In an argument

>in an argument
>thread dies before the other guy can respond to my post

your life must be exciting

I'm here now, bitch. Fuck you.

My take from this is that you enjoy arguing. Why?

>shitposting thread gets an actually interesting, civil discussion
>404s in the middle of it


It's exciting and I feel good when I win

>opponent responds with a reasoned well thought out response
>respond with oh no no no soyboy is triggered
>close thread

Fuck all of you. I'm reporting this website to the FBI..

lmao I do this too

>in an argument, thread has reached the bump limit and is on page 9
>write an elaborate reply and wait for the thread to get to page 10 so when I post my reply he won't even be able to reply back

>having "arguments" on Sup Forums
Congrats, you're both retarded.

>>HAViNG "ArGUMeNTs" on Sup Forums
>ConGRAts, YOU'RE both rEtarDED.

The saddest part is most of the time it's just two autists screeching at each other who seems more from reddit or not


You mean the best part

mods please sticky this post


>Write long response
>This thread is deleted

that's what you get for posting in off-topic shit
>i say that ITT

>get BTFO in argument
>close tab


>someone says they are not going to respond anymore
>bait them into responding one more time

>winning argument
>BLACKED threads start popping up

>someone replies to me
>reply to them "not that user but"

Unironically keked

>be me
>lively thread
>post something
>thread dies

>he argues to "win"

>fpbp your own post

>he argues to actually expand his knowledge instead of getting free adrenaline rushes through shitposting

>Arguing with someone
>Realize they're just reading off of a script
I miss the days when every second person wasn't a shill

>implying a soyboy would want to expand his knowledge on any topic other than leftist politics

>Implying he even wants to expand his knowledge in that niche area and not just memorize the correct talking points

spoken like a true Sup Forumstard

classic soyboy retort

It's 100% true though and you know it. 90% of the retards on Sup Forums couldn't form a competent argument if their life depended on it. All they do is wait until one of the actually smart 10% formulated a decent response to a leftist argument and the rest begin to parrot it pretending they're like "le epic molymeme man"

>in an argument
>banned before I can respond to the responses of the post that earned me the ban and my original post is deleted

>get last post in thread
haha owned, fags

And now I post in a thread about not getting a response and get no response. You think these threads are shills. There's just some software and a few people doing captures. No one actually gets to talk to any one else here. Its a word fight software trap. Free Chat died with AOL.

Same can be said of the opposite
>Not being a radical centrist in 2018

>in an argument
>I die before the other poster answers

>radical centrist
surely, this doesn't have any meaning, right?

shit the fuck up nigger

>losing argument
>start pretending im the guy i disagree with and that i'm retarded

>>make argument
>>close thread without reading his reply
Fucking retard.

i'll rek u m8, don't reply to me ever again

>user asks for a good movie
>i give him a bad reddit-tier movie
>other user responds to me and says its a good movie

>call someone a virgin
>i'm a virgin

>Not that user but he’s right
>I actually was that user

How do we save Sup Forums?

shitpost harder

u mad?
topkek brah

>magapede pours his heart out
>call him a latino shitskin and move on

i was the other guy in a thread that archived a minute ago. arguing with "DNA don't real" shills. they were out in force. shame too because they were starting to resort to simple insults, that's always satisfying

probably jews wanting normies to not resent them for their high average iq. or brainwashed r*dditors i guess

>bait someone into getting angry
>he spouts some racist shit
>report him
>his post gets deleted

>inactive dubs thread on page 10
>notice the last post gets dubs but has no (You)s
>do nothing and let the thread die

>get ebin trips in American Psycho thread
>thread 404s for free before I can collect any (You)s

>winning argument
>user starts dumping his libtard folder
Makes me kek every time

>being stupid enough to let the guy respond to you

>Someone calls me a virgin
>Lost it 3 weeks ago.
You're gonna make it.

>european writes 15 page post as to why i'm wrong
>whiter than you achmed

literally never happens

>liking thread
>it starts dying
>post question to revive discussion
>no one answers
>answer my own question pretending to be someone else to bump the thread

do it nigger

>he doesn't enjoy a nice argument, mostly in good faith but with some healthy banter and shitflinging
why? you refine your point of view and have fun in the process. i like arguments irl as well although it's harder to find people willing to argue in earnest there. harder to dissociate your views from yourself irl, people get defensive. and forget about arguing in a group, the social dynamics are cancer

Bros, I gotta say, the quality of arguments has gone down in recent years.
And let's be honest, it's the fault of women. They can't argue logically and just screech and attempt to insult people they don't know rather than addressing the argument, because that's how arguing works form then irl.
Social media was a mistake, it fools women into thinking they are capable of rational discourse.


I'm here in Texas.
Gonna meet at that park soon and fight.
If you can see this.
Im the user from Ashley Park

this is true but also the redditor soyboys who are basically women


women are absolutely worse at arguing irl on average, you have to tiptoe around all of their insecurities. even top-tier women like the ones in my family. dunno if that extends to anonymous discourse. social media is obviously cancer.

>discussion gets heated
>get called samefag
>"just what I've been waiting for"
>make screenshot and prove him wrong
>be extra smug about it
Nothing will ever top this feeling.

I can't tell the two apart desu

what about the trumpster soyboys

>user makes a point
>call attention to his filename instead

>bothering to make a screenshot to disprove the baseless claim of someone who's grasping at straws
bitch move desu, just reply in a real smug tone and let them seethe. they'll just say you shopped it anyway

t. male literally making a post insulting people they don't know

t. mile wide cavern cooch

Sometimes I like to save threads to read them later just so I can pretend I was participating.

I also like to visit boards I never visit, reply to someone and then leave the thread

>two anons fighting
>pretend to be the original one
>"you're right, im wrong"

>not making the final post in the archives

I do this too. I like to make fun of people with retarded hobbies like cooking or plastic toys or guns and never read their butthurt responses

>shooting guns is a retarded hobby
yeah right up until the next major catastrophe (solar flare, cataclysmic volcanic eruption, etc.) then you'd better hope you're friends with one of those nuts. even if you are you'd be better of being the nut yourself

I am a retard. Is it you or the other guy making the blacked threads

I'm not insulting anyone specifically, I'm making an unfortunate observation.
Here's another one:
Men, for some reason, are capable of taking generic insults without thinking they are attack on their identity (although those are common from leftsits now days), women can't. Any insult towards women, individual or not, is an attack on all women. LOL, why are girls so mentally weak and emotional?

not him but not a retard--it's the other guy

>Thread has over a hundred posts
>BTFO one user in the thread
>Suddenly thread gets deleted

>enjoying thread
>give each post full attention
>crack my knuckles when I reach the end and it’s my turn to contribute
>carefully craft the best possible response
>by then everyone has lost interest and the thread is dead
Every time
This will probably be the last post ITT

t. /k/
If a major catastrophe occurs and I'm alive to experience it I'll just kill myself desu. I'm bordering on doing that now while I'm comfy.

and no matter how many guns you have you're still getting fucked like the rest of us by an actual co-ordinated quasi military unit that will spring up in a post-apocalyptic nation

>Post about being from California
>Butthurt flyovers instantly start seething

California sucks aside from LA (nice parts) SF (aside from the cultureless tech scourge) San Diego (I've heard) and the wilderness parts, as well as some nice small towns. the rest of it is farmland and disgusting suburban sprawl shitting up nice country. also you're killing the Colorado River you fags.

t. Hawaii

>not being part of an actual co-ordinated quasi military unit that will spring up in a post-apocalyptic nation

well that's up to you I guess. but most people will try to survive and rebuild

I'm not /k/ yet but I do plan to acquire a decent knowledge/skillset at some point. Along with some equipment of course.
>implying /k/ won't be part of the quasi-military reconstruction team
suddenly gun autists are pretty valuable. even if they don't want to play by someone else's rules they'd have a higher chance of being left alone i'd wager

so fucking easy to piss off pedes by just mentioning CA

>dislike the way a thread is going
>get the lurking tard to sperg and dump his kekistani folder