HAHAHAHAHA, so fucking funny amirite?

HAHAHAHAHA, so fucking funny amirite?

At 15 he said he was going to be an adult, but when he actually became one he's figuratively an old man, HAHAHAHAHAHA.

I dare you to show me a funnier comic artist, you literally can't.

Show me what you think is funny and I'll make another thread with it saying how it's not actually funny.

Nothings funny

>It's another "Shitting-on-"relatable"-webcomics" thread.
weeee. how fun. hahahha. look at me guys! my humour is so much better.

Man, I've seen so many OP's fuck up a thread just like this recently.

All you need to type is LOL and everyone will understand what you're trying to get across.

What else am I suppose to shit on, "good" comics?

all i know about this artist is that tumblr hates him, so he can't be that bad

I usually do that, but eh why not try to be forcefully passive aggressive?

i don't know user. tell me a joke then.

that's not relateable, dude 25 is still young, the fat fuck that made this probably has the diabetus

Why did the chicken cross the road?

i do not know user. why?

He just means that he's uncool. Like when an 60 year old says Yolo.
It's still shit and owlturd is an appropriate name but understanding what you hate adds to the experience.

I don't know I asked you.


t. owlturd

Owlturd you milquetoast centrist fuck.

Do you ever get tired



stop shilling your shit here
you untalented fuck

I still can't believe how tumblr ganged up on him like that

He ended up deleting all those comics to

Quick rundown?

Honestly I dont even know what happened it was such a clusterfuck

He made some political comics poking fun at radical liberals first and making jokes about being a centrist or something like that and tumblr users were getting pissed
Than he makes these posts poking fun at the whole thing
It was bizarre

but we achieved mathematical perfection in drawn humor YEARS ago

Here's something even Sup Forums can relate to.

>When you're too based that you piss off both sides

OP, how old are you?
Because personally life definitely started to hit me like a truck at 28, And I don't even smoke, drink, nor anything risky.

stop projecting fag

Thats pretty #relatable

This like chopping someone's balls off and shoving fireworks up there ass.just pure and utter pain.

I still can't believe it all started because he had a meltdown over being called a centrist. It was kind of funny if a bit sad. He just snapped.

its too late now
now suck this cock

In my twenties

>people always post the same 3 comics and yell "LOOK HOW SHITTY THEY ARE"

He has lots of other shitty comics too.

Fixed in less than a minute in paint.

Would be funnier without the text in the last panel imho, it feels redundant

Honestly, olwturd seems to be a nice guy, only problem is that he sold out with all his #relatable comics

Change it so the bottom right panel is the same as the bottom left panel and you have a superb edit.


nah, im no closetfag

change second panel to:
"I wont say anything though because he's probably straight"
and the last panel to:
"what if i had a shot"

Funny how a simple edit can make a comic ten times better.

Nah, the joke is in the dawning sense of uncertainty.

you know full well that it was achieved back in 20th century

You think Shen visits these threads?


Please tell me that's not an edit.

This would be funnier without that last panel.

This is funny to but I liked the last panel as well

What is this?

Classic Garfield

"Loss" cameo in Cpt. Underpants


it's an edit

Why are you this obsessed with a mediocre "relatable life problems" webcomic user

There's loads of them, many mediocre people genuinely find them and their mediocre jokes about mediocre problems truly relatable and enjoy them and post them on their blogs or social media profiles, so fucking what? Not all content produced in the world has to cater to you, you know

I just honestly don't get why people want to waste their energy on bitching about the fact that content exists in the world that they don't personally like but other people do

Tumblr will gang up on fucking anyone if the mood strikes them.

They're very good at digging up reasons to get offended, all it takes is a popular blogger deciding that you're shit because you have the wrong opinion or ship the wrong ship, and agitating their followers into hating you because you've been declared "problematic"

This is true though.

Because it's a cheap way to gain popularity online without really having to do much.

All you have to do is make a comic shitting on yourself, or something/someone weekly or monthly, and it's basically guaranteed to garner attention.

Don't get me wrong, I really don't see anything wrong with "relatable" comics, when they're done right, but so many people do it nowadays that's it's lost it's "punch"

Ya thats true
I just felt kinda bad for him, he finally tries something else other than those relatable comics and he quickly gets ganged up on

>There's loads of them
That's kinda the problem, most are the same drivel, but through different artists. If you've seen one "Woe is Me because life is hard" comic then you've seen them all. It's super easy to do with no thought put into it. Just exaggerate a minor annoyance in your life that others will also experience, and you've got thousands of Likes/reblogs/(You)s/Upvotes.

What even is the normie metric for being cool these days?

Lazy/PC, you also have to be a bit narcissistic .
Age: 14-18

Any younger/older, and you're a tryhard.

Is he 2017's blue bear wearing a fedora?

Eh, not really.
His comics aren't pretentious enough, and I haven't really seen examples of Owlturd telling critics to fuck off.

Speaking of Dobson, I wonder what he's been up to?
Last thing I remember of him, is that he left DA.

Imagine wanting to be like a teenager when you're 25 and lamenting the fact that you're not.

What would a mid-life crisis in your twenties be called?

I just call it regret

there are like a millions of text posts of this shit on tumblr, why can't he think of something himself just for once??

today's teenagers are fucking scumbags that only care about their new smartphone and fucking, who the fuck would want to be like them

>why can't he think of something himself just for once??
That would take effort.

Does that mean OP and those giving him exposure here on the last threads are one of those tumblrinas?

This is literally objectively true and if you think otherwise you need to go to back to .



The amount of autism in OP's post is just astounding.

t. Plebcomics

It's not OPs fault there are newfags too stupid to tell obvious mockery.

Well, I can relate

Some are pretty funny

can't argue with this one

Blue Bear finally gave up art in favor of bitching about sexism on Twitter.

You get the fuck out of here with your "cut out the last panel" and "no text in the last panel" bullshit.

There's one of you in every thread, wannabe writers cutting panels out of Penny Arcade because "it's funnier that way."

If you had your way every cartoon would be a single funny expression with no dialog.

Go read Farside if you want fewer panels.

I'll be honest in saying that I liked these.

Less is more, when you can cut out a certain panel/speech bubble, and get the same effect then you should go ahead and do that.

No reason to unnecessarily drag your comic out.

Technology and trends move fast these days. People have already stopped caring about covfefe and that happened only a couple of days ago. When people have constant, easy access to information and trends through their smartphones, they pick up and die faster than ever before. Nothing has any staying power or cultural impact anymore.

I'd relate to it if I was still thirteen. Having thoughts like that at 25 goes beyond #relatable and into #youneedarevelation.

Why do you make these threads constantly? Did that artist reject you or something?

Fucks sake kid get it together.

People like you are the reason so many 20-something year old comic and cartoon writers are fucking shit at writing jokes. You think if you keep piling out more and more punchlines and adding more dialogue, your joke will funnier. It's why there are so many terrible diary comics about someone playing with their cat that has zero jokes but fifty panels.


Actually, he has been producing new comics lately.

I fucking dare you faggot.


It's not funny when it's real, huh!

You dumb mother fucker, in visual mediums, you try to show as much as possible, the expression itself in the context of the comic already conveys everything you need and lets the reader connect it themselves, adding punch to the punchline, the text is redundant and merely explains the joke, you never want to explain the joke.
So in this situation, yes, it is is much better without the text, the fact that you can't see that proves you are a dumbass chump.

It's not the material that's unfunny it's the delivery of that material.
There is a reason that people mock owlturd's comics as being "Things r gud, I was mistaken" because that's pretty much the entire substance of his comics they are both repetitive and far too bland. It is possible to make slice of life comics funny but he doesn't get it.

He did take a parody comic making fun of how formulaic he is and straight up copied it.
I'm not sure what that means.

some comics may be an interpretation of transphobia and some shit
also he's really popular even though he does the same relatable shit again and again

It means he's aware he's being repetitive and either doesn't care or is incapable of changing.

>implying you have to see them

I don't know why, but it's Beartato casually saying hi to Janey that makes this one for me.

There's always a cherry on top of the Nedroid sundae