BREAKING: Lena Dunham and Jack Antonoff Break Up

Trouble in paradise!

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Uh oh!

will she accuse him of sex assault ?

>The couple were together for five years

>Lena Dunham and Jack Antonoff have broken up, their representatives have confirmed to Pitchfork. Dunham’s representative called the split “amicable.” The couple had been together for five years. Dunham is the writer, producer, and actor behind HBO’s “Girls,” which aired its final episode last year. She’s also the creator behind the weekly newsletter Lenny Letter. In addition to his new Bleachers album, Antonoff released a slew of high profile collaborations last year with Lorde, Taylor Swift, St. Vincent, and Pink. He was previously a member of the band fun.

He's dating Taylor Swift now

How long till he's accused of rape?

he was with her for 5 years? dude is a masochist

anyway, he has more talent than her, good on him being free now

A downgrade.

>Lena's back on the market

>Antonoff was once in a relationship with American actress Scarlett Johansson, his classmate at the Professional Children's School.[31][32][33]
WTF? How do you go from Scarlett to...Lena?

someone should look into Antonoff's family's history.

Bet it's telling.

>She previously stated that she would not get married until same-sex marriage was legalized;[86] after same-sex marriage was indeed legalized, she and Antonoff stated that the possibility of their getting married is a "definite maybe".[87][88]

you know whats funny about this

im imagining the real dave chappelle being like god damn thicc whit wimmin and doing that


>Unironically dating Lena Dunham

This is all drumpfs fault

What a fag

I'm sure while together, they had... fun

DAMN! Lena looks like THAT?!

no way is that her body

that man should kill himself. He's seen horrors most of us could never imagine.

wait WHAT

Yup. Wouldn't be surprised if there were more to this story.

incoming rape accusation

Probably eats at scarjo knowing some guy thought Lena was better
yeah probably likes those white trash fatties

she probably had evidence of him raping women or being a pedo. held it over his head with a 5 year contract of dating and he had to do anything she said in the bedroom. after the 5 years his slate would be wiped clean.

it's not.

now's your chance boys

i would love to be lena's boyfriend no joke im so horny


You should go on tinder right now and message girls that look like her, I bet you'd have a shot.

Yuck white women are so ugly

im so ugly

Not gonna lie, brehs. I unironcally would.

He's been having an affair with Lorde for months now.

Finally now is my chance!

You poor man.

Is Lena secretly one of the speedrunner trannies at GDQ?


I thought Lorde was still with that riceboy?

The thing about affairs is, if you're shitty enough to fuck someone else's partner, you're probably shitty enough to cheat on yours. she gonna go after our guy Adam now?

for sure

honestly her body isnt even teh problem. i mean, it is a problem, but the foremost thing taht throws me off about her is her goofy fucking face. put a nicer face on a body like that and i would

HAHA no, did you see the way they ended his character on the last season of Girls?

She's been jealous of him ever since he got cast as Kylo. The only one from her show about girls to make it to the big leagues...was the dude.

Damn that pose hits all the right notes though. Too bad she's the one making it

the other two dudes from fun look terrible now

Rick Antonoff

"New York City Bar Association Task Force on Puerto Rico. Task force established by the NYC Bar Association to learn about and report on legal, economic, political and human rights issues arising from Puerto Rico's fiscal crisis. "

((())) as fuck

She was dating someone?
That guy exists?

somewhat underrated

>did you see the way they ended his character on the last season of Girls
No, run me down with haste, famalamadingdong


he's in a very fake band, that '''somehow''' wound up on RCA despite have no fans irl

it should be illegal for any fat and/or ugly women to have any sort of confidence

she looks like them trolls from the hobbit.

Looks like a man sucking dick

Looks like Harvey Weinstein's 'love' child.

I would have impregnated scarlett.

She always looks jaundiced to me too. Bitch got hepatitis or what?

mm i would subsist just on licking that she would never have to see my ugly body naked

>Jack Antonoff
>Jack Atonoff
chronic masturbator confirmed

Her character (Hannah) and Adam's had been broken up for a while. Adam had been dating her friend Jessa (the crazy British nympho one), but their relationship had become too rocky due to Jessa's instability and narcissism.
So, in the penultimate episode of the series, Hannah spends a day reconnecting with Adam. She's pregnant due to a one night stand, and the father (Riz Ahmed) has made it clear he doesn't want to be a part of the baby's life. So Hannah's worried about becoming a single mother. Now, she's hanging out with Adam after randomly running into him on the street, they're going out to eat, he's helping her shop for things for the baby, and she's starting to consider the possibility of getting back together with him because he seems to have finally got his act together and she thinks she's still in love with him.
But then she somehow comes to the realization that what they had it is over, it's just not going to work out, and she nixes it at the last moment.
Honestly, this scene had some top-tier acting. Sup Forums gives it a lot of hate, but Girls had its moments desu.

I rewatch the series once a year around February. It's the only show other than the Wire that has that level of rewatchability for me.

One of my top 5 of all time

Girls is genuinely a great show. It's weird that Lena Dunham can write characters with depth to the point where she must have some understanding of human psychology but then IRL completely lacks any self-awareness.

Even if you hate Lena Dunham to the point where you refuse to watch it, you can always just fastforward through the scenes with her which probably improves the show desu

>I rewatch the series once a year around February
Are you female?

this show was created for only one reason....propaganda to manipulate young women

it's not art

hopefully one of these two '''pigs''' is going away and that's why we're getting this break up story

>Lena Dunham can write characters
That's Jenni Konner, not Lena.


her shit almost looks glandular. she looks like a drunk retard

>this show was created for only one reason....propaganda to manipulate young women
This is correct, but that doesn't mean it can't transcend that from time to time. Pretty much any arc involving Adam has some worth to it.

all the women in the show are made out to be insane psychopaths and have this told to them by normal people regularly while all the men on the show are writen as completely rational and better than all of them. Nice reddit spacing btw

Why would anyone care about your opinion if you haven't even watched it.

did she unjust herself? where did her cottage cheese go?

He looked into the abyss, then stuck his dick into it.

Girls becomes a much better show when you realize you aren't meant to like the characters.

>while all the men on the show are writen as completely rational and better than all of them
Wrong. See: Charlie, Ray in the later seasons

Hi shill

Dnham's character in particular was written to remove the concept of shame from young women. It's why her fat ass got naked all the time. (notice how she promptly lost weight when the show ended)

we won't even get into the families of the actresses...

Fuck off.

You actually are though, that's the thing. Or you're at least supposed to "identify" with them.
But you *are* supposed to like Hannah.
That's why I still can't completely wrap my head around Lena, Girls oftentimes seems like its parodying her very existence, but then she keeps saying all this stupid shit in real life with total sincerity.

Nope, male

her new tattoos ruin her nice boobs

boipucci or gtfo

I disagree. Hannah is a really shitty person - who, in the closing episodes gains a tiny bit of perspective which helps to redeem her character somewhat. The show realizes this. You're meant to realize this.

I heard the same.

it's social engineering 100%

written and acted by ((())) families

Yeah, she has very shitty taste in tattoos.

Only Rihanna can pull this off.

she has genuinely nice feet

We're still supposed to like her though, because she's the "archetypal young wayward millenial woman." Voice of a generation" and all that. Which Lena genuinely believes. Or at least she did back in 2012.

this. they should be locked up. her bf is a fraud too. no one in the NYC music scene knows who he is or where he came from. he just showed up out of nowhere w/ a record deal.

It's all Lena's fantasy, it's the tv equivalent of 'I was merely pretending to be retarded ironically, I swear I'm not actually retarded'.

>you will never be choked to death by thick, milky white thighs

nigga please

obvious is obvious

this was weaponized ((())) propaganda.

Is what it is.

hes married

I actually think that Girls is a piece that shows how manipulated women of that generation were and how it harmed them. You can see how Lena was waking up to it, somehow, on the making of this show. Thus, why feminists and SJW hate her, they probably hate her more than any person on pol.

I wasn't surprised to hear that she was begging to get married to her boyfriend. If she can find another boyfriend soon that wants to commit, she'll get married and have a baby as soon as she can.



I agree, that's why I think she's not pretending.

>(notice how she promptly lost weight when the show ended)
Yep. And then Amy Schumer took up the assignment and started gaining weight. Equally shameless. Equally crass. Same shit. Fuck these people.

literally who cares?

Of fucking course she was dating a kike.

"i just couldn't fit any rocks inside his penis so i knew he wasn't the one"
-Lena Dunham