I watched pic related & it is great
I watched "It" & clownshit is garbage
what went wrong

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I hated this movie, I never thought "what? why?" while watching a movie

I never thought "what? why?" more* while watching a movie

It only get's good after the twist with the police chief and I don't get why people think it's "deep" but other than that yea it was a good movie.

The part with Peter Dinklage at the restaurant was the best part.

It was good but I can't tell if I was supposed to be on the same page as MacDormand. I really found her behavior quite abhorrent at times, is this kino men will never fully understand? Because it feels that way.

My favorite movie since Enemy, a masterpiece and pretty much the only time I can remember my tastes lining up with a real awards contender

This movie was all over the fucking place. I feel like the director didn't know how to end it.

With you on that user, the ending didn't feel significant to me at all.

that's because it feels like the movie wants you to be on her side in the beginning, and you kind of should, but it quickly turns out that she's on a vendetta that's fueled more by anger than justice and her actions become harder and harder to justify as right.

She was an outright criminal by the end. What is this movie trying to say? Did the bimbo gf of ex-husband really speak the soul of this movie? I really want to like this movie (and very much did all things considered) but honestly what was the fucking point?

This was fucking awful, absolute trainwreck. They hype is very confusing to me because aside from the performances and 'muh original script' there's nothing to like about this.

It's a story about how the world passes people by user that's all

its a story with no structure. just a story. if thats your thing its good. i was left wanting, i need resolutions, not fly-on-the-wall life stories which dont go anywhere

I suppose I can get behind that. It just feels like the delivery was flawed since at the end I really felt more for Chief Willoughby. Hell, the only character as far as I can tell that demonstrates real compassion is the ad office boy.
Idk. Feels like the movie sure said little despite so much happening.

The story isn't actually about Mildred's daughter or the case it's about how she can't move on when everyone else has. It's about how shit happens and that's life. That's why the case doesn't get solved and rockwell doesn't get his job back even though he get's better, the world changed and that's that.

i get it, i just dont like it

I couldn't stand the dialogue, am I supposed to believe Midwest hicks actually talk like this?

Willoughby was literally the only likeable character, Rockwell's character became likeable though at least to me.

My experience with the movie was basically I hated the whole begginning because it seemed like it was just about assholes being assholes and nothing was happening then it got better after Wiloughby died and I started to see what the movie was really about. It was a good movie but I not as great as people are making it out to be imo and I don't get the people who say it's deep or had some political message, it's really just about people getting passed by as far as I could tell. It was fine is basically how I felt about it, not great just fine. Shape of water is better imo and I just watched ingrid goes west and that was fantastic.

>"Hard of reading, no, no. That’s good, “hard of reading”. It’s kind of like “hard of hearing”, but it’s actually it’s “hard of reading’, it’s like a play on words or something"
Bravo McDonagh!

It really was a movie that appeared to have a political message, checked off the right boxes but ultimately didn't. Dishonest bait that will be remembered as this decades "crash" should it win best pic.

And that line including Oscar Wilde. So fucking cringy

idk if it's bait I think normies are just dumb and go
>female lead
>talks about rape
>cops are racist!

when really it's not actually about the daughter or what happened to her and the "evil racist" cop is the only who even wants to help her any more at the end.

It's a movie about how shit happens and some people struggle to move on while everyone else passes them by, they could have used any tragedy to create the same story.

I suppose it did a good job showing that (people struggling to move on), but what are we as an audience supposed to take away from it?

So its Bicycle Thieves but shit

That life sucks? Honestly I think it's a pro suicide movie, Wiloubhy was ready as fuck to move on didn't struggle with it at all

What a waste. It did make suicide seem pretty fucking romantic, I was gonna recommend it to my dad before that happened.

Honestly I'd guess the writers intention was that we shouldn't forget people who are struggling with change. That's probably the intended message but it's not put across super clearly and sadly many think the message was
>fuck drumpf and fuck the cops!

its a good film
I can only imagine the mongs saying it is feminist are midwest yanks whose experience on Sup Forums is shitposting about the boring sexual allegations

>British playwright Martin McDonagh brings that decadence home — to the U.S. — in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. Why McDonagh didn’t go ahead and set his film in Ferguson is the only mystery element. Everything else in this story of a mother, Mildred (Frances McDormand), seeking justice for her daughter’s murder, uses recent, familiar flashpoints to indict the modern American condition (in which redress is popularly confused with justice). McDonagh doesn’t seem to know as much about American culture as the makers of American Made, which depicted a truer panorama of Midwestern convention clashing with eccentricity. But he has obviously studied snarky archetypes and therefore populates his town with figures from Tarantinoland and the Coen Brothers’ Fargo. This mash-up of provincialism and corruption features racist, sexist cops (headed by Woody Harrelson’s Chief Willoughby) who seem to be stonewalling the murder investigation. The worst officer, Dixon (Sam Rockwell), expresses the town’s backwardness with epithets and profanity. There’s also a small contingent of truculent blacks, including the owner of Southern Charm Gift Shop, who encourages Mildred: “Go, girl. You go fuck those cops up!”

>Mildred’s protest is McDonagh’s cleverest idea. She rents three contiguous roadside billboards, each blaring a message: “Raped While Dying / And Still No Arrests? / How Come, Chief Willoughby?” These combine sleaze, frustration, and blame. McDonagh uses advertising as a metaphor for aggravated communication, as apparent in our media and social relations, but, regrettably, it’s also a foreigner’s careless simplification of America’s current unease. McDonagh isn’t above exploiting this discomfort, so he uses the worst, yet fashionable, methods of class caricature.

Read more at:

Probably the best movie I've seen in the last year. I'm struggling to think of a better one. BR2049 maybe.

How to know a movie's good: flip Armond's opinion.

>The Last Jedi is a good movie

Sure, faggot.


>he thinks the movie was actually about cops or the case
wow I thought Armond was supposed to be smart

lolol Me too watch donkey.
le I love his le videos

Kill yorself nigger

Why is every cuck reviewer talking about politics, the film is just plainly poorly made. That's all there is to it.

Thank you 3B for proving that racism is just a by product of emotional distraught and not deliberate choice.

more like three billboards outside how not to create tonal contrast

Sam Rockwell made this movie, it would have been shit without him.

Honestly this, and watching him I see how he got cast as Bush in the upcoming movie Christian bale got all fat over. Partially just hyped for that desu

What the FUCK was her problem?

I feel like the movie had no idea what it wanted to be. Honestly feel like I saw excerpts from three different movies.

The movie was good. It felt like a really well done adlib.
Like a really serious tim and eric skit

>He wasn't in the country and has a commander
>I don't get it
>I'll give you a hint there was a lot of sand

I don't think you're ever necessarily meant to be on the same page as her, since even though she's the main character most of the town is against her, and you've got her son and others explaining quite reasonably why she's mental. It's certainly unorthodox, it'd be like if Rockwell was the focal character of Seven Psychopaths instead of Farrell, but I don't think that changes how the film presents her (as an incredibly unhinged individual).

>Did the bimbo gf of ex-husband really speak the soul of this movie?
Well, yeah. At its core you've got a bunch of conflicts all based in anger, and these conflicts eventually resolve when the people involved stop acting like fucking children and let that anger go (or at least stop directing it at each other). Ultimately it's just a pretty interesting story about some fucked up people, there doesn't need to be a moral or message, but if there is one it would be that.

Nah it was bait. The trailer I saw for it depicted a strong woman fighting against the bad cops (when the film is about a weak woman waging war on a good cop and his halfwit sidekick) and they really focused on Rockwell beating up black guys (which was barely a thing in the film, some past transgression mentioned like three times but otherwise never given any focus). I don't know if that was intentional on the director's part or if it was just marketers being marketers, but it was definitely presented as a progressive wet dream.

I’ll give this movie one thing, it’s the first one I’ve seen trigger both lefties and right wingers for the exact opposite reasons.
Some of the reviews on letterboxd are insane.

>Why McDonagh didn’t go ahead and set his film in Ferguson is the only mystery element.
No matter how much of an enlightened film scholar you might think Armond is, he'll always be a nigger.

Yeah she was way too cunty to be sympathetic. For me at least. The monologue about the church just make me cringe as well. In fact a lot of the dialogue was shit 2bh

It's unorthodox and I argue unsatisfying. There's no one for us to unite behind.
This is also disappointing that the sole truth of this movie was spoken by a cartoonishly ditzy cum dumpster we're not meant to exactly like, working under the assumption you are supposed to relate to a main character.
It seems like through imagery and specific lines of dialogue it attempts/has managed to appeal to leftist politics without really saying anything. Is McDonagh simply a tool or based madman?

The church monologue was punchy but puzzling, is she aiding with Reagan era politics while also suggesting her family and friends are culpable for her actions and (eventual) crimes? What the fuck did she mean by this??


I don't think a good story needs someone to 'unite behind'. Even though she was unhinged she was still a sympathetic character, I was never rooting for her but I still felt bad for her at points, same with Rockwell. The interrogation scene where Woody spits blood was probably the best turning point, until that she was just vicious, but then wait she's actually just a (somewhat fucked up) human being. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but then some of my favourite films are character studies (44 Inch Chest and Bronson are probably the best examples) and people like different things.
>working under the assumption you are supposed to relate to a main character
Never work under that assumption. Main character is not the same as hero. Jack Torrance is unarguably the main character of the Shining, and you're also not meant to be rooting for him when he decides to kill his family. Draw your own conclusions about characters rather than viewing them how the MC views them. Horseshit zoo girl was based.
>it attempts/has managed to appeal to leftist politics without really saying anything
I think that's just lefties latching onto whatever they can, because I'm usually called a nazi when I analyse a film from a political angle and I didn't see anything overtly political in the actual film. They've been conditioned to see films not as self-contained stories but as political vehicles and just can't help themselves. The marketing of it certainly didn't help.

I really liked it but now that it's getting awards I'm abit lukewarm about it

The Shining works though because it's a horror movie. In that case I root for Danny and Wendy to get out alive. There was nothing for me to root for in 3 billboards, no individual or idea for me to latch on to, and I consider that a narrative weakness. With so little moral center to speak of, it's hard to find commonality with any of the characters, let alone something to unite behind.

>Sup Forums in a nutshell

McDonaghs should stick to Britain and Ireland when it comes to stories and to Brendan Gleeson when it comes to actors. The movie is not good and just because we are swimming in a river of capeshit doesn't mean we have to proclaim this mediocrity a masterpiece.

The Soundtrack was literally the definition of cookie cutter mediocrity, nothing innovative or interesting happening at all, although throughout Burwells career he's shown that to be all he can do. The film also looks really boring, like so flat. I can't think of a single scene or sequence that visually lasts in the mind, despite there being numerous scenes where something striking could have been done (Willoughby coughs blood up on Mildred, for instance). Not even the framing of the billboards is handled with any verve. You can really tell the director is a playwright cause he seems absolutely lost in this medium. Even just on a technical level, this thing is a trainwreck of massive proportions.

This sure is a glib post

Also I flatly disagree, the protagonist of any movie is the emotional center of any movie. Even if he or she is the villain, we as the viewer are placed in their shoes. When he villain is compelling enough, they may even become antihero. But to suggest one "never work under that assumption" just sounds try hard and condescending.

>no individual or idea for me to latch on to
Not even Sheriff Woody? Not even the legacy he left (which was the crux of Rockwell's redemption, which I imagine was when you started liking him)?
So what about ensemble pieces where there's no single main character? Do you change shoes every scene? What about films where the focus isn't the characters but a wider ideology? Are you placed in the shoes of the ideology? Call it try hard and condescending if you like, but I find this idea that a film must have a 'moral centre' for you to 'get in the shoes of' and 'unite behind' just juvenile, like a kid who has to have a good guy to cheer for. You can connect to a character without wholly relating to or agreeing with them, just like you can any actual real person.

Screeners were a mistake
Now we have every other dumb American crying about how the movie was 'all over the place' or a 'tonal mess' when the last three movies they watched were TLJ, Justice League and Thor3

I thought it was brilliant well acted, unexpected and subversion actually used in a way to keep a rather uninteresting premise exciting. Also the comedy was great, it managed to make me laugh to domestic abuse, suicide, racial tensions and murder rape victims. Thats impressive

The entire movie was a giant pleb filter and if the ending made you feel unsatisfied that you didnt see them kill some random dude then you simply havent been paying attention to the messages.
Hate begets hate, felt like a Tarantino ending

This is the worst piece of analysis of any kind I have ever read. Just thought you should know.

There's nothing remotely remarkable about a British guy trying to make a film about the complex southern American community, and failed at it. How convenient a violent racist cop suddenly vindicated because his mom is and a rapist who is not drunk nonchalantly describe the act in the bar. Usually a shit story can be justified by having better visuals or better actors, but 3B have none of it

Then tell me, what is the central ideology of 3 billboards? Because I feel it fails on that account as well. Perhaps every film doesn't need to have a "center" but they should at least be about something, preferably not some trite bullshit with no meaning or lesson to be learned. Unless we agree the movie is nothing more than superficial imagery and political posturing.

>pleb filter
Yeah, only an utter pleb raised on Tarantino could think this is good.

I guess at the end of the day, I didn't connect with any character in the movie, how you did is beyond me. The were almost entirely deplorable figures, and not in a fun way.

ITT 56%ers triggered because a British guy accurately portrayed middle Americans as the backward dumb hicks they really are

Not very quick on your feet with responses, I'll also say it feels like you're criticizing my choice of words as childish and not what I'm actually saying. What is so childish about character driven story telling?

>dumb hicks full of wits
If anything, the whole thing sounds awfully inauthentic

I liked the film and you're a retard. The ending wasn't shit because we didn't get to see the follow-through, the ending was shit because them deciding to go take out their frustrations on some ex-soldier was a dumb resolution and shows that they learned fucking nothing.

There isn't a central ideology, it's a character study as already mentioned, it's a story about fucked up individuals in a fucked up situation and the fallout of that. The biggest problem with modern cinema is that everyone's too busy looking for a hamfisted 2deep moral or a political message that even if one isn't there they'll read one into it. There was no political posturing in the film, and if anything the police are portrayed as much better than the crazy protagonist through Woody and Freeman, both of whom are quite reasonable and just want everyone to grow up.

Darth Vader's a deplorable figure. That doesn't mean you weren't interested in him and didn't feel anything for him after he saved Luke.

Sorry m8, but there's more than one thread on Sup Forums and more than one discussion happening. Nothing is childish about character-driven storytelling, what's childish is saying that the MC of any movie is only there for you to project onto and that all stories need a hero you can unite behind otherwise they're meaningless.

Eh. Fair enough and well stated, I just didn't like it. Cheers

Hi red.dit!

>the ending was shit because them deciding to go take out their frustrations on some ex-soldier was a dumb resolution and shows that they learned fucking nothing.

Did you even watch the ending? It finishes as they are driving to the guys place. They dont go through with anything.
They clearly are unsure about what they are doing, if that was earlier in the movie both of them would have gone over and straight up killed the guy, no deliberation

They spend the movie acting on their hate and it just begets more hate, the dumb slut even tells you that line so you can understand the point the characters have progressed to by the end of the movie. They have now come to realise this and making them visible unsure of their decision when before they have acted on pure emotion and hate proves they have learnt from their actions and mistakes.
This is really simple stuff

Sure, whatever, it's a character study, just like The Florida Project. Both of which are not worthy to be called Best Movie, but at least TFP has better cinematography

>if the ending made you feel unsatisfied that you didnt see them kill some random dude
can you be any dumber, friend? They decide to kill a guy who is clearly innocent and the film ends there. we're back where we started, there's no growth and this makes the film feel like a gigantic waste of time. Has nothing to do with showing or not showing the murder you idiot

>Rockwell's redemption
What redemption? He ended the movie a worse person than he started

>It finishes as they are driving to the guys place. They dont go through with anything.
they express some reservation but they still decide to drive there. that doesn't tell us they don't go through with it. if anything it tells us the opposite

>Rescuing the case-file despite his hatred of Mildred
>Apologising to the ad-guy for beating the shit out of him
>Calmly and collectedly getting the soldier's number plate and DNA after overhearing him
>Actually following up on the case and keeping Mildred informed about it
He becomes a better cop and just generally a more understanding human being, how the fuck is he worse than the loose-cannon angry asshole he is at the start?

>going to help a lady murder a veteran
>better cop

Because his idea of supporting someone he once wronged is being accessory to murder. Gee, real heartwarming arc there chuck

Its perfectly within reason for a Cop and a woman who burned said cop in retalition for arson of billboards the cops had nothing to do with, to go track down and murder a man who they know for certain is not guilty of the crime they were all seeking to resolve.

What don't you get!?

Only now and after watching ladybird do I understand how insufferable the "dude you just don't get it lmao" crowd is.

Well yeah, actually. Unlike before he gives a shit about injustice and wants to see someone who did something wrong pay for it, whereas before that he wouldn't really care about some random person being raped and burned alive.

>watching McDonagh for heartwarming

So he went from being completely inept at his job to being merely misguided? Fuck him

Any Good?

>In fact a lot of the dialogue was shit 2bh
The dialogue was a bit too much snappy comebacks and sick burns. Maybe its because I watched in a theatre where people laughed loudly at every joke.

like when the cop starts talking about how homosexuality is punished in Cuba and the characters responds with 'you sure youre not talking about wyoming?'

ohoho! theyre ignorant southerners but they have the same views on LGBT and feminism as we do!


This shitty movie got this much recognition while Good Time was fucking snubbed. This movie is BEYOND shit. This is coming from a huge in bruges fan.

This had no fucking clue what it was trying to do, it was like if you let a headline reader write a story about race and the police. Also wtf was with the 180s mid conversation? Has martin never had an argument in his family? Has he never talked to another person?

shoutout to that "i hope you get raped" line. Fucking dumbass, so fuckin cliched and artificial.

I wish we got more of peter

It was really cringey that Martin made every pretty girl a dumb bitch in this movie.

You forgot to add the three fucks in every sentence cause that's how small town southerners speak. Right, McDonagh?

Watch In bruges. This was a hogwash of current events instead of the so called investigation to the psyche of a grieving person.

This. Editing, soundtrack and direction was all wrong.

Characters are supposedly changed but act the same. Bravo, McDonagh.


literally everyone in my theater. Fuck the general mass.

Three Billboards is great but IT is pure funkino you autismus

>people actually think they decided to kill the guy at the end

The movie is about dealing with failure, both personal and unforseen/impossible to avoid. We don't get resolutions to the plot because in life, we rarely do. All the charges are flawed, and by the end we empathize with every major character, which is very hard to do

To me this movie was a breath of fresh air in a climate of political extremes. I have no idea how a movie that expresses the complexities of people and situations got such praise. Most people want reafirmment of their beliefs, but this movie challenges that.

There was NO character development. The whole movie she's just bitching about how much she hates her city and trying to impress some soyboy, and when she leaves the city and fucks the "guy" she just goes off and cries about it. Made no fucking sense. Also "ladybird" is just a nickname. Fights the whole movie for it too, even when her cunt of a mom tells her it's stupid, but at some point she just randomly decides to change it back to her real name again, just out the blue, makes no sense. She also has this friend for the whole film, till she just drops her out of the blue for no reason at all, until she decides to be friends with her again, for no reason at all out of the blue.

Also the mom was a total cunt. Like I hated her daughter too, but still I would at least say goodbye to her at the airport or something, all parents would. Felt completely unrealistic and just plain inauthentic.

It felt like the screenwriter was just trying to make a film so she could get on a soapbox. Literally every scene has some ham-fisted libtarded message shoved in.

>even though he's an adulterator you need to feel bad for this kid, just cause he's gay and is crying
>let's all smoke weed LMAO
>women masturbate too! get over it, white male!
>"you can't be vegan in a leather jacket, you murderer!"
>"anti-capitalists are so dreamy"
>"don't be such a republican!"
>"Mitt Romney is stupid xD"

Those are just a few examples. One of the worst films ever made. Makes me sick thinking about it. The main protagonist was unlikable and tempormental, as was everyone else. Just made no sense. I really don't understand what I was supposed to take away from the film, I don't think even the director knows what the message of it is...

>>women masturbate too! get over it, white male!
sounds good, can't wait