns her
>he then turns the ship into the line of fire taking shots ment for another transport.
>then turning his ship into the Supremacy he pours on the speed diverting energy from the shields as the next few shots rip through the hull
>while Akbar giving a speech to Holdo about how heroes are the spark that will burn the First Order down as they embody the Hope needed to persevere.
>Holdo looks at him and he gives her that big fishy smile
>"and we will both die Heroes today" he said as he releases the safeties on the core reactor while simultaneously charging the hyperdrive
>the ship barely holding together now very close to the Supremacy explodes in a spectacular fashion severely damaging the Supremacy
>Hugs can yell "it's a Trap" right before just to keep the tone of the movie the same

You will always be a hero in my headcanon.

>a chance to expand a fan favorite character and have him make the ultimate sacrifice
Of course but instead we got a random social-political proxy to die on her sword.

No Ackbar has been a joke forever. If he yelled something about “now I’m going to Spring my trap” it’d get some cheap laughs

>guy named Ackbar becomes a martyr by ramming into people with his ship of peace

It would have felt more earned, but the hypershot would still have been a stupid, universe-breaking concept.

No he didn't. Describe his personality from what we see.

Um no, sweetie.

>How did she rise to the rank of Admiral? What war did she fight in?
I imagine she served in the Rebellion, same as Leia, since they'd known each other since forever. She was famous for some battle, they mentioned it in the movie.

When she was introduced

>If Ackbar was the one to pull the hyperspace kamikaze instead of the literally who purple haired bitch, would you have actually felt something?
In a way, kind of.
It still doesn't conceal the fact that the hyperspace kamikaze itself destroys the in-universe logic of space battles forever, though. That sequence should never have existed. Ever.

Were we supposed to be suspicious of Holdo? It's like they set everything up for someone on the ship being a mole (being tracked by the Empire, questionable deserters, Holdo not revealing information). But absolutely nothing happened.

In movies you're supposed to show not tell. You can't just introduce a character and say "this is a legendary soldier we never showed or even mentioned before." She either exists as a relevant character or she doesn't. It's an ass pull to suddenly put in a super powered character

I don't disagree that the nu-SW movies (aside from R1) absolutely suck balls at communicating basic world building info. I'm just saying that it's a big galaxy and the Rebellions probably had multiple war heroes that only showed up (and will show up) in EU materials. Holdo is fucking awful but her showing up "out of nowhere" is at least not logically inconsistent.

I disagree that he "deserved" better but the movie did such a bad job at making Laura Dern look like a good leader. Its like she was intentionally written to be retarded. That's how bad it is.

>just watch passively while dozens of people die on transports
>keep watching
>check watch
>make a pot of coffee
>"Oh they're still blowing up? Gosh, I better help!"

Like I'm legit a feminist and it's so goddamn embarrassing that this is framed as strong female character material when she's the stupidest fucking person ever.

You think he had personality only because you saw return of the jedi a million times and it is part of your cultural make up. Same as Rey is now going to be part of a new generations.

>aside from R1
You're retarded.


Unironically kino


>they don't get tired of his stupid trap, meme line

Kennedy's storygroup had him killed because his meme was transphobic

Exactly this! There was no point to her not telling people shit and her being pointlessly secretive made it seem like she was a secret villain.

But they did NOTHING with that.

Admiral Ackbar was ALREADY a popular peripheral character long before you fags or your memes about him were even thought of.
He was an interesting lobster-thing who shouted out things that built tension in the story. He deserved a better death.

The lightspeed bullet was the single worst thing that broke the fiction of the star wars universe. It doesn't matter who drove it.

>Her attitude
>Her whole out of place nightgown costume design
>her hair
>The way she was introduced

Like seriously the biggest culprit for me is the costume design. Like what the fuck were they thinking!? Like I get Mon Mothma wore a dress but it was something tasteful. Fucking Holdo’s costume looks awful showing her mosquito bites, she should have been wearing something like Leia was, what the heck.

It would have been a fairly decent meme

Quick! Name one alien character introduced in the ST that isn't Maz!

I can brush that under the rug as a cultural thing, even if it's a battle and it seems inappropriate. But she came off as more like the politicians in the PT than a military commander as a result of her dress and demeanour. That's an issue. Especially when she disarms a Rebel and takes control of the ship.

I'm also aware you can't name any examples.

Haha. SNOKE.

>nigga called Akbar suiciding ships
no way Disney does that

Rey's boss or whatever the hell he was

This. I knew purple hair woman was supposed to show up in this movie at some point, but I was sure she was intended to be some sort of senator or maybe a wealthy supporter of the Resistance. Definitely not a general.

That weird monkey / primate alien.

I don't remember his name. I'm not sure they mentioned it in fact.

But I have a picture. Here you go.

I need a name nigga

My point is that aliens are just side attractions now. Never mind the importance of Chewie, Yoda, etc. To the OT

There's no fucking world building in that movie. There's a reason I can't list examples.

>Favorite OT characters are Luke, Admiral Ackbar, and Nein Nunb.
>All three of them die in this movie.

Yeah, Disney Star Wars is dead to me.

The hyperspace suicide is fucking retarded regardless of who could do it.

If it happened exactly as it did with General Gender Studies it would still be stupid. If it was just a generic non-hyperspace kamikaze with him then it would be a lot better though.

Chewie was never an important character. And I have no problem with them making it human centric.

Snoke is a hooman tho

Then your original comment was nothing but stupid unthinking contrarianism.

>Ackbar is the last man on the crippled republic cruiser
>Hux gloats on the bridge of the FO super-duper star destroyer. "I think they're actually trying to surrender", he says.
>The rebel ship swings around to face the FO vessel and its lightspeed engines begin to glow
>Relisation dawns on Hux's face
>"It's a trap!"

If they wanted a strong waman for the job, why not Mon Mothma?

He's 8 feet tall and has a head twice the size of Rey's. He's got grey skin and black retinas. I'm pretty sure he's not human.

Even if Disney dared to associate someone named Ackbar with suicide collisions you know they would have ruined it by having Ackbar wink to the camera after the trap line.

You're saying it doesn't suck balls at world building when it does. That's contrarian.

This so much, a proper version of this scene would have had Abckar turn the Raddus around and using the last of it's fuel reserves ram it nose-first into Supremacy, attracting fire away from the fleeing shuttles until the moment of impact.

put mon mothma and i would give a fuck


Holdo and Poe find each other on the last shuttle out, Holdo ask's Poe where is Leia, he says he does not know. He looks around and notices Ackbar is not there either. Switch to Ackbar, visually exhausted (lets assume he too survived, badly burned but not sucked out of the ship) saying to Leia "There, I've put shields to maximum...and switched off the safeties, they will never suspect. Genral, I just want to say its been an hon.." She hold up a hand, smiles, and looks sad, yet relieved at the same time. She collapses in the control chair, turns the ship towards the Supremacy, and kicks in the THRUSTERS to full. Ships shilds are taking a major beating as the Resistance and FO can do nothing but watch. Hux is flipping his shit and as the ship, on fire and just hurtling towards the Mega Star Destroyer, Leia has flashes of Luke after Endor, her infant son, Hans smile. She says one word..."Hope"

The ship crashes into the Supermacy, cuts through bays, sections, etc. It comes to rest inside the ship, switch to a bloodied hand pulling the Hyperspace lever. I don't know what Sup Forums thought of this series, but then this follows.


Would have been better scene.

So here we are again, full circle. Why don't you list some examples of how it failed to build the world around it? Because neither TFA nor TLJ bothered with any worldbuilding and yet we can all list where those gaps are, whereas you're implying they exist for R1 but mysteriously can't back that up.

Better idea, have Debbie Reynolds play an aged Mon Mothma...ok, sorry, I am reaching too far.